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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. Who cares if I go blind? What else could there be to see?
  2. He is actually on the MaPUP. This is true even when he is healthy.
  3. 1. Mr. Goodwrench 2. Looking for Mr. Goodwrench was a bad movie starring Diane Keaton (or something like that) 3. At the end of the movie, Keaton was stabbed by an intruder to her apartment 4. miami dolphins are intruders in apartments on a regular basis 5. I hate the miami dolphinsOvercharging
  4. 1. Artie Lange's Liver (I'm not sure who he is, so I'll go on a limb) 2. Artie Lange's Liver has been ravaged by alcohol 3. Wine is a type of alcoholic drink 4. The miami dolphins and their fans whine a lot 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  5. 1. taint 2. It taint taken too long for someone to try to drag this thread into the gutter like last year's 3. Drug addicts often end up being dragged into gutters 4. Many past present and future miami dolphins are drug addicts 5. i hate the miami dolphins
  6. 1. You shouldn't hate. 2. "You shouldn't hate" sounds a little preachy to me 3. People often find religion and become preachers while behind bars 4. Most miami dolphins end up behind bars 5. I hate the miami dolphins even though I shouldn't hate. I have chosen instead to focus all of my hate in one place.
  7. 1. Human Fecal Matter 2. Human Fecal Matter is more commonly known as stevestojan 3. stevestojan has posted 136,587,916 times on TBD 4. Various miami dolphins have posted bail 136,587,916 times 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  8. 1. Evil Bastard 2. Evil Bastard joined TBD today 3. As such, he is listed as "UDFA" 4.. The enitre dolphins roster were, or should have been UDFAs 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  9. 1. Cablebabe, #89, Lori, Aussiew, NJS, AiO... 2. These are the ladies of TBD (you forgot blzrul) 3. TBD stands for 2 Bills drive and also To Be Determined 4. It is To Be Determined if the dolphins ever win another game 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  10. 1. John Kerry 2. John Kerry is married to a crass ketchup heiress 3. That ketchup uses 57 types of tomatoes 4. If the miami dolphins lose 57 in a row, I'll still root against them next week 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  11. 1. Saint Louis Cardinals 2. The best player on the StL Cardinals is Albert Pujols 3. The pronunciation of his last name is Poo Holes 4. The miami dolphins are a bunch of Poo Holes 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  12. 1. Nude volleyball 2. Nude Volleyball can lead to sandy crevices 3. A crevice is a crack 4. Many past present and future dolphins smoke crack 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  13. 1. Double date with Fabio 2. At the end of a double date with Fabio, you're likely to hear a woman scream "I can't believe it's not butter" (Unless you're a TBD poster and you chicken out) 3. Butter is often served on bread 4. Bread and water is the menu at many prisons which are the homes of ex-dolphins 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  14. 1. Escape Goats (Isn't this a mute point? ) 2. When goats escape you have to round them up in a big goat rodeo 3. A goat rodeo is a term used to describe a disorganized mess 4. The miami dolphins are a disorganized mess 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  15. 1. !@#$ Maimi 2. Maimi is a misspelling of miami (you're lucky too because if you capitalize miami, I refuse to respond). 3. Spelling errors often occur in places where nobody speaks the language of the land (English) 4. No one in miami speaks English 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  16. Even with the Bills 0-4 and the fish below them in the standings, there is still plenty of room for hating the fish. I still hate them like no other. To prove this, I will revive my 5 degrees of hating the dolphins thread. Here's how it works. Type something (anything) into line one. By line 5, I'll connect it to: "I hate the miami dolphins". Here is an example from last year: 1. The Beverly Hillbillies 2. One of the main characters in the Beverly Hillbillies was "Jethro" 3. The Band "Jethro Tull" had a big hit with Aqualung 4. Aqua is the main color of the miami dolphins uniforms 5. I hate the miami dolphins
  17. Have you ever seen a version of the Bills with less heart and killer instinct? Have you ever seen a player or team grow heart?
