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  1. This song drove me crazy because they played it so much (and because it’s terrible) that I actually called a radio station to request that they NOT play it.
  2. I took the wife to see this trio in November. Regardless of what type of music you like, don’t miss a chance to see them if you get one. There were ten jaw dropping moments because of their sheer singing talent. They sang the song below. I knew a lot of their music but not this one. It’s a cover of the last song Warren Zevon wrote (he knew he was dying). It’s sad enough on its own but we had just put our dog to sleep. There is a line that says I’m tied to you like the buttons on your blouse which couldn’t be a more perfect description of how that dog looked at my wife. I couldn’t look over at her or I’d have lost it.
  3. I grew up a big Yankees fan but quit them at about fifteen for what are probably unusual reasons. The Yankees had just begun to win World Series’ but a lot of my favorite players were not prominent and were replaced by more expensive guys. Fred Stanley, their shortstop, really contributed to their 1977 championship. He was my favorite player and was rewarded by being ditched for Bucky Dent. I hated Dent more than Red Sox fans did. Roy White got shoved aside. There were others too so I quit. The wins felt more like relief than excitement. I picked the Padres in part because the Buffalo Braves had moved to San Diego so I had two teams in each city. Then they lost Dave Winfield to the Yankees so I actually hated the Yankees for a while. I’m Yankee neutral now and have been for a long time but the Padres were solidified as my favorite team for good once the incomparable (player and person) Tony Gwynn came along.
  4. This woman's voice is too much to believe. Everything she sings is great but when she does live versions, her talent level is scary.
  5. I was referencing Going Home (Local Hero) by the great Geordie Mark Knopfler.
  6. I’ll go with Newcastle because they have an awesome intro song which the Bills should borrow. Their crowds always look great.
  7. The link isn’t about the Yankees although Jeter is mentioned. Sunday will mark ten years since my all time favorite player passed away. It’s a nice article. https://www.mlb.com/padres/news/featured/tony-gwynn-legacy-lives-on-10-years-after-his-passing
  8. There is a new CD on the way from one of my favorite singers. I've heard very few voices that rival hers.
  9. I just heard a song from Knopfler's new album. Rather than a Youtube link I'll paste the lyrics. The song is about a historical event (I knew nothing about it). Like many of Knopfler's songs you could practically make a movie from it. The movie The Founder was from a book but only because one of the writers or producers heard "Boom Like That" and decided it needed to be a movie. There are quotes in the movie taken directly from the song. I'm only posting the lyrics to this song because when I read the last two lines, it just blew me away with respect to what a talented songwriter he must be. The song is called Tunnel 13 In the Siskiyou Mountains, the old railroad winds Through the golds of the maples and the green of the pines Up to Tunnel 13, the Southern she climbs And three bandits waiting with evil in mind The D'Autremont brothers had chosen their road Chosen to live by a criminal code Word was the mail car was loaded with gold The brothers had heard it, or had maybe been told They wanted no witnesses, that was a fact The brothers were bent on a barbarous act Gold there was none, only sadness and tears And the law coming after them year after year Three bandits, hearts filled with resentment and hate Killed mail clerk Elvyn Daugherty, engineer Sydney Bates With shotgun and pistols, they were panicking when They killed brakeman Coyle Johnson and fireman Marvin Seng Robbing and looting is as old as the hills They're still jumping freight trains with crowbars and drills A hundred years later in Downtown LA They rob the Union Pacific damn near every day Four good men lay murdered in the dogwoods and pines Leaving widows and children and heartbreak behind Tunnel 13 is the place in the song Where the beautiful redwood for my guitar came from
  10. And by extension, music.
  11. If there ever was an All Star band, this one has to be it (certainly wins for quantity).
  12. This is a charity benefit song for teen cancer. If you're not familiar with the song, it is from the soundtrack to Local Hero and Knopfler often plays it as the final encore in his concerts. I think the list of contributors qualifies as impressive.
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