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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. Moulds is not worth 8 million and we all know that. Unfortunately I think he's only willing to restructure rather than take a pay cut. I love Moulds but would we be better off asking Moulds to take a pay cut, then if he balks cut him and go after a David Patton? Moulds dropped so many passes this past season that I'm very uncomfortable with that cap hit. Moulds is worth 4-6 million at most next season.
  2. I'm thinking from 6 mil to 2.5 mil.
  3. I heard that David Patten wants out because of his reduced roll. I'm sure there are others on the team will not sit by as their careers are being spent on the bench. Especially after having already won their Superbowl rings.
  4. McNabb is prone to bad games like this. He has a history of not being able to hit the broadside of a barn every now and then. This is why he will never be considered a great quarterback. Inconsistency. No conspiracy theory neccessary.
  5. I think that it would be an even match after watching McNabb's ability to throw picks like Bledsoe does.
  6. He has to be the toughest man alive. Not only did he do it, but he still had the ability to walk back into the bar and show everybody his cut off balls. Wow.
  7. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Bruce Springstein at a Superbowl halftime. But I'm sure the youngsters wouldn't be cool with that.
  8. The NFL said that if everyone keeps bitchin and moaning about who's going to do the halftime shows, they'll be forced to reunite "Up with People".
  9. Not if JP Losman is starting for the Bills. The media will not be even picking us for the playoffs if this is the case. Not that it means anything.
  10. That same clip was the coolest teaser I've seen. I'm looking forward to seeing that movie. Long wait though.
  11. Not sure why you're angry towards Jose. Are you a Mark McGuire/Jason Giambi fan or something? If these alligations are true then screw Big Mac and his worthless records.
  12. You forgot one... You MUST get pressure on Tom Brady. The only time he loses is when he's forced into mistakes. This is Jerry Gray's numero uno mission.
  13. It just sounds immature. Accept that they're better than us and move on already. Plus, what are you teaching kids by sayinf f this and f that and all. Show a little good sportsmanship and class and tip your cap to a great team today. I don't like the Pats because I'm a Bills fan, but ranting and raving till your blue in the face is a little over the top for me.
  14. It looked as if he immediately fell to the ground then popped up and ran toward the Eagle side of the field with the ball extended. I was wondering if an Eagle player could have come up from behind and ripped the ball away and ran it in for the game winning TD.
  15. I aint that bold yet.
  16. Very well put. I think it's cool that we will have 2 shots at beating a "dynasty" team next season. Never thought that would happen in an era of free agency. But that is now the case.
  17. To all the haters, this "___ the Patriots" stuff is boooooooring. They're a great team that deserves all the accolades coming to them. The whining and crying is making Buffalo Bills fans look bad. Grow up already.
  18. Drew was never mentioned in the interview.
  19. Talked mainly about the four Superbowls he was in. About the not having the ball for over an hour in the first one. Thinks that there'll be a turning point play like Thurman's fumble in this Superbowl. Thinks the Pats will win and thinks Brady moves to Montana level with the win.
  20. Patriots win 34-20 and the MVP is Corry Dillon.
  21. Never said that a--hole. Your boyfriend JP better be as good as you say he is.
  22. How can you be so certain JP can lead this team to the playoffs before Sam Adams, London Fletcher, Pat Williams, Troy Vincent and Lawyer Milloy become too old and slow? This kid better be great fast because a lot, and I mean A LOT, of people around here are banking on it.
  23. Try having an original thought. Just once please.
  24. Let me ask you this Einstein. Do you think that JP Losman is even close to being as good of a QB as Steve McNair? If you do than you sir are dumber than dirt. This team needs a QB that is already seasoned and already battle tested. What ills the Bills is the fact that our defense and specials are already in their window of opportunity as far as being Superbowl ready. How long is JP going to take before he can get us to the big dance? Hate to burst your bubble, but by the time he's ready our defense will be way too long in the tooth buddy.
  25. The show starts at 1pm and is 5 hours long. However, I don't know when he is scheduled to go on.
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