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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. Eva Langoria is black?????
  2. Look, you obviously feel our line is on the upswing and their play will keep improving game after game until it becomes a dominant force of the offensive unit and one of the best in the league (and if you don't feel like they can become one of the best in the league than this argument, for all intents and purposes, is over). I don't think these players have the talent to acheive these lofty goals. I'd keep Villarial (Jennings is going to Atlanta IMO) and the rest I'd either cut, try them elswhere on the line or demote them to backups. Your buddy rudely questioned my credibilty so if you guys are so thin skinned then watch those rocks you are chucking because I won't be wilting under your verbose replies.
  3. We are 22nd in the NFL in rushing with Travis Henry and Willis McGahee as our running backs. We are 27th in the NFL in passing. You and Simon are both living in a fantasy if you think our offensive line doesn't have anything to do with those numbers.
  4. You wouldn't know silly or comical if it hit you upside your noggin. Silly and comical is what the MNF intro was, so it's ironic you used the term "flown right over your head". You probably have no idea what I'm talking about which makes it all the more comical to me.
  5. Too bad you can't formulate your opinions in a thoughtful manner like he did. Ding? Bingo? What debating skills you have.
  6. You saying our O-line is fine and that Trey Teague is a great center reminds me of Dorothy's line "There no place like home, there's no place like home". BTW I think credibility is down the list of things you'd know about.
  7. Ok Kurt, you brought me back in baby. Your argument assumes that "moral decency" in America is set to your own standards. What I see as decent for public viewing and what you see as decent may be completely different (I have a good feeling this is true). The problem with this is that real art may be effected by "your" standards. The viewing of statue of David (the naked one I'm sure you're familiar with) could be banned for instance. Censorship is a slippery slope that leads to broad brush statements like the ones in your post. That is why America has what is called Freedom of Speech, to make sure the religious right wackos would never win the censorship war. But don't fret, you'll always have FoxNews.
  8. To me, Janet Jackson's boob ripoff was indecent, that goofy skit wasn't. I think the FCC is quickly becoming big brother that will basically make network television unwatchable in a few years because of stringent moral guidelines taken to the enth degree. I lean towards the side of creative freedom even if that means some people may be offended. Differing opinions is what this country's about. I'm done with this worn out subject myself.
  9. The Bills have many problems on offense with Drew being the Great White problem of the bunch. Second biggest problem is that our offensive line is very weak and gets pushed around. Third is coaching, lets just say game planning and adjustments have not been too stellar this season. To say that Drew is the one and only problem would be simplistic and wrong in my opinion.
  10. Do you really think the word "piss" is appropriate for a forum that children can view? Why are you trying to disrespect the readers of this board with your filthy language? Is this how you show respect for their values? You obviously do feel the need to force your personal opinions on everyone else yet you care not to walk the walk. Your cable channel argument is so very weak when you consider the fact that everyone in America is wired with cable channels. If you are truly a advocate for decency in television I would suggest to you that all children have the same access that you do to those channels and you should therefore start attacking them as well. It was a harmless skit that you've twisted into the realm and equated with porno. Not even close. We are obviously on the opposite side of the fence on this one.
  11. This was a funny skit about how one of the crazy "housewives" of said show ends up in the Eagles shower room to mess with Owens. It's called humor. This was not supposed to be a 1950s high school educational film on locker room etiquette. Sheeesh, get a life and stop trying to shove the puritan morals on everyone. Isn't that the reason why we have the America we know today? There was a reason why the Pilgrams left Europe, try brushing up on that lesson. One last thing, last I knew humor was still a positive human emotion.
  12. The club is growing and it will be standing room only when Losman and McGahee are getting decked every week closing out yet another lost season.
  13. I didn't miss your point. You expressed outrage over ABCs pre MNF skit at a family hour. I thought it was a clever nutty spoof of an over the top soap opera and you thought it crossed the line of family TV time. Have you ever watched an Austin Powers movie? That's the way I took this skit. It was goofy and Terrell's acting was hilariously bad. Have you even watched shows like Las Vegas the OC, and Desparate Housewives? A woman's bare back is the norm on those shows. But forget that for a second, is NFL football really that great of a sport to show kids how to act? The me me me attitudes are a terrible example of sportsmanship yet this goes unoticed. It's now acceptible to show up your opponent on a play by play basis. But Nicolette shows her back and all hell breaks lose? I saw way more skin on the Raven cheerleaders than I did on the Nicolette piece. Why have NFL cheerleaders in the first place? They are there soley for the T & A factor. Keep going down this road and the next logical step for the NFL is to outlaw these skantily clad girls. Or at least put some more clothes on them. Were you raging when the light beer girls were riping their shirts off? Sexy girls are everywhere and TV and businesses will always use them to sell America things. If America was so truly turned off by this practice then they would have stopped a long long time ago. I can't understand all the hub-bub.
