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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. Was that meant to be obnoxious, sarcastic or stupid? I can't tell. Which do you think is a better thing for the NINE YEAR OLD kids on the winning team to remember? A. Let's make sure we win by taking advantage of the cancer victim. or B. Let's try to win this like real champions and beat their best player. I'm sure everywhere these kids go in life, they'll have a choice of either facing competition head on or just waiting for someone in a wheelchair to happen along instead. They'll be well equipped to deal with this situation because of the bravery and valiant nature of their 9YO little league coach.
  2. There is a stark difference between a government entitlement and rubbing an inability in the face of a nine year old cancer victim. The 9 year olds on this team will get 2 trillion more chances in their lives to watch someone win a deal or take advantage of a favored position. Most of the time this will be appropriate. They would have learned their lessons without seeing this one. But I guess 2 trillion and one is better than two trillion. Plus they get neato plastic trophies too.
  3. Can you provide a link for this quote and/or anything similar that is not an editorial? Do you think Israel's intent is sport of some kind?
  4. Here's what I would do..... Walk the stud hitter. Strike out the cancer victim. Celebrate with my team. Lie about knowing the kid had cancer. Oh, wait....that's been done. Since when does "baseball strategy" in a 9 year old league outweigh friggin human dignity? Oh yeah, always did. Never mind. How about he walks them both and pitches to the third kid just to call it even? Nah, he might lose. The 9YO championship is way too important for that. Just to be sure he should have had the kids do a cancer chant or something to make the kid nervous. If the kid really said, "I'll just get better at my batting until they have to walk me....." good for him. The dirt bag coach will never change. Reilly nailed it with this quote
  5. How, pray tell, are they supposed to do that given the positioning of Hizbollah's fighters?
  6. Why would it depress you? Billy and Bobby are preparing for life by playing Madden. Meanwhile, Achmed and Ayman are preparing for Billy and Bobby by playing with Nitro.
  7. I think he is selling the "spiritual leader" thing. He's trying to build a team with chemistry. He has stated he'll stay out of the numbers and I think he probably has done that. By stating it over and over in the press at every opportunity, he can continue to sell the team to future players in his own way. He can point back to these conversations as evidence of the way he does business. You want to be here? Great. Go talk to Jim.
  8. IMO some people = Moulds.
  9. These are all excuses for Iran. We are the cause of neither their desire nor their sense of urgency. Their leader himself claims he is readying the path for the islamic messiah (not the exact term, but you know what I mean). If we weren't there he'd simply find another reason.
  10. PJ and I have different politics. We are both well aware of this fact. You have misinterpreted my post. Let me re-word it for you. If the US was never on the face of the Earth, the current leaders of N Korea and Iran would still be pursuing nuclear weapons and threatening people with them. This is because they are megalomaniacs. Joe "cut them slack" by implying the US is the reason for these morons pursuing nuclear weapons. I disagree with that position wholeheartedly. In your post, you see a causal relationship between us being in Iraq and Iran pursuing nukes? Did they ever pursue nukes before we were there? The North Korean pursuit also dates Bush. What do you think these gentlemen would be doing as alternatives if we were not in Iraq? Perhaps picking daisies and helping old ladies cross the street?
  11. Are you just being antagonistic or do you really believe people like Kim and AminananoIcantspellit are getting nukes because of the US? If the US never even existed, guys like this would still find an enemy and go after nukes. Stop cutting them slack they are not even close to deserving.
  12. To the point I highlighted..... I never used the word most. I could counter by saying most pro-life people do not believe condoms are murder. To your overall points.... The answer to the question "When does life begin?" is invariably an opinion. This presents a quandary for government (one of the relative few government quandaries that are not self created by government). If you knew that life begins at conception, and you value life, it would be reasonable to try and protect life and have abortion banned. If you knew that life does not begin until birth, you would be reasonable in supporting abortion rights until birth. The reality is that no one knows when life begins, but many people on both sides believe they know (or at least belive the other side is wrong). Just because "most" people believe that life begins well after conception and well before birth, does not make it correct.
