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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. 1. Good thinking. WRONG!!!!! That does not involve any planning. It happens on its own. 2. WRONG!!!!!! 3. WRONG!!!!! If you are not already enlightened it is your loss. 4. Not bad but too easy. I hinted it would be (very) difficult. WRONG!!!!! 5. Everybody thinks so. WRONG!!!!!!! 6. Bonus WRONG!!!! for improper use of the quoting mechanism.
  2. 1. WRONG WRWONG WRONG WRONG 2. Nice re-try. WRONG!!!!!! (really nice try though, you could make a good case) 3. Um. WRONG!!!!! 4. Siriusly WRONG!!!!!! 5. Let's see, you can edit one, but not the other. WRONG!!!!! Back to editing school for you.
  3. 1. Funny but WRONG!!!!!! 2. WRONG. He will most likely dominate. If you assume he does, the outcome will not "swing" based on his performance. 3. I thought your political opinions were dumb. You have now risen to new heights of dumbitude. Unless you want to display your never ending abyss of stupidity, never again post on this topic. 4. Wrong! It doesn't have that build up like "Eye". 5. Good choice. WRONG!!!!!!! but probably a close 2nd.
  4. Don't be a mass hole. If someone on the Bills did that crap to a Pat, I wouldn't like nor would most of the people here. It is a hard hitting game. There is no reson to try to hurt people. If it happens it happens, but intent is another thing.
  5. I can't talk about the Bills in a serious way so here goes a McLaughlin. You know the bit. Answer the questions and I'll tell you why you're WRONG!!!!! I'm leaving for a while so I'll let the first batch of answers build before answering. Here goes: 1. If you know and understand these four words you too can create a winning game plan versus the Bills. They are? (This s/b easy) 2. The success or failure in the baseball playoffs of which individual player (name him) will mean the most to his team's chances this year? (medium difficulty, but if you think....) 3. In which of her videos does Martina McBride look the hottest? (Should be easy, probably won't be) 4. Which song should replace "Eye in the Sky" as an intro song for sports teams/events (you'll master this test if you get this). 5. Which player from the 2004 draft would have made the biggest difference to the Bils this year if they had drafted him? (Medium difficulty - it does not matter what round he was picked or which player they would have not ended up with. Imagine they just had a free pick now and only wanted to have an impact based on performaces thus far).
  6. I can't remember the names of the counties but if you list a few it will remind me and I'll tell you if you are right. It may also be on his web site. I haven't looked.
  7. This is not some claim that the Bills would have won yesterday if....... or anything like that. It isn't really about the Bills at all. I watched with disgust yesterday as three separate times (I'm sure I missed a few) Rodney Harrison appeared to me to try to hurt people. There was one head shot (I thin Bledsoe but I'm unsure at this point and I don't remember as well as the other two which were): 1. Neufeld over the middle. Bledsoe badly overthrows him while he is open (no big surprise). Harrison started on a path to hit him low and try to break up the pass. He clearly saw the pass go (way) long. Does he pull up ? No (he shouldn't have). Does he continue aling the same path? No. (He should have). What does he do? He decides to take the opportunity to go head hunting. He probably missed seriously injuring Neufeld by a couple of inches. I happened to be watching him on that play and his intent was very clear. 2. Garbage time. Moulds catches a 7 or 8 yard pass in the middle of the field and ends up laying on his stomach. One Pats players starts to touch him down. Another comes flying full speed helmet first into Moulds' wide open back. Anyone catch a number? 37. On the botched punt I thought Moorman took a late and cheap hit. I didn't see who it was but I wouldn't be surprised (although I would be a bit surprised if Harrison was in on ST). This was not as bad as the others. It is very clear that nobody on the Bills offense has the guts to stand up to Harrison. They play gutless during the play, why not after? Shouldn't the league do something about this loser. If not, shouldn't some offensive player (on a team that shows some guts) do something to stop him or at least let him know turnabout is on the way?
  8. I was on the long (depressing) drive home from Buffalo yesterday and I decided to listen to Drudge's radio show. He stated that reports have shown that several counties in Ohio have voter registration levels that are 103% of their population. He did so without mentioning whether dems, repubs or both were registering the "extra" voters. I wonder what percentage of the overall population is registered to vote (my guess would be about 60%). If some counties have 103%, not only does it not pass the "smell test" but it also shows a lack of understanding of the term "standard deviation" if anyone thinks that anywhere near 100% would be registered anywhere. Is it just me or should this be an importannt story?