  18. I hope not. He is dumber than Bledsoe.
  19. In the realm of politics, I guess I'd have to agree. But if we're throwing out the requirement of beig born in the USA, why not throw out the unwritten rule of being a politican? If we're going for hot, then let's go for hot. Hail to the Chief(ess)
  20. Well, if she's hot, then by all means.
  21. You also can't get away with being slow and dumb at the same time. Bledsoe won't ever get any faster or smarter, but JP will get more experienced and less rusty. As a matter of fact wouldn't an average speed, weak armed, smart, and somewhat gutty qb be better than an incredibly slow, strong armed, dumb, somewhat gutty qb?
  22. How do you feel about the book "Unfit for Command"?
  23. I've been a Bills fan since I was 4 years old. I've seen some bad teams in that time, I've seen some great teams of course. Until the last few years I haven't seen a team that is so hard to love. Right now I see a team of losers. It is a team with some players like Coy Wire that have absolutely no talent, and a team with some players that have talent but do not use it properly. Drew Bledsoe - In the NFL today, you have to have a good combination of arm, feet, brains and guts to be an effective QB. You don't have to have tons of each, but you need at least some. Bledsoe still has his arm. He has some of his guts left. Not much. He never had too much of a brain and is even more prone to dumb plays than ever. He has no feet whatsoever. This combination makes him tremendously easy to game plan against. Other teams can simply take away huge chunks of a basic NFL offense before the game even starts. He's a great guy and started a great cause called Parenting with Dignity. He should retire with dignity. There is not a chance he can bring a team to a championship in the NFL. Ever. London Fletcher - He is way too aggresive and overplays too much. You can't afford your MLB to do this. He plays dumb. Lawyer Milloy - This quick healer is needed by his team. Where in the blue hell is he? Does he have to show up at OBD each week or are the Bills able to use direct deposit for his paycheck? Troy Vincent - His injured knee will allow this character guy to focus his attention on his budding union career instead of letting giving a stevestojan about winning get in the way. Travis Henry - If the drafting of McGahee was such a slap in the face why hasn't he learned to pick up a blitz in the year and a half since the pick? Nate Clements - He will do well after he skates out of town and goes to a team where he can let other guys do the dirty work. This way he can be a "playmaker" and not have to worry about little things like knocking down passes on 4th down, Rian Lindell - How hard can it be to practice kicking in the off season? On second thought, how hard is it to spell Ryan? What do all of these guys have in common? The GM. TD never won a thing in Pittsburgh and it sure doesn't look much better here. The choices of Vincent, Milloy, Bledsoe, Wire and Lindell are obvious failures (with some exception for the time being with Vincent). That does not bode well for Josh Reed. I'm still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since it basically takes a miracle to have a positive play in this offense. TD's utter lack of attention to the OL is baffling. His last choice of a coach (Williams) was a dud. I like MM so far but that doesn't mean he'll be great. He just doesn't have any winners to work with right now. Evans had better watch his back because he looks pretty good right now which makes him an exception. There is no 1st rounder next year beacuse we preferred someone that I hope turns out to be the next Jim Kelly. So far, he is Rob Johnson with brittle bones. I hope that is a fluke but TD seems to have a knack for injury prone selections. All of this would be depressing but livable if anyone in the organization seemed to give a stevestojan at all. My guess is that some do, but I have seen no evidence of it. I've been posting on this forum for several years. I've never posted something as negative as this. I just think that losing a game or two at the end is inevitable. Losing four in a row at the beginning of the season is absolute proof of a loser's mentality. It is hard to get rid of that mentality, but that is now MM's job. I wish him luck. I'm rooting hard for him.
  24. heartless
  25. If Kerry/Edwards are so against sub chapter s corps why are they not trying to repeal them? Why has Edwards avoided medicare taxes for years by using this vehicle?
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