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  1. Thanks for the advice. Any suggestions on what are better days when "annoying little brats" are not there?
  2. I am fropm Columbus and I was thinking about attending camp for the frist time. I have a couple of questions that many of you could answer. What is the best way to obtain autographs? I know they have the autograph tent, but isn't it for youngsters? I collect bills autographs, but I am tired adding to my personal collection with over priced autographs via ebay. Do you need tickets to attend camp? And if so, do you get those at a Tops, ticketmaster or something like that? Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Alright! Go Kevin Thomas - int for TD!!!!! Is he still wearing his cast? I am guessing no? I'm not watching the game, so I don't know.
  4. unranked hoakies beating the trojans 10-7. Awesome!
  5. Adding Salt to the wounds... Indy 84 yrd kickoff return. Indy in the red zone. What happened to our special teams???????
  6. Nate Clements punt return fumble. (3 pts Indy) Brian Moorman punt blocked (7pts Indy)
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