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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. I have no problem with him coming out in public. I have a problem with them presenting him as the heir apparent to the greats. They need to cool their jets with that stuff because his job will be difficult enough. I can already see the national media commenting on how everyone in Buffalo has JP in the Hall of Fame already.
  2. So were all supposed to act as if he's a done deal? That's not how it works in football. You get the respect AFTER you've done it on the field, not before.
  3. go back into the film room and not come out till preseason starts? I'm a little uncomfortable with him getting so much press and props before he's even proven it in a real game. I know it's NOT HIS FAULT because the Bills are trying to hype him and the team. All that I'm saying is that if he continues to get so pumped up from now till the first game it will get a bit silly because of his having no real experience yet. This team should choke back on the Losman marketing blitz and should remind everyone this is a defensive oriented team right now. Talk about putting pressure on the dude, here's Jack Kemp! Here's Jim Kelly! Now here's JP Losman! C'mon TD, this aint no way to ease in a young QB. If the hype continues I could also forsee the veterans getting very annoyed, I know I'd be.
  4. Thanks for proving that the comment "In April you told us we would get a 1st or a 2nd at worst" you attributed to me was false. As a final note, if we do get a conditional third, then a second round pick could be very reachable depending on the performance of Henry. Were at the spliting of hairs portion of this argument and at least I'm big enough to admit to being wrong about past Buffalo Bill's moves. Care to admit you've been wrong in the past?
  5. Prove it. I NEVER said we'd get a first round pick for Henry. Before the draft I thought we'd get a second round pick for him. Now I think we'll get a conditional third, turning into a second based on performance (so we may STILL get that second round pick). Apparently your fourth or fifth prodiction will NOT be right. Now where you pulled "by your own logic is only worth a 4th" out of is a bit scary, you made not one bit of sense with that nugget. Wow!! You once said the "possibility" of a third? You're a regular Nostradamus, aren't you?
  6. My response was not in questioning your partyline loyalties. It was why you are so ready to rid the Bills of Henry when I think we all know he will eventually fetch at least a 3rd round pick. But using your spin on things, I've been on the right AND wrong end of the majority opinions here: I thought RJ was better than Doug - wrong I applauded TD for putting the tag on Peerless - right I thought Bledsoe was the answer till the Pittsburgh debacle - way way wrong I wanted TD to draft Lee Evans - right None of us are right all of the time.
  7. Stuart Scott doing worst lists, just a tad bit ironic.
  8. ...and I think that's bending over and letting another team take advantage of you. Last I knew, TD doesn't wear lipstick.
  9. Can Bigfoot play left tackle? Get er done TD!
  10. The shoulder stripes look like suspenders.
  11. Why you're giddy over a fourth round pick is beyond baffeling to me.
  12. Teams are not desperate enough because we are still months away from the season. Add in the fact that another team will surely have a season ending injury to a starting tailback this preseason, it happens every year. We are still playing the waiting game and if the worst the Bills get is having Henry as our backup then I can think of much worse things to get upset over. Being offered fourth and fifth round draft picks is a joke for a talent like Henry.
  13. I saw #31 Dick Dale last night. The guy's old but he still can shred on the guitar, it was a truely awesome show.
  14. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's thankfull your not the Bills GM.
  15. Oh gee, a fourth round pick for Travis Henry! The Titans can go scratch themselves with these lowball offers. TD is probably offended by these jokers and Henry will eventually go to a team other than the Titans.
  16. Yeah right, just like nobody was going to give us a first round pick for the right to sign Peerless Price. Shame? The shame is how you keep questioning the Bills for not giving Henry away for a 5th round throw away draft pick. How stupid would this look the first time a starting runningback goes down this preseason. TD does know what he's doing here. Teams like Tennesse and Jacksonville can go scratch because they should already know we're they're not getting him for a low round draft pick. Jacksonville doesn't want Henry? Who gives a s___.
  17. Rolling Stone lost it's credibilty a long long time ago. This joke list will not help it's search.
  18. Why do you still go there for football info?
  19. Let's not forget the Raiders threw a boat load of cash at Lamont Jordan, who in my opinion is completely unproven as an NFL starting running back. I seriously think that Travis Henry will have a better season than Jordan when he finally hooks up with a new team. I chuckle at all these posters telling us that Henry isn't worth anything more than a 5th rounder and give other NFL GM's previous crap offers for Henry as proof. NFL GMs routinely make stupid mistakes, some of their biggest blunders are the moves that are never made.
  20. shove it up his big fat you-know-what. Where do these guys get off saying they're interested in Henry then insult the team, GM and player with that kind of offer?
  21. Don't be so sure of yourself. Miss Hilton couldn't have looked anymore "Farrah Fawcett" in that pirate whore carwash commercial. Methinks she has her hot little hand on the hip/fashion pulse of America.
  22. She's nothing but a damn pirate whore... ...and I like it.
  23. If they were more interested in their legacy wouldn't the rebuilding of ground zero be about 100 times more important than building a football stadium? As for the Olympics the previous poster mentioned, since they've let in all the pros and half of them are cheating steroid tests no one really cares about them anymore, do they? I guess as long as there's no real resistance coming from the NTS taxpayers then maybe I shouldn't give a you-know-what. They're the ones paying for it after all.
  24. ...a 2.2 billion dollar stadium care of the NYS taxpayers when ground zero is still a barren hole in the ground? 100 years from now when people look at this time period in New York State history they will undoubtedly shake their heads and wonder how this stadium was approved before the rebuilding of the devestation that was 9-11. This whole thing is so disgusting to me and I don't even live in New York State anymore. Isn't there anything better NYS and NYC can do with 2.2 billion rather than lining Woody Johnson's already bulging pockets?
  25. I've always said we'd be getting a second rounder for him. I thought it would be in this past draft, but it looks like it will be in the 2006 draft. I could also forsee a conditional 3rd round pick that gives us a 2nd rounder if Travis gains over 1,000 yards. Lets face facts, training camp hasn't even started and we already have 2 teams that need help.
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