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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. Everything I've seen/read about Bill Frist looked pretty good to me. If he wants to run though, he's going to need a better toupee.
  2. I hearde it would likely be Harry Reid
  3. One guy who should never make that call is Lindy Ruff.
  4. While I generally agree that Bush has not done enough to limit spending, I think there are more things in play than you mention. First and foremost is terrorism/Iraq/Islamo-fascism. I think anyone that believes this is an important issue would have to reluctantly table their concerns in the other areas. To me the differences in approach to this problem were profound and favored Bush overwhelmingly. I was likely not alone in my opinion on this matter. Weighing this against "sending a message" on fiscal conservatism was not difficult. There was no evidence in Kerry's record that he'd be any more fiscally conservative than Bush anyway. Quite the contrary. Next, the opportunities for Bush to limit spending are squelched from many angles. First, Congress spends the money. Bush could certainly do A LOT more to provide better guidance here. Also however, there are still many "third rail" topics when it comes to spending cuts. Social Security is the most obvious. Any change at all would be spun out of control and quite possibly cost a candidate the election. That is our fault, not the candidate's. There are other areas as well. A better use of the bully pulpit on topics like these is certainly desirable. Finally, Kerry had a few open doors to election that he never walked through. I take that to mean he doesn't see them as important. Illegal immigration is the most stark. There are many people in this country concerned with it at many levels (economic, security, education, health care, etc.). It got nary a mention from either candidate. Unlike Social Security, a strong committment to fixing this problem would have been viewed very positively. To me, the direction the Republicans take over the next four years will be determined by events. Will they be forced into being primarily a "security" party? Probably. The Dems get to decide their course of action. If they stand up on security and US interest along with trying to propose some real (non-communistic) approaches to the demographically driven entitlement problems, they will gain. I doubt they'll do that. My guess is that they move further left.
  5. Classy move but no congrats are needed. It is what it is. I hope today and the next few days don't end up ugly. I doubt they will. It looks like straightforward math to me. BTW, how did Miney fare?
  6. Nice display of class. Do you think their parents think of them as retards you idiot?
  7. I disagree. The whole nature of the EC is to emphasize the power of individual states. If one state says you're committed to your guy, and another allows change, then so be it. If a situation leads a state to reevaluate its procedures, then fine. There should be no top down revamping. Would I think the guy changing his vote to be a dirt bag? Yes. Guess what, we'll never rid the world of dirt bags or people looking for their 15 minutes regardless of method..
  8. Man either get a better schtick or just give it up.
  9. Why didn't you tell me about this stuff before my wife's birthday? I'm sending you the credit card bill.
  10. Don't jump on me. I was just trying to clarify a statement. If true, it could be a goof up, it could be fraud. I would say that a standard part of any good procedure would be to check that the machines were "zeroed" out before being delivered to the polling place and then again before the polls opened. It sounds like the 2nd part happened, but not the first. I also doubt that pulling a lever 700 times is the only way to "rig" a machine, but I'm not an expert on the machines. Are you?
  11. I think the claim (stressing: claim) is that the machines showed up with votes already tallied even though there were none cast yet.
  12. You know, a libertarian. She helps you find books and stuff.
  13. I hope you're not in charge of teaching kids the meaning of "are" or "our". For that matter, punctuation is free. Use it at will.
  14. You talkin to me?
  15. Oh!!!!! You meant Miney. You still can't spell. As for tomorrow, it is doubtful there will be any luck involved. There is not one close race in the booth I'll enter. The re-districting collusion has seen to that. Nothing like dems and repubs working together. Good luck to you to, but not your presidential candidate.
  16. Typical idiot democrat. You can't even spell meenie, but you can vote for him.
  17. Well I guess that's just the difference between you and the Viet Cong.
  18. News flash Solo: If they have the internet in Alaska, that probably means they have it in NI. You'll have traded Eryn for a drunk Eryn posting in the middle of the US night. Bad move.
  19. Rodney Harrison has them all beat in my book. He's not a loud mouth, he just tries to injure people week in and week out.
  20. What countries is he talking about outside France, Russia, Germany and the countries already involved in Iraq? If he's trying to make a point about some specific countries why wouldn't he name them?
  21. I was trying to leave the fights for the other threads, beacuse it is not exactly difficult to create or respond to other threads. I thought the tape I linked was something that everyone would view as worrisome and important. I guess not. I guess it is so unimportant, that it deserves to be mocked. I can honestly say that I'm disappointed.
  22. Upper right corner..... Link
  23. I'm not looking to pick a fight on this one. Here's a prayer that we all end up safe and none of this stuff comes to pass.
  24. He and you have my thanks.
  25. It would be a stupid question, to any president at any time in any debate. It displays a depth of thought below a third grade level. With that said, I would be genuinely interested if you could elaborate on your post.
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