  9. They're saving the real big penalty for Jake Plummer. His actions are the ones that are dangerous to the NFL.
  10. Losman buys Eric Flowers jersey on the used market.
  11. I'm in a bad mood and all of this news is making it worse. I'll tell you my opinion on some of this stuff and dare you to take the other side. Topic 1 Oil for food thread. I didn't read it because it is stupid. Oil would make a terrible food. For one thing you'd have to drink it, you couldn't eat it. Dumb. Topic 2 The Bird Flu. Who the hell cares if a bunch of stupid birds have to stay in bed for a day. Eff them. I've got better things to worry about. All they do it stevestojan all over my car anyway. As an aside, does anyone know if their flu will make them stevestojan even more? That would really piss me off. Topic 3 Hurricane naming conventions are unfair to people named Zachary. Why don't they name them after randomly ordered dolphins players that have ended up in jail? This would give them enough names to last many years and the backlog would always be building. It would provide a wide range of names, A-Z. If they still need chick names they could use the names of the felons victims. Topic 5 Why do you idiots always complain when someone skips topic 4? What are you all math majors now? Get a life. Topic 6 The thing is overused. and are much better. At least it is not as bad as that red one. That is downright rude. Topic 7 I seem to have forgot something about the number 7. Does it represent any important thingy in which the Bills might be interested? If you multiply it by 3 once a week (on Sundays), you'll get 21. At least I friggin think so. How would I know? The only thing I see seven of is: missed opportunities holding calls 3rd and $ for a beer or soda new bird stevestojan s on my car everyday (but I digress)
  12. It the "Washington Tax-and-spend-a-sauruses" too long a name? Washington Thieves? Scheisters? Crooks? Morons? Losers? Liars? Republocrats? Democans?
  13. What gives you that sense?
  14. Your post is very similar to my post in another music thread. I guess that makes me an old fart, too. As a wise man once said......"Seasons will pass you by............." He was wrong about the total mass retain thingy though. I appear to consistently retain more mass.
  15. Strange Brew starring Bob and Doug McKenzie. Comedic? Yes, but also a profound statement on mankind.
  16. These are much more well known than just about any in this thread, but if you are young you may have never heard them: Yes: Close to the Edge Dire Straits: Dire Straits, Making Movies and Love Over Gold Mark Knopfler - Sailing to Philadelphia Big Country: The Crossing (not a joke, if you ignore your memory of the stupid video, the abum is good) Any Led Zep - Oddly my favorite is Zep 3 David Gilmour - About Face Any Pink Floyd Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway You may know most/all of these but if you're under 35 maybe not
  17. You brought the word "choice" into the thread, not me. My post really doesn't have much to do with the overall abortion argument. My point is that the term "choice" is misused. In the vast majority of cases it has nothing to do with choice. I'm not too good at predicting things in general, but it was pretty easy to predict you'd say "what about rape?".
  18. I caught a highlight this year and it looked to e like they changed it to the newer variety "Astroplay" type stuff. Did they?
  19. I shouldn't do this but here I go. My question is actually an honest one about your opinion. I will admit that I'm only writing it because I get annoyed by the phrases "a woman's right to choose" and/or "a right to her own body". Here's why and here are my questions: If a woman chooses not to: Be on the pill and/or use another type of contraceptive and/or make herself aware of the failure rates of said contraceptives and/or withhold sex from her partner until a condom is used and/or refrain from sex altogether because of its potential consequences, does it not establish a pattern of choices the woman has already made? All choices big or small, determine the future. This is true whether we want it to be or not. In general pro-life people are pro-life because they believe the baby is a separate person. This separate person would not have been created in the first place had not several choices already been made by the mother (and father). Once it has been created, if you believe it is a person, then the "choice" argument is ridiculous (IMO). If you do not believe it is a person, then there is an argument to be made for abortion I guess, but it isn't really an argument about choice, is it?
  20. Did Shakespeare use proportional spacing?
  21. A night with Joey Heatharton? Are you 117 years old?
  22. I thought it was their punter. OUR punter is our best player.
  23. What is the name of our country? BTW anyone, what happened to the last thread on this? I can't find it.
  24. Would you also like to eliminate the US Senate? That is the mechanism for dividing States' powers in the legislative branch. How do you think Maine and North Dakota would like that? Should they still have the right to secede since the terms on which they joined the union have been changed? Should we just remove their right to secede while we're at it?
  25. Confucious say two wrongs don't make a right.
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