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Everything posted by 1billsfan

  1. If Trump was such a bad debater then why hasn’t that been shown in the GOP primary debates? I think that you're wishing something true (because you hate Trump) when it’s not true. IMO Trump has been an extremely effective debater. In fact, he has the communication and branding skills to brand Hillary and have it stick. How has “Little Marco” been doing since he’s been branded? What about “low energy” Jeb? While it's not normal debating methods, it obviously has been working like a charm.
  2. The regular middle class people who live no where near DC or NY want to gamble on someone outside of Washington who they think will have their backs and not the backs of corporate donors. The “globalist” policies of the elites guided by the donors using politicians as puppets have effectively made the rich richer and the middle class poorer. Policies geared more towards providing the American people the greater prospect of more prosperity needs to be tried because it aint workin the DC way. The GOP elites are losing their power because they can no longer sell their politician BS to the people. It seems like the elites are much more ignorant than the people, because they’re actually stunned and don’t understand Trump’s rise because they’re cut off from real people outside of DC. Mitt Romney’s plea made him look like someone in serious denial and whose gone completely nuts. Trump's much more electable than Cruz because Trump actually has a chance (yes long shot) to win states like MI, PA, and NY. Cruz has no path because he’s so far right while the country’s left of center.
  3. Trump’s going to be the GOP nominee. All this talk of a brokered convention is nothing but a sign of desperation from the elite power brokers who are being run out of town on a rail by the voters who they’ve been ignoring for a long time. The media will try to keep the charade going for the ratings (money), but it’s all but over.
  4. Your boy Mitt (oops)...
  5. That number is his starting off point. He's a dealmaker. Trump will make things unpleasant enough for American big business owners to bring a good enough portion of those jobs back. The GOP establishment's talking points read like a total surrender which was never authorized by the American people. They fail to understand that they work for us, not the other way around. Trump is at least a hail mary attempt to right the ship again and not a vote for total surrender. Trump has a huge megaphone, you think that Carrier isn't seriously sweating now after all of his mentions of them moving to Mexico? Big business will have to start weighing whether the profits from cheap labor will over come the profit loss from the daily public wide shaming and a 10% markup. Many of these CEOs are making 40 million dollars a year, how many average yearly American salaries is that? We are the American consumer, we yield the ultimate global power. Trump is going to want a few pelts on his wall, so IMO he will be successful in bringing back a million or two manufacturing jobs one way or another. If the GOP is against that, they can go scratch.
  6. What has the GOP establishment done to try to protect the backs of the working class American people over the last eight years? I'll answer, nothing.
  7. The GOP doesn’t care about winning presidential elections. They care about globalization, amnesty and cheap labor. Trump is seen as a real threat to the establishment's agenda and they all of a sudden have big balls. Mitt only cares about the wealthy. Protecting the wealthy, providing the wealthy with cheap labor, providing the wealthy cover for moving jobs out of America. He thinks working class Americans are stupid. He even told small business owners that they need to bully their employees into voting for him or plan on losing their jobs. Mitt’s upset the people have woke up, are done being screwed over, and have come to overthrow the establishment.
  8. The GOP Primary has taken on the Animal House plot line. Blutarsky (Trump) and his beer swilling minions are about to overthrow elitist snobs (Mitt) who will do anything to keep them down... When I see Mitt I'll be thinking of this guy...
  9. Nothing sticks to him. Do you remember everything that's happened and the media would say in unison "Well, it's definitely over for him NOW!" However, when Trump brands someone it usually sticks and it started with jeb is a low energy guy and now it's little marco. I couldn't imagine that they'd have anything big enough to bring him down at this point. All this KKK scandal stuff shows they got nothin' and are grasping at straws.
  10. I've always found it funny that so many people flip out over Trump's extreme positions. He starts out at the most extreme position because that's how he gets the best deal in the end. This is such a non-story.
  11. I’m sure the Disney IT worker who had to train his own foreign H1B visa replacement wouldn't be impressed with such a comparison.
  12. Jeff Sessions just endorsed Trump at the Alabama rally today... http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/28/game-change-jeff-sessions-endorses-trump-from-stage-in-alabama-stunning-event-unites-populistnationalist-movement/ Tea party poster boy Rubio is hated in his own state because he turned his back on the American worker.
