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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. I'm sure JP will have his bad plays/games but I think the Bills will be better (definitely in the long run and probably even in the short). This is because it was crystal clear that any defensive game plan that took DB's weaknesses into account amounted to a Bills loss.
  2. Lighten up Francis, I was mostly making fun of the way the article was written. I found the notion that it would be unfair to discriminate against platic bags (vis a vis paper) particularly hysterical.
  3. Per the linked article the City of San Francisco has set a fine example for all of us. According to their estimates they are about to tax plastic bags at grocery stores 17 cents each. This is only three times what it costs the city on a per bag basis. A bargain right there. As a bonus, even though paper bags don't cost the city anything, they have decided to tax those too, just to be fair. Plastic molecules of the world unite in support of San Fran's anti-discriminatory stance. I also like the part about the deep concern environmentalists have found for machinery. Whoda thunk it? Poor plastic
  4. Yup. You probably already know this, but their performance of "Harold the Helicopter" absolutely rocks.
  5. I agree. It was a good call. The unclassy part was Branch dancing around taunting the crowd and waving a towel afterwards.
  6. What an idiot. Clearly, October 17th is the most deprssing day. Oh, wait maybe it is March 18th. No, it's August 9th. How do I get one of those government grant thingies to study this important issue with the scrutiny it deserves?
  7. I'm better than Randy Moss, so I'm mooning you upside down.
  8. Baseball is sold short as a "team sport" all the time. This is an incorrect interpretation. "When Eric Moulds has the corner beat and the ball is just within his reach, the rest of his teammates are inconsequential." The above statement is untrue, as is your staement about Bonds. How many of his teammates are on base? Who follows him in the order and can the pitcher afford to pitch around Bonds? Have the Giants worked the counts the entire game wearing down the pitcher? Are the pitcher and fielders for the opposition sychronized on how they'll pitch to Bonds? Every sport has both individual and team components. This is why team sports are great. They team aspects of baseball may be harder to see, but they are there.
  9. When we get in the car my two year old needs to hear one of his two favorite CDs: 1 - Thomas the Tank Engine - "Railway Tunes" A close 2nd - Yes - "Close to the Edge"
  10. I'm rooting for the Pats because when they get knocked off their pedastal, I want the Bills to be the ones doing the knocking.
  11. I know it is true. So does everyone else. Your dramatic impact with pseudo-vulgarity was not necessary.
  12. Wouldn't Jerry Gray imitate Philly's D against Atl, not Clements?
  13. If TC stands for Ted Cotrell you are dating yourself.
  14. Patriot fans are from Boston. That makes them worse than Steeler fans even before football enters the equation. It is hard to beat Boston for belligerence.
  15. I erased your quote from my reply. It was disgusting and you didn't need to go that far to make your point. Please try to use some tact in the future.
  16. You wrote: Well the cops had no opportunity to consider any context, since they likely did not have any. Who said there should be no compassion for the guy? Maybe you meant the context should be considered when we all examine Robbins. Fine. It reads like you meant the cops should consider the context. This is especially true when you consider Debbie's posts reads the same way and you are agreeing with her. Maybe you should read what you write before telling other to do so in capital letters.
  17. What makes you folks think that the cops had prior knowledge that this guy was bipolar? Was there any report about that? Do you think they recognized him because he was an offensive lineman 3000 miles away? Should they ask him if he is on meds during their struggle?
  18. You are all too young. Zeppelin - Out on the Tiles
  19. I know someone who left ex-lax in a candy dish and had two of her night shift co-workers end up in the hospital.
  20. I'm not big on live albums, and I'm not big on Cheap Trick, but I liked their live album.
  21. There is not a chance in the world the Bills will beat the Raiders in the AFC championship game. Lupica circa 1991.
  22. The terms you used in the post to which I first responded were: Ego-centric pretty foolish very foolish. Take my Ace of Spades example. You are essentially saying that you think there are 52 cards in the deck so with a trillion tries you'll certainly pull the A of S lots of times. Another person might assert that there are 999 trillion cards in the deck so pulling that one is unlikely. Science has yet to determine how many "cards are in the deck". Stating that ignorance is involved on both sides of the argument is correct. Evidence can be cited for either side. In my own interpretation I tend to agree with you. But calling one side foolish or ego-centric is unfounded based on the rules of logic. If you don't use logic, then you can say whatever you want.
  23. For some reason, please don't take this as an attack, I see you as an overly simplistic dunce whose reading comprehension skills are on a par with a third grader. You may not have read (or at least comprehended) that I agree with your assertion that life on other planets is likely out there in many places. For a moment, please release yourself from the confines of everything that you know .... and ponder the question of what are the odds of life forming. We do know that the elements that make up our and other planets are taken from the same group in similar or different proportions. These elements are capable of supporting life (or we wouldn't be here). Do we know the odds of a planet forming in such a way that the combination of elements would be friendly to life? Well, we don't fully understand how planets even form so we can't understand that yet. Let me ask you this: What are the odds that you will pull an Ace of Spades from a deck of cards at least twice if I mix up the cards after every pull and give you a trillion tries? Pretty good right? Oh wait, I didn't tell you how many cards were in the deck because nobody knows that (maybe there are 900 trillion cards and only one is the Ace of Spades). Now what are the odds? Incalcuable, right? Do I think there is life elsewhere? Absolutely. Do I know it? No. (P.S. you don't either.) Am I willing to call another person ego-centric and ignorant based on unknown things? No. Would I write a note on a message board calling someone happily ignorant if they shared my opinion but left open the possibility of something else. No, because that would be rude. Regarding your space travel dissertation, let me ask how you calulated the relative difficulty of light speed travel in relation to the development of the PC. Is it a thousand times as hard as the PC? A million? A billion? A trillion? What went into your scientific method in calculating this? On this point (your original point #2) again I agree with your conclusion. I do however realize that my opinion is at least partially based on conjecture and hope and I am not arrogant enough to call other people stupid if they think something else is possible. Have a nice day.
  24. One at a time: 1. While I agree with you that intelligent life is likely out there, I don't think you would have to be ego-centric to disagree. The odds are not calcuable since we do not know all of the factors contributing to life and/or intelligence. Anyone who thinks they know the answer (either way) is ego centric. 2. Why? We don't know everything about space travel or the properties of the universe. Why is it foolish to think that negotiating hundreds (at least) of light years is something that has not been achieved? We know the task is probably thousands of years out of our grasp (at best). Maybe we've been visited, maybe we haven't, but someone doubting it is not foolish. 3. If conditions 1 and 2 are met then maybe.
  25. What I want to know is how this relates to Bledsoe. We have not yet resolved how bad he stinks and you start posting stuff on other topics. Will you please stick to Bledsoe and how bad he stinks.
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