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Everything posted by BilltheCat

  1. When I exclude circus work, I can't imagine why one would want to market a bear. Sounds like a bunch of bull to me.
  2. Too many choices but.... Anything by AC/DC just cause it's Angus and of course... Thoroughgood Time by Pink Floyd (no idea why just like the song) Now I'm dated.
  3. Don't always agree with what you say but this time I think you are fairly accurate in your assessment. Especially the "cynical yuppie burnouts" - LOL; couldn't be more accurate. Only those of weak mind and serious self-esteem problems utilize physical degradation to attack others and attempt to hide behind humor to justify it.
  4. Both my son and daughter slept through from about 6 weeks and my wife was (is) all about routine. Unless they are ill, stick to a plan. For the first month or so they (most infants) need to be fed, changed, etc. through the night so you cannot escape that but when they settle in, stick to a routine. For what it is worth, my sister gave us a Fisher Price music play/water-thingy that hangs on the crib and it seems to sooth my son when he wakes in the night. He just touches the button and it plays for about 10 minutes. It took very little time before he could restart it himself - probably at 8 weeks or something. Anyway, he likes that quite a bit. Hope it helps.
  5. I agree. I too have been on parental leave for about 6 months over the last two years (little guy is 2, little girl is 10 months). It's great. Have to return to work soon though (Accountant/Gov't auditor now but used to be an engineer).
  6. No offense meant but I think it is generally parent(s) that choose abortions and the doctor is but the tool chosen for the task. Similar to a gun in some ways. I may not agree with abortion but I do not have the "right" to suggest others follow my personal beliefs based on my interpretation of events (or religious literature).
  7. Tons of choices. For a pure lead that has depth, balance, and requires a fair bit of skill probably Elliott Randall's studio work on Reelin' in the Years. Not as pushy as the rock giants but a very good lead nonetheless.
  8. I agree with your sentiments but when it comes to feeling sorry for Britain I am not so sure. From my reading of history, usually when someone "prods that bear" (as somebody here often states), they get eliminated, and generally sooner rather than later. I pity the poor bastards that piss them off to this extent 'cause it often provokes a nasty response - at least when the conservatives are in power. In this case - the nastier the better as far as I'm concerned.
  9. Yeah, the guy is nuts, This fiasco has been going on for a few years now and I can't imagine it was ever over hockey. This is obviously a guy who has a "problem" and his son has had to suffer for it. The only aspect that should be addressed, (and not by a court), is the son's suspension - I saw no need for that. When did it get so complicated? We used to play on backyard "rinks" and ponds for the fun of it. When we joined a league it was still fun - competition didn't turn us crazy. Bobby Orr has been talking about this stuff for the last decade and I guess he is right.
  10. It seems that it may be lacking elsewhere as well. http://news.mainetoday.com/apwire/D89OBD8G0-117.shtml This is an excerpt from the above-referenced story. This "gentleman", after murdering two people, crossed the border into the US..... "He said he watched as officials confiscated an arsenal of weapons. "When he come in they opened his bag up and they took out, it looked like large bayonets to me but they could have been a little bit longer for swords, and then two pairs of brass knuckles fastened on to his bag, a chainsaw and what looked like a flak jacket, a bullet-proof vest," Mr. Young said. Customs officials seized the weapons, then let the man into the country."
  11. "Not that there is anything wrong with that"
  12. I couldn't agree more. NON-negotiable parental expectations with an adequate (but not exaggerated) award system as positive reinforcement is the way to go. When the boundaries are set at the beginning and the expectations are attainable a normal child will respond. Too many parents expect teachers to raise their children. Teachers are hired to provide the best learning environment for all of our kids and ensure that they are well-prepared to move forward with their lives from that perspective. I think 98% of them would like the opportunity to do that. Parents must do the rest. If there is a disciplinary problem that cannot be easily handled by a corrective comment, I want the teacher to contact me ASAP and I will deal with the problem. It's a real shame when all of the children suffer because some parents refuse to be accountable for their children, either at home or at school.
  13. I would never harm my child (or any other). Generally, the difference in physical and mental maturity provides me with many other methods of restraint and discipline. That said, if the child had fallen off the table she was repeatedly climbing on and even scratched herself or worse yet, hurt an innocent child in some way, the school could not begin to measure the cost of legal defense. I do know that if one of my children behaves that way at school, (s)he will be hoping that the police get there before I do.
  14. Although from an entirely different perspective, I agree with you. I have little intention of defending Canadian domestic policy just as I have no intention of criticizing American domestic policy. That is one (and only one) of the reasons national sovereignty exists - we respect an individual nation's right to determine their policies, laws, cultural and religious obsessions, etc. It is also the only reason that I might question the US foreign policies in other countries. As far as common defense goes, it is somewhat irrelevant because in the final analysis we exist on the same continent and whether we like it or not, our similarities far outweigh the differences that we continually raise. We will find common ground that will be acceptable to both nations with respect to common defense policy. A minority government in Canada at this time makes that all but impossible for the interim. I would definitely agree that Canadian national defense is Canada's problem.
  15. Personally I have no problem with the CRTC 35% content rule although I would suggest a review of the policy to ensure that you actually understand the definition of Canadian content. Protecting and encouraging national talent is difficult when your neighbor has such a population advantage, as Darin attested to. Although not a fan of Canadian "pop" music, if Rush qualifies as such for you, so be it. As far as crime, although these sites are statistically-based research and not nearly as conclusive as a survey, they do support some aspects of the claims as well as dispel others. http://www.cfc-ccaf.gc.ca/pol-leg/res-e v a l...s/default_e.asp http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/011218/d011218b.htm Martin is not a complete idiot. That is really the only positive comment I can make in his regard. At this point I am not entering into a debate on health care. Since no affluent American has ever experienced a problem with your system, I am certain most others agree that it is perfect as well. Censorship. I cannot imagine we could be more conservative that GWB but you never know. I do know that I would not attempt to rebut the vigorously researched and thoroughly documented sources cited by the author at hand. Gay marriage does not matter to me but if I had the ambition I am certain I could find surveys & polls (being fine instruments of objective viewpoint that they are) that would claim the opposite. However, I do not wish to sit with my "finger" on Google waiting for an opportunity to show all that will listen the level of "my" intelligence.
  16. Well, apparently you wouldn't have seen the memo, your too busy on the internet.
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