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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. There is a silver lining if he is acquitted. It will mean the term "reasonable doubt" has been redefined in a profound way. Using this new definition, the Bills might be 3-1 in Super Bowls.
  2. I appreciate the replies. Thanks. (And not just because you mostly agree.)
  3. And don't forget to apologize. P.S. If you have to ask why your apologizing, you're not really apologizing. Proceed back to step 1 and begin again.
  4. The example I used was the answer I was looking for. You answered it. The unanswered links: Link Link2
  5. Based on the overall tone of his letter. In particular the part in parentheses where he says (BTW, they were US citizens). He throws in little defenses of the Arab students throughout the letter and does not reciprocate with the republicans. Some more: She walked up to his table, starts yelling at him and pointing in his face. Note that they are voicing their intense anger, not intensely voicing their anger. He clearly initiated the only physical exchange. She was merely responding. The fact that she walked up to his table and started screaming at him was not initiating anything. Their disruption of these events, including the republicans is easily justified by their disappointment in the election results and the meanie web site. Pictures of fifty or so students with palestinian head garb do not constitute any evidence? They were just walking by, carrying their head garb? The whole letter was worded in an effort to walk on eggshells with the Palestinan students. And I said I'd bet on it. I didn't say I know it.
  6. Kelly, Was he in the old movie "Body Double" with Melanie Griffith or was it just a guy that looked like him?
  7. I asked a question. You answered. That was a surprise because you haven't done much of that lately. I thought my question was pretty clear so I interpret your "What do you want to talk about?" line as some sort of shot. That part was less than surprising.
  8. I bet in this guy's eyes a noisy but non-violent group of 150-200 republicans would be a "mob".
  9. If your avatar is a picture of you and she's letting you keep that hair, you have nothing to complain about.
  10. Do you think any of his questions are legitimate? For example, do you think the government should ban making movies that include sexual scenes with 10 year olds?
  11. I believe the term is grandstanding.
  12. How about Tim McVeigh? Oops, too late. I think Terry Nichols is still available.
  13. Those Geisha chicks have funny looking feet.
  14. Or the parents of the kids listed at the bottom of this article. Link
  15. Good points Berg and BiB. For the most part, I agree with Berg, but I understand BiB's points. Actually, I want to agree with BiB because if this comes to fruition you can bet the baby boom generation will be all over it. It will be yet another example of that generation thinking only of themselves. It will be a very stark example. The reasons I agree with Berg aren't exactly the ones he cites. I think that if we don't take advantage of our brain power, it will atrophy collectively. If drug companies have no incentive to develop new drugs for example, the first generation may miss out on new drugs, but the next will lose the ability to develop them. I think we need all the brain power we can muster to adapt to the ecosystem/universe (the opposite of it adapting to us). The survival of the species is important but we know that in a few billion years the sun is going to flame out. Clearly we'll need to advance in space travel or we'll be toast (literally). Between now and then we have the threat of asteroids and other niceties that likely make our deadline sooner. There are many steps to do what we must. Maybe this is one of them. To BiB's point of further developing judgement, I hope for that as well. We shall see. The stakes are likely to continually get higher and come along more quickly. The ever improving distribution of advancements via technology gives every individual more leverage, but also allows people to "opt out" and still demand more and more.
  16. But maybe if we pretend the beheadings never happened, the insurgents/terrorists/freedom fighters will all turn into a bunch of nice guys.
  17. ...but she says she has a good "personnality".
  18. That is not even remotely close to the topic we're discussing.
  19. Lame Schtick. Please get a new one. You're killing me.
  20. How does one prove unpredicatability? Doesn't this go against the theory that you cannot prove a negative? It may in fact be correct that we cannot measure the electrons reactions because our very method of measurement interferes with the reaction(s). That does not prove they are unpredicatable. Although electrons may have different states which are unknown, and these states help drive their reaction, it does not mean these states cannot be known. They may not be measurable, but they are real. If, in fact, there is nothing but matter and energy, their reactions may indeed be immeasurable, but they would not be unpredictable. Free will could not and would not exist. UConn is free to believe whatever he feels is correct, but his theory that we are all a bunch of matter/energy does not line up with the will to win of his favorite hoop team. Free will is in no way inconsistent with evolution or the will to survive. Determinism is not at odds with survival either. It is at odds with free will.
  21. And here I thought you were calling him a Biece of chit. I'm glad to see you're more civil than that.
  22. It was predetermined that you were going to split that firewood anyway. I understand.
  23. The Bush campaign was a bunch of rich republicans so they used a better adhesive. How long would it take to get them off? A hour dummy. You should know that republicans are too busy screwing over everyone to spend a hour dummy removing stickers.
  24. Yes, but english class should be at least two hours evidently.
  25. If there is no free will how can you possibly make the most of what you have? It was simply your molecules doing what they always do. Nothing more, nothing less. Okafor got some good molecules. Woop-di-do. If everything is pre-determined then hard work and making the most of what you have is a mere illusion.
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