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Everything posted by Sanners

  1. It’s a shame he didn’t take that admiration and learn from him.
  2. I think the problem is that a lot of us remember Larry Felser, and respected his columns and his opinions. He was critical when needed, and positive when needed. It was balanced. After he left we got a 2nd rate replacement in Sullivan, and the News being comatose for 25 years, because they were rolling in cash, kept him way too long. The he guy is not good, period. Never has been. It has zero to do with criticism.
  3. Good point. Everyone has their opinion. Hopefully, you can continue to enjoy his work. I’ll continue not reading or listening to him.
  4. I don’t think you are getting it. It’s not the criticism. It’s the lack of quality takes. He very rarely exposed anything or wrote something that wasn’t self evident to the casual fan. As another poster said, it was just another guy at the bar yapping away. I’m happy that those Sullivan fans have a place to hear his schtick, but to say the city of Buffalo owes him an apology is the funniest thing I’ve heard in awhile.
  5. I’m shocked the “great “ Jerry Sullivan didn’t get scooped up by a major market paper. The fact he is still in Buffalo speaks volumes to his employability. Douchebag.
  6. I need to ask my 13 year old twin daughters if they like Shawn Mendez... they better answer the question right!
  7. I love a guy who’s name is Todd makes fun of the name Carl...
  8. Any food guide that doesn't list Bar Bill for Beef on Weck, as well as their wings, is completely inadequate. Update that sucker!
  9. What's your budget? That determines everything. Personally, I would stay in East Aurora at the Roycroft, or at the Hampton Inn. Probably way too late to get either, but that is the way to go. Downtown is awesome as well, but September is major hotel season in Buffalo. Hotel Henry is one of the best places in the country.
  10. Agreed Max. Other than O-Line, which is really a major question mark, this team is better.
  11. I was keying on Ragland. His lateral movement was poor, and he looked weak at the attack.
  12. Foster and Proehl are long shots for a meaningful NFL career. McCloud on the other hand is looking solid.
  13. Shaq was very good Thursday night. It was nice to see. I’m not sure if he will ever live up to a first round pick, but it was quite encouraging watching him play. He seems much quicker than previous years.
  14. Thanks, awesome report. Maybe put some indents and spaces in there for us older guys!
  15. Bleh. Overrated it is all country music. Please tell me the great rock clubs of Nashville, because no one in the city could point me to one within 3 miles of Broadway near the Bridgestone. Traffic is a major problem, with no chance of getting better due to infrastructure issues, and over population. Weather sucks in the summer. No water, unless you call that dirty river an attraction. I guess they created some man made lakes, so you got that. Sorry, not a fan.
  16. Been to Nashville too many times over the last 6 months. If you love country, I guess it would be cool, however!!! City is growing up way too fast. No transit system, and infrastructure sucks. Suburbs are just anytown, USA. Weather is very iffy, and hot-humid as hell in the summer. Also, its the south, but Nashville born folk are awesome.
  17. Fat Bob’s is an alternative. They can be inconsistent though.
  18. It was sold. Terrible now.
  19. The years of abuse and futility do not allow such optimism, however its what we should expect. It seems as though everyone has a loser complex! I applaud the OP!
  20. Holy Crap! Yes, many a time. In sales, you must recognize a solid effort after losing a major deal, by praising the team for their effort; especially against tough competition. He is building a team. Praise in public, criticize in private. It works.
  21. I've been to Houston like 15 times for work. It is my least favorite city in the country. Hot, humid, flat, urban sprawl. People are nice, but other than that it's really pathetic. San Antonio, on the other hand, is a great city to visit.
  22. He wasn't the GM that drafted Bruce Smith, it was Terry Bledsoe.
  23. I just had a Grimm Tesseract yesterday at the Yelling Goat in Lancaster. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/32893/156482/ Enjoyed it quite a bit. It had a pineapple finish, but it didn't seem artificial.
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