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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. It was one of our poorest performances as a defense, yet they still did enough to win that game. Drew "gave" Pittsburg points and the win with his poor play. I'm glad he's long gone. I'm sure our defense feels the same way.
  2. How 'bout we not use styrofoam next time.
  3. ...than Moulds this season. I do. JP knows that Evans will be his longterm bread and butter receiver and he won't be wasting any more time than nessessary developing a TD connection with him.
  4. They should have put Steve Young and Michael Irvin in the booth with Al. But they wouldn't have had the cahonas to do that to ol' Joe. Young is smart and Irvin is as honest as he is entertaining on the NFL countdown show. I know a lot of people around here hate Irvin, but I think he knows what drives players better than anyone covering the game.
  5. Those people will be eating some crow today.
  6. Blew me away, I saw it and couldn't believe it.
  7. People still watch ESPN? You couldn't pay me to watch that piece of crap channel.
  8. But c'mon now, don't you know? Pat speaks the truth!
  9. Um...we were 9-7 last year.
  10. Sorry loser, without Moss the Vikings will be no where near the Superbowl in Detriot.
  11. Looking at the end of this upcoming season Moulds and Clements are the next two players who's contracts the Bills will have to deal with. I know that Moulds will still be under contract, but I think we all know that they will not be paying him 8 or 9 million next season. Clements of course will be a free agent. What I'm wondering is what do you think will be the breaking point of these negotiations. I think Moulds is worth no more than 5 million and I feel that Clements' worth is no more than 6 million a season. That being said I think it will be much more probable that Moulds will renegotiate down to what the Bill's can afford than Nate Clements sticking around when getting offers from teams willing to break the bank for a top corner.
  12. I'm so glad Lurch is no longer on our team.
  13. I think that Kelly should win a Golden Globes award.
  14. We should have a map of the middle east and use color coded US nuclear threat warning levels for certain terrorist friendly states. Oh look, the Saudi and Iranian threat for a US Nuke attack has risen to an orange level today. I know this is broad banded nationalistic hyperbole, but as Butters would say "I'm angry as all-heck today".
  15. I didn't like the Tim Robbins part nor the fluffy ending. The first hour was awesome though.
  16. I'm guessing that was the shock-and-awe part of the attack. Once the planet was subdued they would then be able to harvest the rest. I do have some problems with the film, but I still thought it rated three out of four stars.
  17. I look forward to hearing it.
  18. I just think that some people commenting on the film need to actually see it. They would know that these machines would not be able to come down in a lightning bolt (way to enormous in size), or that the reason they were sucking blood was that they seemed to be using us as some sort of fertilizer for the bloody vines (at least that's how I saw it). People are just so quick to make snap judgements on things they never saw. It annoyed me, that's all.
  19. Maybe you should re-read your yellow text storm again. You bashed the entire movie in that post. ...btw, sorry I don't understand every nuance of the internet, some people actually have a freakin life.
  20. You got me Fletch...however, your bashing of WOTW, a film you've never seen, is much more embarassing than my faus paus.
  21. The movie made a lot more sense than using yellow text on a white background.
  22. Now were getting into the percentages of what's science and what's fantasy? War of the Worlds was a very good, almost great, sci-fi film. Even down to it's "scientific" ending of what happens to the aliens. I'm glad I don't feel the need to view sci-fi movies with a slide rule and a protractor.
  23. I thought Edwards passed Williams in big play making ability last season. Pat was like a 400 pound pet rock, he's hard to move and that's about it. But Edwards actually has the ability to penetrate as a pass rusher. I'm glad Williams is gone because I want to see Brady on his @ss this season. As for LT being the number one priority. If Drew were still here then I would agree. Seeing how Losman's big thing is the ability to run then I'm not as worried about the LT spot.
  24. ...and what's up with that Superman guy? A man can't fly and have all them super human powers! Sheesh!! If you're going to pick apart what's non-realistic about sci-fi movies maybe you shouldn't bother in the first place.
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