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Everything posted by justnzane

  1. he'll put it up on the link i linked close to game time.
  2. is this because I called you by name in the previous post?
  3. i don't know but i would mind playing with those pom-poms in your av. wow. I wish there was a drooling smiley
  4. yes the board implodes, and Bill's head will implode when they resign losman and draft a DB in the first round
  5. hey a member of BZ is going to stream the game via Sopcast. DO NOT POST THE ACTUAL LINK TO THE GAME ON ANY SITE. He cut off everyone last week because of this. I am linking the BZ thread, and not the game. http://www.billszone.com/fanzone/showthrea...417#post2756417 also, the guy appreciates donations that he puts back into the stream. Note, I have been careful not to mention the uploader, and other keywords that could get this guy shut down.
  6. to be fair, my next player will be rabble rabble, the one after that will Chickadeeee the Chickadee, and the one after that will be Michael Jefferson. None of which you really have covered... and you can't say that the Woodland Critters prevents me from using Chicky
  7. agreed Bruce is one of the best receivers in nfl history, so no shame in letting get you once. That said, I think a healthy McGee will contain Ginn, as it was the coaching staff's mistake to leave him on the field in that game. Tony Soprano and thad Pennington outcoached Jauron and Fewell in that game so bad that the both should have hung themselves in the locker room.
  8. pretty cool even though army's football program is less prolific in the last decade than the bills or the bulls.
  9. Ok, the girls are stupid to be sending that sh--, the guys are stupid for showing off the pix, where it would catch the attention of school personnel. You can't sue the school for your kids' stupidity. Now, I would not say that sexting is a bad idea. It is just crazy when it gets to the point of going into the realm of those boys possessing kiddie porn. That is really the only big issue out of this, as teenage sexuality has been around since the dawn of time. For the prude people who think that teenagers should not be having sex, they are not grounded in reality of teenage urges, and must have forgot what their teens were like. The reality is that parents should not be bitching about the school for their teenage daughters being skanks, they should be reflecting upon their parenting skills instead. Since there exists many poor parents like these people, men should be thankful because their daughters tend to up being the future strippers and porn stars. /drunken rant
  10. Jeebus Christ. There is some funny lines in here and a good Buffalo connection
  11. sh-- man that is tough. At least you have a good head that will allow you to bounce back.
  12. "dear in headlights" So I guess you are hoping JP runs over a woman or two
  13. In many ways yes, the racism down here is hysterical, but sad. That said, I was not surprised to see no line for voting at 5:30 today. A lot of people "forgot" to vote. Really, it is in large part that Obama wasn't on the ticket that hurt Martin. I am glad that the negative ads will stop. I'm so sick of hearing Jim Martin eats babies and drinks their blood. With the reply ad back, "Hi I'm Jim Martin, liberal pussified douchebag".
  14. John, considering how many times I injured my groin while running track in high school and college, I agree with you there. However, they had TE on the sidelines moving around (at least that is what i saw from the tv angles). It would have been smarter for them to keep him in the locker, but should JP have went down, they may have had to put Trent in. Again if they chose to put Hamden in and he got hurt, surely they would have put him in before putting action jackson in as emergency QB. As the expert on injuring the groin. If TE has any toughness and the injury is moderately painful or less, he'll be in. If this is severe (like when Hasek was out for over a month, which I don't think it is, as he was back on the sideline and didn't limp off the field), he will be out a couple games, easily.
  15. If they were smart, they could have saved it for another week SNL can't get it right all the time.
  16. Wow, I have to force a couple of my kids in my class to even stand for the pledge. For some reason, a couple of the black kids feel they should not have to honor their country. As this country does not represent them, even after the Obama election. The climate of where I am at, a lot of the black kids accuse racism on white teachers. Fortunately for me I am teaching all remedial classes, where I deal with the highest quality of students
  17. he meant jim mora, jr, who did a decent job in Atlanta before Petrino and Vick funked it up last year.
  18. Says the guy who's handle is some gay drink order that might be Jeff Garcia's favorite Quite honestly, As a former college athlete, a slight groin injury can throw off everything else. When I injured the groin, while competing in a decathalon, it hurt me most in the throwing events, because the torquing action that your legs do when throwing.
  19. All this says is that we need a playoff. 16 team playoff would be much be freaking better, with the nat. champ game still being towards new years.
  20. again this is when i was in high school.
  21. yes, and i do not use this handle for anything else... so it would be hard for my students find me here.
  22. They'll keep blindly putting their faith into a flying spaghetti monster. Meanwhile, rational minded people will realize that religion can't solve this problem. That is a big reason why we have been needing to put our resources into alternative fuels over the past two decades.
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