  14. I think our offensive line has been bad for going on ten years now. The reason teams like KC, the Colts, Denver and the Vikings are so good is that they have offensive lines that week in week out will give you top notch efforts and they have the skills to do this. Our line is not cut out for consistently good performances along those standards. They did not open any holes for Travis and Willis has gotten the bulk of his on his shear will of not going down easy. I agree that Drew has made them look bad in pass mode, but I think they split in the who's at fault for the sack total. That's still not good. Trey Teague? No good. Mike Williams? No good and apparently doesn't even like football. Jonas? Hello Atlanta. Left Guard? Still looking. This is the biggest mess left to clean up after Drew exits. I will clamor about this until it's fixed and I'm afraid that's going to be a very long time.
  15. Ok, so America must pass the RkFast offensive meter. Sorry if you were offended by that spoof but it was a harmless skit. Not everyone in this country is that easily offended. Just keep your family in that protective Barney bubble and everything will be alright. I have a question, why don't you get rid of your television sets if you're so easily offended? Because for every bare Nicollete back there are a thousand murders during the crime dramas. Oh that's right, killing people is ok on the networks. I forgot.
  16. I have to chime in on this. You people who think you are not prudes and are openminded yet feel offended by Sheridan's and Owen's spoof of a zany soap need to get a grip. Only prudes and closed minded people would be offended by this kind of fluff. I don't know what kind of porn you're watching but it must be produced by Disney if it only shows the bare back of a woman. I have a feeling it has more to do with social issues but I aint going to go there. Imagine what would happen if Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor tried to do their job interview skit in this day and age of non-awareness head-in-the-sand PC world? Heads would roll in a second. Network TV will be unwatchable in the very near future after all the networks force their shows to pass the politically correct religious right litmus test. Survivor had a man completely naked for an entire season and there was not even a peep. One Nicolette bare back and we are all going to hell in a handbasket. Get a freakin' grip.
  17. Let the great O-line experiments begin. It would be nice if Peters would be a diamond in the rough dominant tackle (I can dream). Put Williams in at left guard and see if he can be dominant there, try Teague at tackle. We need a new left tackle (Jennings is gone), Guard (hey MW it's time to make good use of your draft position), center (Teague is not a good center plain and simple, can Bannon play center?), and left tackle (see MW). At least they have almost half a season to see if the answers are on this team right now. I'm tired of hearing they need more time to gel, these guys are inconsistently below average at the most and are the worst o-line in the league more often than not.
  18. I just don't like the idea of throwing roses at the lines performance in the passing game. Who cares if they are improved there and still do not open holes in the running game. This team will be 8-8 next season with this line's current makeup.
  19. That high school football coach is an idiot. The Bills line has been getting pushed around every year for the past 10 years. The NE game is what he considers immense offensive line improvement? Yeah right. Drew is absolutely horrible but so is our line. They're always getting pushed around and if it's not overhauled expect another 8-8 season in 2005.
  20. Ummmmmmmmm....Starwars boy was disagreeing with me to the point of making an over-the-line obnoxious remark. Your assumption to the contrary is equally obnoxious my friend.
  21. 1. I don't take advice from Starwar convention rejects. 2. If you think we have a good offensive line then you're a moron.
  22. You'e dreaming. IMO the Bills have the worst offensive line in the league (tied for last with the Giants). It's not just pass blocking, they can't create holes in the running game either. They couldn't create them for Travis and Willis is getting his yards on shear gile.
  23. I'm I the only one who found this one funny?
  24. I only wish the fans here would move beyond the Drew thing. This problem is much much bigger that that one. Loseman is going to be the starter here very very soon, but I don't see why people are not looking at the biggest problem with the Bills. You can now put me in the DNBOLC (Draft Nothing But Offensive Lineman Club).
  25. Just got on the board and just I expected it's all "Drew must go", which is so painfully obvious to even the staunchest of Drew Bledsoe supporters, with no mention of our offensive line play. Our offensive line is HORRIBLE, EMBARRASSING, WEAK, DISMAL, PUTRID, DISGUSTING and just plain PATHETIC. The Bills need to really think about what made the superbowl Bills teams great. It's the offensive line stupid. The time has come for the big fix. We need MW to move to guard, we need a new left tackle to replace Jennings who is no doubt going to leave here, we need a new center because Trey Teague is not going to cut it in the power running offense, and we need a new right tackle also. I don't know how they are going to do this but I suspect the second round of the 2005 draft would be a good start. I know it's not as much fun or sexy as bashing Drew this week, but Bills nation needs to come to grips with "THE PROBLEM" of this team and stop sugar coating it with the Bledsoe sucks montras.
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