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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. That's what I'm trying but I can't see stojan in there even with the brightness at 100....I get to the end (?) and just have to turn around.
  2. All right, someone give me a better hint because I have the brightness up so high my eyes hurt and I still can't see any way to get that key.
  3. I breezed trhough the first one but this one has gotten me. I only have 4 secrets, one note and a coil. I've used the cog and gem. I can see the key in the upper pipe but cannot get to it. I don't want to ask for help, but help (a little). Thanks.
  4. Olberman's "reporting" is ridiculous. Bush had (all along) said they were tracking terrorists money. Big deal. The NYT described exactly how this was being done. It is loosely akin to Bush announcing that we have spies in the terror groups and the NYT saying the spy's names are Ralph Jones, Bob Smith and Joe Bagodonuts. The terrorists may have known SWIFT existed (if any of them went to High School or college they should have), but were likely unaware of its precise involvement (if any) in tracking them. The judgement of the NYT is what should be questioned. If there was any doubt whatsoever whether the story would do harm, why run it? To prove how good your paper is at investigating? A big old pat on their own back? Great. Congrats. Terrific story. Now on to finding out exactly how where and when we are spying on terrorists. That too can be published. Terrific.
  5. They got him for organizing cockfights. They should have just arrested him and the whole team for wearing those stupid uniforms.
  6. Is that legalese for "Let's sit back and let them kill us"?
  7. According to ESPN we rank in the lower 3rd of the league in every category. Based on this, our biggest mistake was canning people like TD, Mularkey and Gray.
  8. True, but how much would you bet they'd rank us in the bottom half of the league in EVERY category? Maybe if they rank ST, we'll have a chance. Despite our low rank in EVERY category, they'll still say our biggest mistake was firing TD.
  9. I do not disagree (although none of those were totally dismissable IMO). That statement could likely be made for 75% of countries entries into war throughout history. It is also not "blood for oil" (at least not in such a direct sense) or "revenge for Daddy".
  10. WMDs, while included in a list of reasons, were never sold as the sole reason for the war. To truly tell whether it is "utter folly" you would need a parallel universe machine. Maybe some things would be "worse": Would Saddam have cooperated with terrorists? Would the further exposure of the UNs complete impotenece have further emboldened other countries such as SK? Would people still be being tortured and killed in Iraq? other..... Maybe some things would be "better" Would Saddam's presence have impeded Iran's recent threat from building? Would we have been able to use our troops elsewhere with positive impact? You would also need a time machine to see the future. If Iraq ends up independent and democratic, in say the next 10 years, what value does that hold? Has our stance improved our long term position in the eyes of potential threats (i.e. they know they cannot attack us without renumeration)? Utter folly is a strong term and rarely accurate.
  11. 712232[/snapback] Are these the ones that were said to be destroyed but never confirmed to be destroyed? Wasn't there a treaty signed requiring their destruction? Does this mean Saddam was a liar or is there some other excuse now?
  12. Bzzzzzzzt. Next contestant. He's a hack writer trying to drum up controversy.
  13. Link.... Don't shoot the messenger. I thought it might be interesting. Link
  14. I have a hard time believing Del Rio. When Jax first signed him I saw a quote from Donahoe. Donahoe said it was a great pickup. Clearly Del Rio is wrong.
  15. IMO Losman has a much better chance of improving his accuracy than Holcomb has of improving his effectiveness. Losman's fate is in his own hands. If he improves his accuracy it opens a lot of doors. Holcomb's fate is not in his hands. His weaknesses allow for other teams to plan. A somewhat weak arm and slow feet cannot really be improved. This makes it hard for me to believe he will ever be able to lead consistent long drives over a 16 games season. Is Losman a gamble? Maybe/probably. Holcomb is pretty much a sure thing but not in the right direction. This isn't really a knock on him as I think he can be an asset to the team as a backup/mentor. I just don't think he is the right starter.
  16. It's definitely not tacky. I agree with some others here that think your father may want to enjoy his role as father of the groom. I'd ask him but also let him know that you won't be offended if he declines because he wants to sit back and enjoy. Good Luck.
  17. For now I only have a short list (and stop stealing my name Rubeo). Zeppelin - Out on the Tiles Police (and I don't even like them really) - No time this time
  18. I'll have you know sir that I am the only arbiter of cool in this survey. Zoid is indeed cool herein. All also let it be known that I have no waistband showing as I am proudly going commando.
  19. Keep trying. There's always McLaughlin Thursday.
  20. Here are the answers: 1. Albert Pujols 2. Trapezoid 3. Kevin Everett. If he is a pleasant surprise it will mean a lot of things have opened up for the Bills offense 4. "Boom Like That" by Mark Knopfler about Ray Kroc 5. An appearance by Martina McBride is always the right answer.
  21. VA is WRONG!!! as usual. It's primarily that "Zoid" just sounds cool in any cirumstance. It can be used as a swear word, a hip word (like groovy) a word denoting suprise or shock, a word indicating fatigue or many other emotions. Helix sounds like a carnival ride which is cool, but not cool enough.
  22. Did Pascal ever consider that the bookie might skip town?
  23. Wow. Harsh. And surprising. She's 5 foot 4 so I would think you'd look up to her.
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