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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. Anybody who wants their children to accept politicians and professional athletes as their role models have got to be absolutely nuts.
  2. What is so "fugged up" about a guy who follows his own path and not the one others think he should follow? I give him credit for having the cahonas to turn down that much money because he doesn't agree with the rules. So instead of being a hypocrite and do it anyways, he quit. Not doing it sooner is my only problem with the guy.
  3. Ok, I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but Giambi isn't the only player to have used or is currently using steroids.
  4. Anybody here think that the Barry Bonds Network (aka ESPN) will blow up Bonds like this????? He's their savior during the baseball season and I've been so sick and tired of all of the freakin stories and the fawning over that has been bestowed on this jerk. Hey ESPN guess who's next on the chopping block!!!! Couldn't happen to a better network. http://sports.espn.go.com/
  5. Semi-see-thru shirts are just plain awesome. That's my two cents.
  6. Hearing Bill's fans wanting JP to start next season when the Bills are on a huge roll is so funny to me. I think this team has the makings for a Rams type "greatest show" offense, but that's only with Bledsoe at the helm. And if the Bills continue to put up 30+ point totals the rest of the year it would be foolish to want JP to begin the 2005 season. Because unless he's the second coming of Dan Marino, JP will no doubt play badly more often than not. JP's going to have to show some serious stuff in training camp to unseat a dailed in Drew Bledsoe. I have a final question for you JP guys...are you secretly hoping that the Bills lose so Losman will play?
  7. ESPN = video vomit
  8. By pure happenstance I had ESPN on and Dan Patrick put up this AMAZING "factoid" that the Steeler coach was the only coach to be coaching thoughout Favre's concecutive start streak. WHO THE F CARES!!!!!! ESPN is so stupid it isn't even funny anymore.
  9. Old isn't the word. Try nausiating. It's sad when they can't even enjoy a thorough away game @ss kicking since it came from the hands of their arch nemisis.
  10. When you lead your offense on 5 touchdown drives including the first drive and last drive of the first half to close shut the Seahawks chances to win then you are a BIG TIME player in my book. Your little book of QB rating numbers be damned.
  11. Thank you for this post. Every time I read that fans are hoping for a Steeler team that is benching starters I cringe. This is loserville talk. I want the Bills to kick the crap out of the team that has the NFL's best record and I hope that is the Steelers (whether we are out of it at that point or not). Anything less just won't do.
  12. Whaaaa? If the Steelers come to the Ralph, the Bills on a 6 game winning streak, and a chance at the wildcard I would say look out for Big Bad Buffalo! Sorry, but I just don't understand your fear of this scenario.
  13. I think he found his Peerless Price again.
  14. He's a gunslinger and he will throw some intercepts. BTW, so did Warner when the Rams were the "greatest show on turf". They didn't turn out all that bad, huh?
  15. As long as Drew plays like this I have no quams with him leading this team next season. JP can sit and learn until he's truly ready, and if Drew spits the bit in 2005 Losman will be properly prepared. Drew looks like a new man since he now has full confidence in Lee Evans and a monster running attack with the Bill's MVP Willis McGahee. That game was so much fun to watch!
  16. Little Red Corvette.
  17. "Exotic Dancer", yeah right.
  18. Everyone must go to the bangtoon archive (link at bottom right) and watch the AFC Preview cartoon. The last segment is a preview of the Bills with Malarkey and Bledsoe (drawn like Frankenstein). Malarkey show's off his Mobilizer 5000 remote control. Way way funny guys.
  19. Newsflash to ICE http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/recap/NFL_20041010_STL@SEA To say the game is at hand against the Rams is a just silly-ass statement. JP Losman was horrible in his only outing against the Pats with the fumble and the interception. You don't throw in the rookie who has missed 3 months of practice and showed a penchant of coughing it up against a team that has one of the quickest TD scoring capabilities in the NFL. Relax and enjoy the success of a Bills win. Why try to tear everything down? I'm sure you will poo poo my reasoning, but I couldn't care less if you do.
  20. So far they've played: Saints, Bucs, 49ers twice, Rams twice, Patriots, Cardinals, Panthers, and Miami. How do the Bills get one of these pattycake schedules? I hope someone tells big Sam to lay off the Turkey, judging by his play he's at his optimum weight and we don't need him slowing down any time soon.
  21. Now you guys chime in???? Where were you the last couple of days when I was fighting the holy crusaders?????
  22. Bet the Rams. The Bills showed it's true colors Sunday night and it's frightening how little they fought. (If JP were playing all bets would be off)
  23. I just thought of another team that could use him next year... the Buffalo Bills.
  24. I hope your right, but I guess I' be as upset too if I had 2 years worth of being one of the worst NFL offenses in the league. This might be a reaction to Malarky's statement saying Bledsoe will be the QB until the Bills are mathmatically eliminated. That would tick me off too because he, as has everyone, has had his fill of Bledsoe's decline.
  25. As if this season hasn't sucked enough, my favorite player now wants off the team...thanks Eric!
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