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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. Socrates ws the original smart ass.
  2. Nice link. Thanks.
  3. Well, for the most part I was being a wise ass, but that was what I was getting at. I understand they are two different things but if you add the number of abortions/mortalities together you would have a new percentage (meaningful or not). You could call this sum the "percentage of babies that don't make it for whatever reason". Mickey has pretty much stated he started these threads to be a wise ass, so I was returning the favor.
  4. It's hard to criticize Rice's achievements because they are staggering. With that said, he really seems like a "me" guy everytime I see him speak.
  5. In statistics, there is something called simple regression (which you essentially describe) and something called multiple regression which takes many factors into account and comes up with more accurate results.
  6. In the spirit of Mickey's statistical posts...... 68% of you (thus far), responded that you're voting for a candidate due to your positive feelings about him. 92% of threads on PPP are about something negative about "the other candidate". Something doesn't add up.
  7. If you added abotion stats by State to these infant mortality rates, it would be interesting to see the results.
  8. That would ruin the "only dumb hicks vote for Bush" theory. I much prefer the simplistic approach and its implication. Some people are just plain better/smarter/classier than others. These traits make them richer. Despite Kerry's desire to tax them out of their wealth, they see the greater good in helping the dumb hick Bush voters from West Virginny. If only those stupid hicks would see that the erudite New Englanders are trying to help them.
  9. Don't you think the term bottom feeders is a bit insensitive? I thought you were going for the sensitive candidate?
  10. Vazquez ERA's (all of these were "on mound performances) 01 - 3.43, 02 - 3.91, 03 - 3.24, 04 (Stottlemyre) - 4.91 Weaver's ERA's 02 (split between NY & DET with Det #'s being much better) - 3.52, 03 (with MS) 5.99, 04 (post MS) 4.01 These numbers aren't lying. Weaver's ERA went up 2.5 runs with MS and came down 2 after leaving. Vazquez's results sre too stark for it to be a coicindence. God forbid he gets his hands on Santana. P.S. Neither Mel or his kid ever pitched worth a crap either.
  11. Let me say that I am Yankee neutral. I am rooting for them in this series primarily because Boston people in general and Pats fans in particular are so obnoxious that a RS World Series win (Go Cards or Astros) would make it unbearable. I'm a Padre fan. I do get to see a lot of the Yanks on TV and I love baseball and think I understand it very well. Here's why they are not already in the WS........Stottlemyre. In the past 7-8 years there is not one pitcher that has been brought into NY from outside or the minors that has improved in any way. The only pitchers that have performed have been well established veterans (Clemens, Mussina, Wells, Pettitte). The young pitchers they have brought in from outside the organization have failed. (I'm not going to count Brown against Stottlemyre, he is a vet and has always had a loser's attitude. I also won't count Contreras against him or credit him for El Duque. Both were established before NY, albeit outside MLB.). The two most obvious failures have been Weaver and Vasquez. Weaver came in from Detroit leading the league in complete games and shutouts (for the Tigers). He had thrown a 1-hitter in Fenway. Stottlemyre proceeded to rip apart the kid's entire approach to the game and tried to rebuild it. It didn't work. Some may think it was NY that got to Weaver but I don't. He was/is definitely too emotional but Stottlemyre did nothing to help with that. He tinkered and tinkered his way to and ERA for Weaver of just under 6. Ok, let's say it was all Weaver's fault. You can't miss with Vasquez right? He was a stud for Montreal for goodness sake. He was probably one of the top 5 or 6 starters in the NL last year. Now he completely stinks? No way. Anyone in the bullpen develop? Nope. Anyone regress? Heredia did. How about guys that left? What did Weaver do in LA this year? (Watch him next year). Wasn't that Ted Lilly in the All Star game this year?
  12. All, Please respond truthfully to this poll. A few rules: If you're not voting or going for a 3rd candidate, don't respond to the poll but feel free to comment. If you like one candidate and dislike the other "equally" put a stake in the ground and pick something. Comment all you want. Thanks.
  13. Tonight's game will mean so much no matter who wins. If you're the Red Sox, what better way to break a curse than to go down 3-0, dig out of the hole and then put the Yanks away in thier own stadium? (Of course, if they go on and lose the WS......) If you're the Yanks, what better way to enforce a curse than to mentally pound the Sox and their fans into a 3 game hole, let them up for air, then finish them? I'm rooting for the Yanks, but have a feeling the Sox will win tonight, maybe big. They should pitch Wakefield, not Lowe. If they pitch Lowe, I predict a high scoring game that could go either way. No matter who wins either series, I have the NL winner as a slight favorite.
  14. This is exactly where the Bills are week. Quit hitting short passes. I see this game as a match of which defense can create more turnovers. I see both getting a lot of opportunities. Whichever team capitalizes the most will win. Warning: The defenses may have to actually return the turnovers for scores to ensure any points.
  15. You soiled your ballot? Gross. Geez, voting is important, but you don't need to be so nervous as to deficate right there at the polling place. Oh, wait, you said spoiled, never mind. (P.S. When you cast your ballot for Kerry in two weeks, does that constitute spoiled or soiled?)
  16. Some college player was: I.M. Hipp
  17. It's a technical term. Underware is, like really stealth software, you know? It's under the OS and like right down there on the chip.
  18. This is OT, but I think she'd qualify. This doesn't mean I view her as "obese" but some people I know have been classified as such in their physicals and to me appear only mildly overweight. I think the common view and the clinical definition are different. Either that or we can sue McDonald's, Hostess, Ben and Jerry until we put them out of business. Remember, destroying private enterprise is alsmost as good as putting the government in charge of everything. Baby steps.
  19. Well, Drudge did put up a copy of the actual DNC document on his site. The DNC did not deny that this was their document. They basically said he took it out of context. It seems unlikely at this point that he will be found in a Ratheresque "error" doesn't it? BTW, Thanks for getting rid of Rollie Fingers.
  20. Classic. You fling around personal insults to start a thread and then say your arguments can't be refuted, so your opponents will fling around personal insults. You managed this in two sentences. Classic.
  21. I'm not currently watching the debate. I did hear mention on the radio this week (can't remember where - not Rush, maybe Paul Harvey?) that part of the reason that no American companies produce a flu vaccine is fear of litigation. Whatever I heard did site specific examples and explained when production stopped. I know it is vague. Sorry. That's all I remember.
  22. What is the point of that? Some dem puts out an unbelievably bad and sick ad and your objection is only "it must be one of their's". Come on. The ad (if real) is so incredibly disgusting that I have no words for it. I see no reason to turn it 180 degrees. It's horrible. Why even joke about it? If either of these candidates put as much altruistic effort into their campaigns as the kids in the special olympics put into their efforts, I would be floored with surprise. Sure, they put in effort, but mostly it is an effort to benefit themselves, not to clearly communicate the truth. How anyone could make fun of retarded children in this manner is incomprehensible. It should make everyone sick. It breaks my heart that underneath the superimposed picture of Bush is a real kid. His parents probably recognize him. They've probably put an IMMENSE amount of effort into raising him and they get this in return? What the hell has the world come to?
  23. Why is everyone giving them enough respect as a franchise to capitalize their name? This makes me sick.
  24. If that turns out to be true his teams will likely win at least 9 more games.
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