  13. You can see examples of people like this everywhere. I know quite a few people with very strong incomes for 20+ years running (maybe top 8-10% each and every year) that have zippo for net worth. Boats, cars, pools, too big a house all on credit and voila, no savings. Others make almost identical incomes and forego some/all of the lavish lifestyle and end up pretty well off. Why should the two groups have any difference in retirement benefit eligibility?
  14. Even though I posted an hour after you, we were typing at the same time. I had my window open and was paging in and out. I wasn't just being a macaw to your post.
  15. I'm replying to your opinions in the whole thread moreso than just the one I've quoted. I disagree that the argument of "when life begins" is inherently religious. It happpens that current day arguments are often carried out by religious people but that does not make the argument itself religious. Certainly it is philosophical, almost certainly moral, and mostly carried out by reliogious/non-reliogious people. Science can also play a role, maybe moreso in the future. It would be great if it were totally scientific, but it certainly is not. No scientist, cleric or philosopher can currently be precise about when life begins. It is widely agreed that infanticide is wrong, and most people agree that using birth control is morally ok (i.e. a separate sperm and egg do not constitute a life merely out of potential). So pretty much everyone agrees on two things after that: 1. Life begins after sex/insemination 2. Life begins at or before birth. If the "right answer" could be nailed down then the correct law would be easy to decide. Which is the best way to nail it down? Scientifically? Morally? Philosophically? Majority rule? It's a very tough question and not just a religious one. You could be a reasonable person and believe that a fertilized egg has value as a life. If you believe this, then you would have a strong opinion that was anti-abortion. You could also be a reasonable person and believe life starts at birth. In this case, abortion during labor would be just dandy. Where's the right answer? Personally, I don't think I know with enough confidence to join a picket line for either side. But I do think I if I felt sure that I knew scientifically, morally, or philosophically, I'd probably join one of the picket lines.
  16. Thanks. I knew the mailbox was the key. I even tried to trace using the poster with the colored circles. i found the color combinations odd and got fixated there. I should have thought of the letter more quickly. I'm sure I would have gotten the grey wheel eventually but you saved me time there. Thanks again.
  17. Level 7.... I got the blue and green wheels and paper and pen. I seem stuck. There is a blue towel draped over a pipe but it doesn't even acknowledge it. Any tips?
  18. UGH. Now I've started in on this one. For now, I can't get past level 7, even though it seems less tricky than some of the previous levels. I'm sure I've got only about 200 levels to go after I get through here.
  19. I have not found or used a fork. Is it somewhere dark? I feel like I need to finish just because I started but the stuff I've missed other than the code and stupid four secrets on the spidery thingy have been due to darkness. That makes my rating for the game low.
  20. How much friggin higher can I go? I've been up about 17 ladders and flights of stairs. The highest I've gotten is the room on the right where you get the four switches pointing to the middle and the room on the left with the four digit code. I've gotten something out of pretty much every room. I have an unsed set of coils and ID card. From the sewer, in the little alcove, I found a bunch of stuff but could not access the crawl space. Am I supposed to be able to go there? It seems like another ridiculously dark area. The first one was so easy it made me feel smart. This one is getting me angry and feeling dumb.
  21. OK then I give up. Where's the key that opens the wall with the lines drawn on it (like a padlock with a scroll or something)? I am definitely missing something very basic. It is probably because the screen is so dark. Unless the video game does something.
  22. 720912[/snapback] Thanks for the tip on the code. I really meant to ask about the room accross from the electrical panel. It's dark and I'm thinking there must be a key in there but I can't see enough. The game's darkness has cost me a lot of time. With regard to the 4 secrets. D'oh.
  23. I think I got most of the use out of the sewer. Found the key finally although I never saw it. Thanks. I'm stil having trouble in the dark "room" accross from the electrical box (c=2). I can't see anything in there either. Is there something? I'm making progress but can't find the comibnation to the pin #; would have thought 1857. I also can't do anything with the spidery thing. I have one blank space for a note and 4 for "stuff". Have 9 secrets.
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