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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. Who was the first person to see the talent in Bill Polian and give him his first break?
  2. Sorry I made a mistake Mr. Friendly. I'll try never to do it again.
  3. What i think he's saying is that they could have protected him more, not that they would ever get a pick.
  4. Does he mean Niagara Falls? Niagara County? Or is it all the same blob to him once you are over the Tappan Zee? Some of the stuff this guy has done has been very good. I could even argue capitalist. He does have a habit of saying caustic things and a reputation for having vendettas. These are not great qualities for a governor.
  5. A good rule of thumb is: If you find yourself checking the expiration date before you use a condom, you might want to work on your interpersoanl skills and/or hygiene.
  6. In America condoms are not typically used for masturbation. Prices for products are driven by supply and demand. The conclusion I have reached in an unscientific manner is that you French have some weird "personal" habits.
  7. When you say that an entire team has been ruined because of drafting one guy, does that not say you consider him a bust?
  8. That Schaub guy looks a lot like the Kool Aid logo. He can probably sue them. You can analyze any team's draft from any year and come up with similar scenarios. Can you do a research project on the 1977 draft of the Detroit Lions next? When do you predict that Matt Schaub will become NFL MVP? Can we play the what if game with the 2006 draft in 2010 and blame JP for that too? It'll be fun.
  9. I just looked at my calendar. It says March.
  10. What if we get Ngata and Culpepper and Leinart get achilles injuries? Would that be ok? What if we get Ngata and Culpepper gets an achilles injury and Leinart gets an ACL injury? What if we get Ngata and Leinart gets an achilles injury and Culpepper gets an ACL injury? What if we get Ngata and Leinart gets a rotator cuff injury and Culpepper gets an ACL injury? What if we get Ngata and Leinart gets an achilles injury and Culpepper gets a rotator cuff injury? What if the fish actually don't get a secondary? They don't have one now? Will that help? What if the Jets, who stunk last year, lost Abraham? Would that matter?
  11. I remember reading somewhere that Moulds had a voodoo doll of DB near his locker. That's not exactly chemistry.
  12. I was going to go with Undertakers Monthly. "New embalming methods revealed"
  13. I knew a guy that did this in one weekend Phone calls I will say that the name of the county involved is unique.
  14. If ESPN says it, it must be true!
  15. And all you got was your TBD screen name.
  16. It's only a multi-year, multi-billion dollar proposal that determines the fate of a business Ralph had built over 46 years. It was "Krafted" by such trustworthy men as Snyder, Kraft and Jones. Why should he need more than 45 minutes to study it?
  17. I swear to God I just came thisclose to buying a GottiHotti? coffee mug.
  18. I thought I read somewhere that teams can "recall" their free agents this year based on te special circumstances. I doubt it will have impact on any of the Bills releases.
  19. I am your investment advisor and am offering you two options: 1. 56.2% of an annual annuity which grows at 15% a year or: 2. 60% of an annual annuity that declines 12% in the first year and grows at 8% after that. Let's call it a 7 year investment. You make the call and then call Mr. Upshaw.
  20. I going to go out on a limb and defer to Bowman.
  21. The federal government oversees everything and should get the blame. In related news, it is possible that an asteroid will strike Earth. If it hits my house, I'm gonna be pissed. I'll send a nastygram about FEMA to my local paper's editorial section. That'll show'em.
  22. He has a higher Wonderlic than some highly touted QBs. Well, at least one.
  23. I liked 8MM.
  24. You realize I was kidding correct?
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