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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. 1. Rob Johnson? WRONG!!!! 2. Oooookay....WRONG!!!!! 3. I'd love to see it but WRONG!!!! Root for someone else. 4. Sounds like a catchy tune. WRONG!!!!!! 5. Nope. Just Katie Couric bias. WRONG!!!!!
  2. 3-4. WRONG!!!!!! 5. CORRECT! How did you all mis that?
  3. 3. WRONG!!!! 4. I'm glad to see you set a personal record for typing but WRONG!!!!! 5. WRONG!!!!!
  4. 3. N'All as in Not at all. WRONG!!!!! 4. Have you been skipping your YouTube anonymous meetings again? WRONG!!!!! 5. WRONG!!!!!
  5. Let me summarize: WRONG!!!!!!!
  6. 3. In June possibly. WRONG!!!!! 4. WRONG!!!!!! 5. A big benefit but WRONG!!!!! This one should be sooooooo easy for you veterans.
  7. 3. WRONG!!!!! but only because he is not a player 4. WRONG!!!!! This is the toughest question in the poll 5. I don't really know what to say about that other than WRONG!!!!!!!
  8. 1. Check 2. Already answered. WRONG!!!!!! 3. It would be nice but we have more important things to do than to worry about John Clayton 4. Is that a song? WRONG!!!!! 5. I must have missed that so I'll have to go with WRONG!!!!!!!
  9. 3. WRONG!!!!! 4. Impressive knowledge of Manilow. I'm sure that does wonders with the ladies. WRONG!!!! 5. Despite the fact that Viera era rhymes which is always a bonus....WRONG!!!!
  10. 2. Sometimes even monkeys on a keyboard are WRONG!!!!! 3. WRONG!!!!!! Everyone already expects him to be all pro. 4. I don't know that one either? WRONG!!!!! 5. You did? How sweet. WRONG!!!!!!
  11. 1. Already answered correctly but were you serious? WRONG!!!!! 2. REDEMPTION.....Correct. 3. Mel? WRONG!!!!! 4. What is that? WRONG!!!!! 5. You do but you are unable to think up anything better to say? WRONG!!!!!
  12. I feel like telling people how WRONG!!!! they are. Here are some questions for you all. You know the rules. If you say you don't you are WRONG!!!!! 1. With Albert Pujols now laid up on the DL, who is the best player in baseball? Since you don't say on an active roster, the answer must be Pujols. 2. What is the coolest shape? Take into account the look of it, geometric importance and the name. The female shape is by far the coolest, functional too. 3. Every year there is one player on any team considered the team's most pleasant surprise. Who should you root for to become that player for the 06 Bills? The DE from PSU. 4. What is the best McDonald's song ever? Old McDonald had a farm. 5. What was the best thing about Katie Couric's farewell? She's a MILF, and if I choose to I can spend time with her 5 nights a week. 1. Right. 2. If by functional you mean you can inflate or deflate the female shape at your convenience, I weep for you. WRONG!!!!! 3. Who would that be and why should we root for him if we don't even know his name? WRONG!!!!! 4. Get a room. WRONG!!!!! 5. Does MILF stand for "Man In Ladies Fragrances"? WRONG!!!!!! As an extra bonus....nice job with the quote box thingy. WRONG!!!!!!
  13. 1. Answered by Gross 2. If you're looking for symmetry think Circle. WRONG!!!! but Rhomus was in the top 5. 3. Think deeper grasshopper. WRONG!!!!! 4. What did I ask again? WRONG!!!!!!! 5. This question was based on actual events. WRONG!!!!!
  14. 1. What? WRONG!!!!!!! 2. Do you mean Ellipse? Either way....WRONG!!!!!!! 3. What could he do to achive that? Run fake punts where he flies over the other tam for touchdowns? WRONG!!!!!! 4. Uuuuuummmmmm.......WRONG!!!!! P. S. That was Burger King 5. Why do I think this was your only serious reply. Ewwwww. WRONG!!!!!!
  15. 1. CORRECT! 2. WRONG!!!! 3. Not Bad. WRONG!!!!!!! 4. Had I known about it it would have received consideration. Also, you spend too much time surfing the web. What exactly are you looking for? WRONG!!!!! 5. All the good you did in number 4 has been torn asunder with this reply. WRONG!!!!!
  16. 1. WRONG!!!! It is too cool for you. You are not too cool for it. 2. WRONG!!!!!! You fail the cool name category when you have a dainty musical instrument named for you. 3. WRONG!!!!!! 4. I can see throughout this reply what your perception of "cool" is. It needs work. WRONG!!!!! 5. What's a Harpy? WRONG!!!!!!!
  17. 1. Did I ask who is the best player in baseball with his team up 11-4? WRONG!!!!!! 2. She is shaped like a blue freak. You must prefer Kirk to Picard. WRONG!!!!!! 3. I figured this would be the majoity answer. It's not that bad but WRONG!!!!! 4. What exactly is cheeze? WRONG!!!!!!! 5. I need to see Ann Curry' face like I need to see the dolphins logo. WRONG!!!!!!
  18. I feel like telling people how WRONG!!!! they are. Here are some questions for you all. You know the rules. If you say you don't you are WRONG!!!!! 1. With Albert Pujols now laid up on the DL, who is the best player in baseball? 2. What is the coolest shape? Take into account the look of it, geometric importance and the name. 3. Every year there is one player on any team considered the team's most pleasant surprise. Who should you root for to become that player for the 06 Bills? 4. What is the best McDonald's song ever? 5. What was the best thing about Katie Couric's farewell?
  19. This is a serious question: Are you saying that we are all going to die via global warming when in by rights we should all die due to a natural ice age? Is the freezing death somehow more pure? Dead is dead right?
  20. How do you collect?
  21. Now I'm unclear on your last paragraph. Are you saying that the past 100 or so years of industry have caused the 10,000 year thaw?
  22. 1. Liberalism and liberal programs haven't been tried? In the US and throughout the world? To your point which I put in bold, I don't think that there are people in either party or within most special interests that are trying to sustain the current system because it is working for them. Both sides are constantly trying to tweak the system in their own favor. After that, they try to show how their approach is "Better for America". The old time robber barons (and current day robber barons and socialists) are not good for the system. Conservatives and liberals as individauls may have substantive, valuable disagreements. There is nothing wrong with their debates but that is not remotely close to what is happening in our government. In my overgenralized view, the Democratic party and those feeding them are trying to make the country's economic system a socialist one. The Republican party (disappointingly to me) is trying to DIRECTLY help business. IMO, governemnt should help business and individuals through osmosis, not in a direct way. That is capitalism. 2.- 3. Humans will always make mistakes. No system will ever change that and no system should try to address it. It is folly. Individuals learn from their mistakes. Small businesses sometimes do. Large corporations rarely learn from theirs. Government seeminly never does. If we are looking for government to help us correct our mistakes we are looking in the wrong place. 4. I basically agree but I'll bet our interpretations of your last sentence would differ wildly.
  23. How much for 2 (or more) season tix? I'd contribute.
  24. Probably since liberalism has never worked and flies in the face of human nature yet people think it will work if we just give it one more try.
  25. And Dems believe Repubs are ruled by the lunatic fringe and that the Dems are middle of the road. See a trend?
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