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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. Neither hockey nor soccer. And although he indeed had assists, he is far more well known for other stats. You got it. My favorite all time player. He was drafted by the Clippers and the Padres on the same day. 19 straight years over .300 is just one of many, many ultra impressive numbers. When Ted Williams calls you "a Houdini", you're doing something right.
  2. No. He did not play pro basketball.
  3. It does not technically say he was a Clipper. In college hoop he had 590 career assists in 3-4 years (not sure if he played as a freshman). In his pro career he had 160 assists in 20 years but this was still a good number.
  4. Not Randy. The only relation to Buffalo sports is that he was drafted by a team that had played in Buffalo.
  5. Not Lew (Kareem). He was a guard and still has the school record for assists but that is a pretty weak clue.
  6. Try this one (might be easy)
  7. I guess I can't really put III over 4, but I like it more than 1 or 2. I think for a lot of people the one weird song (Roy Harper) changed their perception and I think Since I've Been Lovin You is a great song that not a lot of people like.
  8. Very much too early. For anyone to remind me of Gwynn, they have to be pretty special and Tre seems to share a lot of common traits with Tony. I hope he also plays his full Hall of Fame career with one team and the extension helps with that. Guys like Gwynn and White do not come around often.
  9. We're lucky to have him. My favorite all time player in any sport is Tony Gwynn. Tre reminds me of Tony. They aren't the exact same personality but they both have that trait where they think about other people and treat everyone well, regardless of title or status. That is more rare than it should be.
  10. Zep III is to me their most underrated album by far. I rank it very high on their list but that doesn't seem to be the consensus.
  11. If there is no college football this could turn out well.
  12. I love the music from Local Hero.
  13. Love Knopfler and find to him to be surprisingly underrated. He is known for the famous DS stuff which certainly prove his chops but I feel his best work, or at least a lot of it, is post DS and not that well known. His style has a great amount of depth. To add some names I haven't seen yet I'll go with B.B. King, J.J. Cale and Chet Atkins.
  14. I like the Steve Winwood choice. A long and underrated career and he seems like a nice guy. I have a musician on mine who I consider to be the best combination of composer, guitarist, producer and writer music has seen in the modern era and a very well read guy. My would be top choice seemed like one of the nicest people ever and was at the top of his craft. Tony Gwynn. I would have loved to have met him. 1) Ted Kascynski's brother 2) Marv Levy 3) Mark Knopfler 4) Dave Chapelle 5) I guess I'll leave an empty seat for Tony There are a lot of others that I might pick at any given time but Knopfler would be on it for sure and Gwynn would have been.
  15. There's smoke and flames behind me where the self respect all went And I'm behind behind with the rent
  16. The guy is an absolute genius and has written hundreds of great lines. A phrase Now hold your head up, Mason See America lies there The morning tide has raised The capes of Delaware Come up and feel the sun A new morning is begun Another day will make it clear Why your stars should guide us here Another Well, if we go to heaven, and some say we don't But if there's a reckoning day Please God, I'll see You and maybe I won't I've a bag packed to go either way Keeping to just one line 'Cause I've run every red light on memory lane
  17. From Dire Straits Making Movies either songs 1 and 2 or songs 2 and 3. They are 1. Tunnel of Love 2. Romeo and Juliet 3. Skateaway The videos are very 80's.
  18. I loved season 6 and am glad there is one more. Mark Konpfler is my favorite musician and I was blown away when the last song played. It fit so well. It was a nice surprise in a show that does everything right.
  19. I loved Ozark and Bosch. Anything else like those anyone can recommend? I thought Bosch was almost perfect and then they played Knopfler at the end and I realized there was no almost involved.
  20. I'll add three. (Two are from the same album)
  21. This clip shows it happening at 1:10
  22. A little music and history. The song can be found on Youtube and James Taylor sings in the original.
  23. Merry Christmas everyone. I thought it a good time of year to share inspirational or meaningful lyrics from songs we enjoy. There are a lot that hit me from time to time. The one below can be interpreted as religious or not, but either way, I think it is pretty on the mark. Please share yours if you'd like. - Genius Mark Knopfler summing up the meaning of life in 10 words
  24. As a San Diego Padres fan (ouch) I usually have to dig for a reason to root in the World Series. This year I thought there was a lot to like about both teams and very little to dislike. I decided to root for the Nets, and Strasburg in particular because there was a connection to the Padres. It was my all time favorite player, Tony Gwynn. I recently found this article on his relationship with Strasburg. It is definitely worth the read. I thought the series was great. I was very impressed with several players and their approach. I guess the top ones for me were Strasburg, Greinke ,Rendon, Eaton, Springer, Urquidy and more (not Fernando Rodney). As much as I dislike the all power hitting-all power pitching that has taken baseball by storm, I thought this series had elements of how to beat that. I found two little parts of game 7 very interesting. Early in the game I noticed Greinke shake off his catcher twice just before getting a big out on the next pitch. I can't remember if it was the double play or a K. That told me he's have a good game, which he did. He was very calm. Although I'm sure it must have happened I didn't notice him shaking off the catcher again until he was 2-0 on Rendon in the 7th. They seemed locked in and I thought the shake off was weird. The next pitch was a home run. Rendon was so good the whole series I wonder if he had the pitch figured out because of the shake offs.
  25. Mark Knopfler is a legitimate composer which can be seen not just in his work on albums but also on soundtracks he scored. A lot of his music is very complex. I'm not sure who composed Close to the Edge by Yes but whoever did is also damn good.
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