  13. I keep hearing about these ”conservatives”. Who are they? Where are they? What do they stand for? When I hear the word “conservatives” now, I think of country club types who of course want the government to reduce spending dramatically, but who also want open borders (and visas) for the business owners of America who want cheap labor and reduced salaries. Americans have become wise to DC politicians of both parties ignoring the middle class for years and years. Trump going gangbusters is what DC gets. The conservative stamp of approval has become meaningless. This is a modern revolution in which the goal is to turn the whole system on it's head. Will Trump follow through on his promises? They don't know, but he's the only one in the game speaking their language. They are willing to gamble on Trump and screw DC in the process.
  14. Also, Tyrod had no NFL starts while Orton had 70 NFL starts and 100 TDs under his belt going into their first season with the Bills. Yet Taylor, by anyone's account, was at least as productive as a guy with Orton's seasoned experience. Having pointed that out, IMO Taylor would have had the Bills in the playoffs if he had Orton's defense from 2014. The same could not be said for Orton having the 2015 Bills in the playoffs. Orton was a statue and even with McCoy and Clay he would not have had a better record than what Taylor had with the Bills this past year. Taylor won a couple of games with his legs, Orton couldn't do that on his most athletic day ever.
  15. Trump's frightening? Hillary's not frightening? One is owned by no one and the other is owned by banks, corporations and foreign governments.
  16. The hatred of Trump is more of a media and politician driven thing and not a general voter thing. Many supporters of Cruz and Rubio will eventually get over it and vote for Trump. Once Bernie is out, I don't know how many of his young supporters will even go and vote for Hillary.
  17. It's not about the Dem or GOP parties this year. It's about Trump's connection to voters on both sides who are done with being ignored and are ready to blow up the establishment DC bubble.
  18. Your slams against Trump just don’t ring true. Here is a simple example… Both Trump and Rubio have campaign websites of course. Trump has a button right smack dab in the middle of his page called the “Iowa Caucus Finder“ which leads to a super easy way to find where to go (boom, done), while on Rubio’s page you have to find his “How to Caucus” box among 7 almost identical boxed elements, his “three easy steps” are hidden where you have to scroll down and find the steps on the right, then in step two he gives you two different Iowa GOP and government websites in which you have to leave his site and go on a journey to hopefully find where you are supposed to go to caucus for him. If you think Cruz is smart then I wouldn’t google “Cruz shaming letter” and also his Iowa caucus finder is just as convoluted as Rubio’s if not more.
  19. Which event is the bigger "charade"?... http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/01/28/beware-hypocritical-conservatives-defending-the-sins-of-fox-news-over-trump/ This is not to say that Trump is a fully trustworthy person, just noting that the "Fair and Balanced" Fox News network is losing tons of credibility thanks to being exposed by popular "new media" sites like Breitbart.
  20. Actually, just look at the 24 NFL playoff teams over the last two years… 22 of the teams had returning head coaches 2 of the teams had a new head coach With more distance from the end of the 2015 season, I think that having all brand new head coach/coaches, new systems and with Taylor never being an NFL starter before, the expectations might have just been too darn optimistic to the reality of a team dealing with so many changes. In a word, I think that the whole team in general lacked that basic “trust” factor that you need for success and playoffs. The defensive players didn’t trust Rex’s system, the offensive coaches didn’t trust Taylor to throw the ball a lot for TDs and points, Taylor didn’t trust his receivers (mainly Watkins) enough to win battles. That last game agains the Jets at least gave a glimpse of a team that was starting to learn who they are. That win might have a bigger effect than people want to believe. So here’s hoping that the 2015 season was the prologue to this years 2016 team which will be the team that will play the way we all thought they were going to play in 2015.
  21. This is not a big deal. In fact, I thought this was an obvious move that would happen. Rex is in a "get the team in the playoffs or leave year". Who really cares about the changes he's making to achieve that goal. He's the head coach and he knows what the deal is this year.
  22. If Brady looks shaky this post season then I could see it being enticing getting off the Patriots train just at the right time (before Brady's play starts going south quickly) and ride Eli and ODB for a few years turning around the Giants team. There really is nothing left to prove in New England.
  23. The Seahawks and Cards will be very tough games, but Rams and 49ers should be seen potentially as very winnable games for the Bills. Depends on who the Niners get at QB and head coach though.
  24. If you want to truly get excited right now, just look at how bad the teams are in the AFC playoff field this year. The Bills are a team that will be ready to roll without learning new schemes on both sides of the ball. There's only one team in the 12 team playoff field that had new head coach/coordinators from the previous year (Denver). That may have been a bigger factor than anyone thought it might be.
  25. I heard Boomer Esiason on the radio this morning say that Bill Belichick would be there best option for the Giants head coaching job (he didn't hear anything, he just threw it out there as an opinion). Now if that ever happened that would be the most exciting thing to happen to the Bills in a very long time.
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