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Everything posted by OGTEleven

  1. Sorry I missed them the first time. Actually, I'm glad i missed it at least for a while. 1. WRONG!!!!!! Marv gathers no moss ever. 2. I'd have gone with the dark chocolate from that bag, but nevertheless....WRONG!!!!!! 3. That would have been true if Gore had been elected. WRONG!!!!!! 4. Good thought. WRONG!!!!!!! 5. Classy. WRONG!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hints: 1. Donahoe 2. Coconut 3. Odd pairing 4. 80s 5. Can't think of one without giving it away.
  3. 1. Good one. I hope I look like him when I'm 80. WRONG!!!!!! 2. Not sure what that is so ...... WRONG!!!!!!!
  4. 1. WRONG!!!!!! 2. I like those. I think I'll get some. WRONG!!!!!! 3. Very good WRONG!!!!! choice. 4. Uh like totally like not right dude. 5. Another stellar attempt gone bad. WRONG!!!!!!!
  5. 1. Is that a...never mind...WRONG!!!!! 2. On what planet? WRONG!!!!!!! 3. Stop making me think about Martina. It is distracting. On second, thought, go ahead. 4. covered already and still WRONG!!!!!! 5. WRONG!!!!!
  6. 1. What was the question again? Oh, right...yeah funny.....WRONG!!!!!! 2. Explosive but rated properly. WRONG!!!!! 3. 9/11? WRONG!!!!!! 4. 5. Close. WRONG!!!!!!
  7. I am going to say this once in response to your dismal collection of answers: This board is an english language board. WRONG!!!!!!!
  8. 1. He is killing previous GMS but WRONG!!!!! 2. Underrated like Michael Jordan? WRONG!!!!! 3. Never heard it. WRONG!!!!!! 4. If you don't hate it you're an idiot. WRONG!!!!!! 5. Who? WRONG!!!!!!
  9. 2, 5. Been there, done that. WRONG!!!!! 1. Why? WRONG!!!!!!! 3. Haven't heard that one either. WRONG!!!! 4. Three L-E-T-T-E-R-S, not three W-O-R-D-S. WRONG!!!!!!!!
  10. 1. A little respect please. WRONG!!!!!!! 2. This is not a trick question. WRONG!!!!!! 3. Are you trying to drive HopsGuy insane? WRONG!!!!!!! 4. Hey chief, you may want to check with the women with whom you've been. WRONG!!!!!! 5. First of all his name is just "Sam" not "Sam I Am" Secondly. WRONG!!!!!!!
  11. 1. For the third time, he is not orange. WRONG!!!!!!! 2. That thing is simply disgusting. Trade in your taste buds for a newer model. WRONG!!!!! 3. Good God, is she hot or what? Technically that is not a 9/11 song so I can't say tou are right. 4. Thanks. WRONG!!!!! you idiot. (Do you hate me yet?) 5. You took a good run at that and made a good case. In the Cat in the Hat Comes Back, he actually fixes everything so WRONG!!!!!!
  12. 1. Didn't I just say that he is not orange? WRONG!!!!!! 2. That's right up there with other underrated stuff like Tedy Bruschi ans nick saban. WRONG!!!!!! 3. You've lost all credibilty with Hops Guy. WRONG!!!!! 4. Unfortunately for some that is WRONG!!!!! 5. I'm unfamiliar with that and have a feeling it is inappropriate. WRONG!!!!!!
  13. 1.. WRONG!!!!! 2. Not underrated...those half caved in ones ruin it....WRONG!!!!! 3. I haven't heard it so WRONG!!!!!! 4. Thanks, but it depends upon the target. WRONG!!!!! 5. That is what politicians want YOU to be like, not what politicians are like. WRONG!!!!!
  14. First of all, WRONG!!!!! I can't possibly lose credibility because within the walls of a McLaughlin survey I AM credibility. Second, if you want to see if it is the answer, submit it.
  15. 1. He's not really that orange. WRONG!!!!!! 2. I think eating garbage is more underrated. WRONG!!!!!! 4. Step 1: Think of you basic average TBD member. Good job. Step 2: Now think about that person's wife's perspective. Good job. Step 3: WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. 1. I'm interested in yur rationale.....never mind, no I'm not. WRONG!!!!!!! 2. Most vomitted maybe. WRONG!!!!! 3. Hey! I know that one. I wish I had forgotten it. WRONG!!!!! Though you do get bonus points for picking a Country star. 4. Once you know that Verizon can be involved you'll know you're WRONG!!!!! 5. Horton is right while everyone else around him is wrong. That sounds like a lot of politi..... WRONG!!!!!!
  17. 1. What are the last five letters in Grapefruit? WRONG!!!!!!! 2. WRONG!!!!! They're ok. 3. I'll pass too. 4. A logical answer? WRONG!!!!!!! 5. Again I say...... WRONG!!!!!!
  18. 1. Is that an "old man" shot? Wrong!!!!! 2. Are you five? WRONG!!!! 3. I don't know it.....WRONG!!!!!!!! 4. It is remotely possible you could say that and be telling the truth. WRONG!!!! 5. Who is he again? WRONG!!!!!!
  19. 1. WRONG!!!!! If he hasn't turned into one by now, he won't. 2. Man, I love Good n Plenty. They are pretty underrated too. WRONG!!!!! There is something more underrated.
  20. 1. WRONG!!!! But on the right track 2. Are you seven? WRONG!!!!! 3. Never heard it. WRONG!!!!! 4. You do. Some people hat it/her. WRONG!!!!!!! 5. Yes, you are evidently out of your league. WRONG!!!!!
  21. 1. Someone has little kids. That would be right if I asked about Veggie Tales. I didn't. WRONG!!!!! 2. Not bad. Pretty close actually. WRONG!!!!! 3. Don't know that one....therefore WRONG!!!!!! 4. WRONG!!!! number of letters. WRONG!!!!!! answer too. 5. BZZZZZT. The grinch gained some perspective at the end.
  22. Downtown Cincinnati isn't what is used to be. WRONG!!!!!!
  23. I asked for some suggestions for a new McLaughlin survey. I got a grand total of one good one. Work's been crazy but I have a few good questions ready to go. You know the rules: 1. If Marv were a vegetable, which one would he be? (This was submitted by Beerball along with his answer. His answer was WRONG!!!!!!) 2. What is the most underrated candy? 3. What is the best 9/11 song? 4. If you say "I hate ___" (answer is three letters long) you are lying through your teeth. 5. Which Dr. Seuss character closely resembles every politician on the face of the planet?
  24. I got the same insulting BS reply. Here is my response: Thanks for the reply. It makes very little sense but thanks for taking the time (seriously….you didn’t have to reply...thanks for responding). The Cowboys simply do not have anywhere near the local following of the Bills. It was interesting you found the Bills backers clubs so easily. If the Cowboys have such a big following I wonder if their backers clubs are easily found as well. The Dallas/Titans game was as captivating as expected.. Did you switch to the Saints/Panthers game at the end because, like the Cowboys, the Panthers have more local fans than the Bills?
  25. Here's the e-mail I sent this AM: It was a little overstated I know, but their decision is ridiculous too.
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