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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. Manning will not be getting crushed tonight. The Colts will beat the Pats because the officials will be showing off their shiney brand new anti-mugging rule to America. Sorry Pats fans, but that will be your downfall tonight.
  2. I hope Malarkey is smart enough to provide in game adjustments. If our running game is stuffed and Reed is not getting open during some game, then we have an option in Lee Evans to throw at the opposition.
  3. ...before we all start jumping off the cliff? Sick of all the worry-warts and sick of preseason football.
  4. Post of the day.
  5. That and GW was a twerp for letting him highjack the wrong offensive philosophy for an entire season. TD's worst ever mistake was highering that idiot.
  6. ...and coaching, pourous offensive line protection, lack of deep threat and lack of turnovers to shorten the field had nothing to do with Drew's troubles, right Mr. Simpleton?
  7. any player, huh? I think this team is better with Willis, thank you.
  8. Over Willis McGahee? Really? You would trade McGahee for Steinbach?
  9. Names please...still waiting.
  10. Please, his reply only would waste valuable posting space.
  11. Ty Law's getting 10 mil this season??????? That can't be right. He's a great DB but that is outragous.
  12. Sorry to tell you, but basing season predictions on preseason performance is idiotic.
  13. You're kidding, right? Give us names please. What offensive lineman from that draft do you want instead of having Willis McGahee on this team?
  14. taken other than Willis McGahee. I just looked at the picks after the Bills pick in the first round in the 2003 draft and I can not find any probowlers that TD missed on. Get over it and enjoy the 1-2 runningback punch we'll have this season. Bills fans care more about winning the Superbowl than a players feelings, ok? http://www.rochester-citynews.com/gbase/Gy...?oid=oid%3A2905 Mike Doser - "In retrospect, that pick (McGahee) would have been better used on anything else --- anything"
  15. Juliette Lewis - not a classic beauty by any means but damn sexy! http://www.triblabs.com/Pics/juliette_lewi...iette22_jpg.htm
  16. This reason does not explain thongs on the beach however. What a treat that is, and no tipping required.
  17. I don't have NFL ticket and I need a place to see my beloved Bills lay a beating on the Jags. Thanks.
  18. Alan Iverson plays harder than anybody in the NBA, and he gave his all for the USA basketball team, including giving his summer to represent his country in the Olympics. He did nothing to embarass this country over there. Do you still root for a running back who had sex with a fifteen year old? Get off your stupid high horse and Iversons back you non-patriotic jackass.
  19. If the league does inforce this rule, they WILL be making an example of the Pats this year to prove it's commitment to the rule. Here's hoping they do. BTW, that Colts playoff game was criminal. The refs looked as if they had money on the Pats.
  20. Anybody remember the Hall of Fame career that Marcellus Willey was supposed to have after he left Buffalo for his bigtime contract? Schobel needs to show a lot more before TD gives him "Star" DE type money. You cannot afford to overpay players in todays NFL.
  21. Video Music Awards? Given out by a network that no longer plays music videos? Hmmmm, interesting concept. People who buy rock oriented music are not in their demographic (aka 9 to 16 year olds). If your not a Britney-clone tart or a wind-up flavor of the month supergansta rapper then you aint "hot" enough for the MTV music generation. MTV is no longer for music lovers in general.
  22. It's hard to tell by a box score, so I'd greatly appreciate it if someone who'd seen the game could give their assessment, thanks.
  23. I didn't say it was mandatory, just wanted to give you all rooting against USA a simple :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: .
  24. Then I suppose you despised Bruce "training camp?" Smith. Or maybe you ARE threatened by Iverson's appearance since you brought it up. Iverson's a gamer just like Smith was, he was just being more honest than Bruce.
  25. I'm sorry, but exactly when did this USA team bully anyone? Please give me one example of this team being a bully to the other nations it has played. They've conducted themselves admirably by owning up to their weaknesses and in turn have treated their opponents with respect (maybe even too much respect). To compare this team to the Dreamteam is laughable, and rooting against the USA very unpatriotic.
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