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Everything posted by nonprophet

  1. Yes, let us not forget that Huff is a Longhorn, after all.
  2. You know, it wouldn't hurt to have two playmaking TEs, especially when you have a suspect OL. Can you imaging running a two TE set for nearly every down, where they can either stay home to block for the run or split out as large WRs or some combination of the two?
  3. Why would't the Jets take Davis themselves? If Pennington can still play, his arm will be even weaker than it was before so he'll need a dangerous short-range target, especially with Chrebet gone. Who do they have at TE?
  4. I contend that if the Bills O-line is sufficiently upgraded, Campbell and Euhus will look a lot better. Everett, if he fully recovers from his knee injury, would look phenomenal.
  5. He's undefeated alright, but all of his opponents are total scrubs; one of the guys has never won. He hasn't fought in the US yet so I'll reserve judgement until then.
  6. Leif Larsen, his uncle wrestled polar bears for a living. I watched him flatten a guard once just by shoving him. He was hideously strong but too slow I think.
  7. She spoke to them, yes, but she also lied her butt off and said that she was trying to "stabilize my board" on the jump. Please... If she were a football player, would Marv want her on his roster?
  8. Is this the same guy I witnessed miss a 49 yard field goal WAY SHORT during SF's 35-0 blowout of the Bills at Candlestick back in 2001?
  9. I guess the most important thing is HOW Leavy remembers Holmgren. That they didn't mention.
  10. By "plane" they mean in the Euclidean geometric sense; the plane is infinitely wide, infinitely tall and, most importantly, infinitely thin. The thickness of the painted line at the front of the goal line varies from field to field and even from point to point on the same field, especially on grass, so they go by the "plane of the goalline" which is positioned on the leading edge of the painted line instead. The football crossing the leading edge of the painted goalline, even by just a smidge, is a touchdown.
  11. Who said we have to switch to utilize an NT? In the Bills current 4-3, the DT tandem is composed of a "nose tackle" and an "under tackle". The nose tackle's job is the same as in a 3-4, tie up the center and a guard. The under tackle's job is to penetrate into the backfield and disrupt the play. Sam Adams is more of an under tackle than a nose tackle. Anyway, Jauron already publicly stated that the Bills defense will use a 4-3 base alignment next season, so the 3-4 is right out.
  12. Others, including myself, have floated that idea before so, naturally, I like it. Without the zone blitz—now that the Bills D will be Cover 2—the NT job gets even easier: it's pretty much just blocking, as you said. Williams was, if I remember correctly, effective as a lane clogger in limited use.
  13. From the article: "The key to cover two, or any zone coverage, is getting a great pass rush with your four rushers. No zone coverage can hold up against a good passing football team if you don't pressure the quarterback." We're DOOOOOOOOOMED!
  14. Jauron had no prior head coaching experience back when Polian was hiring, Mora Sr. did. You think that may have had something to do with it?
  15. Jim Johnson has a style similar to Jerry Gray's: too much blitzing. I thought he made some of the stupidest calls on defense that I've ever seen in a superbowl game.
  16. I'm a big fan of the 3-4 also, primarily because of its flexibility. Zone blitzing, as evidence by the Bills defense, doesn't work as well in a 4-3. I actually think that Sam Adams major flaw is not his speed but rather his inability/unwillingness to tie up OLinemen. As a LDE, he'd be able to rush most of the time, which is what he's best at. Coy Wire, believe it or not, may be ideally suited to the bandit position as it's more LB than free safety.
  17. Maybe the Bills do have what's needed for a 3-4. Adams can play LDE, Denney RDE and Schobel could be a situational RDE with Kelsay as a backup/situational DE. Remember that Pitt was planning to draft Denney and the Bills sometimes utilized him as a DT on obvious passing downs. If Spikes is back next season, he won't be 100% but may be effective as an ILB alongside London Fletcher. Some combination of Posey, Crowell, Stamer, Haggan and/or free agent pickups could be the OLBs. Remember that Posey was very effective as an OLB in Houston. The biggest question mark is NT which was missing in the Bills 4-3 last season as well. This position has to be filled through free agency or the draft no matter what the defensive alignment is unless Anderson puts on a lot of weight and muscle.
  18. Oh nooooooo! Those stats don't even matter as he was the Rams OC in name only for most of his tenure. He only took the job in St. Louis so that he could hang out with his buddy Martz. I distinctly remember an interview with him in which he admitted that his title of "offensive coordinator" was only granted so that his new position would appear to be a promotion; Greggo wouldn't let him go otherwise. Sure enough, Martz continued to call all of the plays until he HAD to turn the duties over. We all know how good Greggo's "teachers" turned out to be.
  19. I can't believe they're even considering him; he only took the job in St. Louis so that he could hang out with his buddy Martz. I distinctly remember an interview with him in which he admitted that his title of "offensive coordinator" was only granted so that his new position would appear to be a promotion; Greggo wouldn't let him go otherwise. Sure enough, Martz continued to call all of the plays until he had to turn it over. We all know how good Greggo's "teachers" turned out to be, that guy's a joke.
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