Bear in mind that both party's candidates are rich, white, Ivy-league educated, corporate whores. No matter who wins an election, be they Democrat or Republican, they are NOT working for us. Look at how much is spent on election campaigns these days and ask yourself if it's possible for them not to owe their donors political favors. All politicians are puppets who tell us what we want to hear in order to get elected and then go on to do their wealthy masters' bidding once in office.
This election, like any other pitting Democrat against Republican, was a sham; we had no real choice in either party because large corporations are going to get their way no matter who's in office.
If you want to know who's really in charge of our government, look at whose stock prices were flat and then started climbing in the build-up to the Iraq war. I was in the USMC infantry, I know what enlisted personnel get paid and the degree of contractor involvement in military logistical support work over there cannot be cost-effective for us.
The only way I can see to fix our government right now is to replace every elected official with a third party candidate. Let's staff the capitol with a bunch of lobbyist-neutral newbies who don't have any ready-to-wear voting blocs so that they'll be forced to form coalitions in order to get anything done. Legislation will be slow and ugly but there'll be too many compromises for the corporations to always get their way. If we never give them more than one term, the special interests won't know who to latch onto and will have to spread their money pretty thin.