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Everything posted by realtruelove

  1. 58 - Been a fan since early 60's, became a big fan around the time of AFL Championships. Have lived through the ups and downs and torture every season. Moved away from Buffalo in 1987.
  2. My son and I are here visiting family for Christmas and are taking in the Bills game today with the infamous Mr. Larry and one of his many friends. Hopefully it will be a win for the Bills. Mr. Larry has been laying low these past few years. Perhaps you have heard of him...
  3. Martin's Kettle Cooked are the finest. If you have never had one, you have surely missed out on some yummy chips.
  4. He didn't say he was a 4th round prospect, he said he was the 4th best at his position.
  5. You need to play good defense and be able to quickly transition. Steal, followed by layup is very demoralizing to the opposing team.
  6. I bet I have more immediate family members on TBD than anyone else.
  7. There is no question that Samsung has the best picture but their customer service and record with failing components like capacitors is well known. I am JoeFerguson's dad, the one that has first hand experience. Those of you that have had your Samsung for 2-5 years, beware. They still use inferior components and their repair department, customer service departments are incompetent.
  8. Martins Kettle Cooked from York, PA. These are my favorite.
  9. I just moved to Waukesha, WI, about 30 miles west of Milwaukee. I have come to respect the Packers Team and fans. These people are intelligent, rabid fans who love their team, their beer and revel in snow and cold. GO PACKERS!
  10. This could make for a very interesting night with my sons. I look at it as an adventure. It sounds to me like legally, neither the US or Canada can deny you entrance to their country and this stupid passport rumor is just to scare people from even attempting it.
  11. I say that's a small price to pay to run with the Tall Dogs at the Ballet, wouldn't you say? How long did it take to process this way? Do you think you could hook a brother up?
  12. Perhaps I could talk my way into Canada with gift of gab and after that, who cares if it takes a couple of days to get back into the US. Plus it would make a better movie than Hangover, right Fat Santa?
  13. Please explain. I thought that you now needed a passport. What do we tell them at the border? "Don't worry, you can trust us, we're from Buffalo."
  14. We're all coming into town from all parts of US. Looking for a bonding experience and some R rated entertainment. Can't go to Canada because some of my nimrod sons don't have their passports. Any suggestions?
  15. Grandma Cathy's or Mr. Larry's
  16. I am also amazed how little I am seeing about this in the national media. It's a real disaster. I never thought I would see the Cumberland river rise to flood the city of Nashville. I would be interested to hear someone else's opinion on why this is. My theory is that the people here are extremely industrious and will clean up and rebuild, without fanfare or looking for a free hand out. The national media is looking for something more controversial than that.
  17. I agree with Darin. If it has electronic ignition then there is no pilot. the burner is ignited electronically. If it it has a pilot, there is a chance pilot will remain lit even with the power off. You should investigate this so you are prepared in the future for power failure events. No need to worry however.
  18. That's a good assumption and makes sense. I guess we'll see if it's true. If it is, there will be an announcement today or Monday.
  19. NEVER argue with Mr. Larry!
  20. MR. LARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Just imagine how funny the post game press conferences would be.
  22. It's not an impression, it's obvious
  23. Of all the coaches in the world, he has to be the worst. Child, PLLLLLLLEASE
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