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Everything posted by Sanners

  1. Totally agree 100%... Bar Bill is the real deal in WNY!
  2. Very true, but just responding to his post. Every human is capable of terror, it doesn't matter what race or creed.
  3. Well, our Irish friends have been known to wreak havoc in Northern Ireland.
  4. Actually, who cares what you you want... Your username is downright disgraceful, so quit being nice....
  5. Man, I am happy I asked. I find myself squarely in your corner politically.
  6. Got ya... Cool. It makes sense now. Thanks for clearing that up, its been (slightly) bugging me for a little while now. (Personally, I could care less, but I was bored)
  7. Oops. I didn't relaize that Darin wasn't a Republican. I know that his beliefs tend to stray to the right, so I guess I made a wrong assumption. Even still, the whole Green Day album is quite liberal in its thinking, and its attack on the political right of America. That is my only observation. I struck it as odd after reading Darin's posts for years.
  8. I'm a long time member of two bills drive, but a seldom poster. I just was reading an Alaska Darin post and it struck me as odd, that he would have a clearly anti-Bush and Republican song lyric by Green Day, as his signature. I'm just curious, because I know how staunch he is in his beliefs. Did you lose a bet or something Darin? Note: This is not a flame, I just couldn't figure it out.
  9. I totally agree. Good to see it to, with all of the lame posts lately.
  10. My company, Systems in Learning, has a grammar product called English Grammar 101. I could give a TBD discount. www.englishgrammar101.com
  11. Bring it on...
  12. Classic, and true. My brother will arrive at 8 AM for Bills games at my house, in Orange County, CA. At 8:15 he opens the fridge, grabs a heiney, and asks me if I want one. Without delay, I say to myself, "What the hell, its Sunday, the Bills are playing, if I was back home, I'd be drinking in the parking lot.." "Sure..." By 9:00 the wife will wake up and come on down to the family room, and look at us with that "oh crap, here they go again look"... Its definitely trippy cheering for an East coast football team here out west...
  13. Another shout out for Bar-Bill's in East Aurora. They never disappoint. My folks live in Elma, so whenever I am in town we take a drive over to Bar-Bill Tavern. If you guys are down that way, head on in for some great food, and amazing wings.
  14. They are extremely docile. I got a whole bunch of them in my backyard. They are quite common in Southern California. No worries at all.
  15. Is there a C-band feed out of Detroit for this game? The Sports Bar I go to is having their KU receiver or satellite fixed.
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