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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. Well, yeah. I think Fine has a lot of potential and can be utilized now. However, it would be fine if he scored a Touchdown each time he got got the ball. (pun intended there)
  2. Funny you should mention that because the year before in a snow storm Vicky Williams ran for over 200 and Bleedslow threw for over 300 in a Buffalo win. Funny you mention that game when the Bills were a 6-10 team and the Dolfelons were 10-6 Also in that game, Bobby Shaw was the Bills top receiver . In both games, Travis Henry provided ok to above average running game. However, you do bring up a good point about the current incarnation of the Bills v the Dolfelons.
  3. Well I meant in a random beatdown situation for drugs. Kinda like in GTA. Though your way to deal with would have been sufficient.
  4. Nope, that man violated Dealer code: Never !@#$ with someone that is buying product off of you.
  5. okay Timmay, have you figured out what happened to Gobbles yet?
  6. If all else fails you can always root on their XC and track teams that always field some strong runners. A couple Burnt Hills Alums were teammates of mine at Brockport.
  7. 75 bucks a hit is gouging at its finest, especially at a phish concert where i could have found another guy selling for 25. That guy trying to rob me is blantant disrepect. So, i showed blatant disrepect back at him.
  8. FWIW, up until after the player's 3rd season, if the player has an expiring contract, he is an Exclusive Rights Free Agent. After his 3rd season, if he has an expiring contract, he is a Restricted Free Agent.
  9. He tried gouging the sh-- out of us... 75 bucks a hit of X, is robbery. The guy deserved a beatdown, ala GTA style
  10. Roal? Do you Butch Rolle backup TE during the SB years behind McKeller and Metzalaars? I'm all for Butch Rolle being on the team, as he might still be the best TE that the Bills would have at this point
  11. i noticed that Fez, and was surprised well. Shouldn't you be sleeping? after all, the cows have a game in the a.m.
  12. are you serial? Wow, this isn't about history too much. Just easy ways to pick on the 9er faithless.
  13. I can remember working at Darien Lake in my teens. I saw more than my fair share of sexcapades working there, but one that sticks best in my mind is the day I had to work a Phish concert. Well, it was downpouring at the show. College aged chicks are flashing the guys working in the concessions and when I walk into the bathroom all of the stalls are couples getting it on, and even a couple going at it on a urinal. I pissed in the sink due to the unbelievable wait. Since many were heavily stoned and tripping, it made it fun to watch the crowd do anything and everything. Security was removing people left and right, but it was futile as couples were fornicating under blankets. After having enough of the hippie fest, my buddy and I jumped a dealer and drove home all messed up on X.
  14. HBD Puhonix and Bill. Now, it is sad that your Miami brethren couldn't do this for you. Maybe you should jump to our side
  15. i loved the Big 3 one... sad but true. They had to really piss off some big revenue advertisers for NBC there.
  16. the only tip i can say is that you better not call it a snowmobile in Alaska. They call them snowmachines there.
  17. About as weak as that Reagan quote underneath your av, where he concentrated our power towards military spending in the 80's
  18. EVerytime I see Winslut, i think of "I'll never let go, I'll never let go". I was overjoyed to watch DiCrapio die in that
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