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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Yeah, Cobra is a joke. No one whose unemployed can afford it.
  2. Get up to speed. He lost 80 lbs and went thru rehab. I don't know him personally; so I cannot comment on things YOU imply. If the media had been doing its job, he would never have found a venue. You give no examples for your scorn and you are typical of his critics. I don't listem to him anymore. I've actually gone back to listening to music when I'm in the car, probably better for my blood pressure. If he hadn't come along though, there would be a lot more people out there that believe animals have RIGHTS.
  3. I care about them equally, just like you. But since Moore is the fresher piece of fruit. lets put him in the sun and see what happens.
  4. In general, the two party system has served us pretty well, until maybe 15 years ago or so. I don't want to be like Italy, or France with all their parties, or the like the Muslim nations with their ONE party, or their one family in control. Maybe a three party system would be better. The Good party, The Bad party, and the Ugly party. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost parties. The Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes it rains parties. The more I think about it, three is better than two. It's definitelty more.
  5. Limbaugh has steadily built and grown his audience for over a decade by giving conservatively biased commentary on politics and social issues, that gives balance to the traditionally liberal bias of NBC, CBS, and ABC. Moore on the other hand, totally makes stuff up. He is a circus act that has to keep moving from town to town as the people there get tired of the act. But eventually they want moore.
  6. I heard today the tally is now 985 or 990, depending. The question is, which news organization will be first to report the one thousanth death (not counting Haliburton or civilian employees), since hostilities began. Or which organization will jump the gun, that is , be pre-mature? I predict A.P. on Saturday September the 11th. Anyone else want to play?
  7. Sammy was a great Bill. Captain of our special teams, and a one time starting RB before that. Gave us depth and was a good option on 3rd down. I wish we could have kept him.
  8. I believe the response could be in the fashion of the "OLD WAY." Russia kept a huge portion of the a world under its thumb for over half a century. And it wasn't all that long ago.
  9. There are very few, if any new jokes. I once heard a psychology friend say there are only four jokes, told in a million variations.
  10. Smeered with honey and tied to an ant hill. That's the (native) American way.
  11. And part cultural, as they are trained from an early age that this is acceptable. To understand them is of necessary importantance, especially for Russia. But to dismiss this event as just part of an ongoing rebel cause, doesn't begin to explain a lot of the questions now being raised, such as the foriegn participation and funding of it. And as for the word evil, I believe there is real evil in the world. But that's because I also believe in God. If you don't like that word, let's just call them racists, perhaps a more meaningful term to you. It certainly applys in this situation as much as it does in other cases where it's loosely thrown around. But you can keep you R Word. I'll keep my E word. And I already know what makes them tick. It's their time bombs.
  12. The AP is now saying they were "ooohs." "He is in our thoughts and prayers," Bush said at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. The crowd reacted with applause and with some "ooohs," apparently surprised by the news that Clinton was ill. Link
  13. Russia now believes this was Al Queda supported. These were not freedom fighters. This was another suicide mission, like the simultanious destruction of the two Russian jetliners, this one designed to take out a school full of innocent children. This is pure evil on a scale the IRA couldn't have even imagined.
  14. You got to wonder why the overwhelming majority of these attacks lately are carried out by people predominately from the muslim world. It can't be about poverty. Mexico has poverty, but they don't send their daughters to El Paso to blow up busses, airplanes, and school children. I still think their Koran needs a new testiment.
  15. What a crock. The author states those systems never came up for a vote, and then mentions a two bills with the same weapon systems in them, that Kerry did vote against. I guess this must be one of those true lies the terminator was talking about.
  16. How did he lie? Be specific.
  17. In all the years he spent in Congress, Kerry probably was involved in SOME (flip-flop) legislation that strengthened our military, thereby making the statement basically truthful. I don't see how that is a 180, is my point. When you're introducing someone like that, the whole point is to give them a glowing introduction.
  18. Miller's kind introduction at a speaking engagement, bassically highlighting Kerry's resume, hardly contradicts the message he delivered last night.
  19. But he also insinuated, if not right out said, that Bush knew about the 9-11 attack before it happened. A sinister plot that Bush was part of, for some diobolical reason. Please? Wait till he finds out about the Aliens that are here that the Bush administration has kept hidden because they want to...uhmm. Maybe I shouldn't be telling you any of this.
  20. Unfortunitely for the Democrats, Dean's meltdown made Kerry look normal.
  21. He said that? Does sound like a bit of a stretch. I remember thinking something like that during that time, but more like the thank god it's not Clinton in charge. Or Gore. But not at that precise moment of the buildings falling. I was more horrified than anything then. All those people. But, this is the RNC. And this is political theartre. There was certainly plenty of it in Boston. And there is going to be mention of 9-11. There has to be. For there not to be any mention of 9-11 at the 2004 Republican convention, that would be like there being no mention of slavery at the 1864 convention.
  22. So they are an organization? Organized Anarchists! Sometings wrong with that!
  23. His liberal stands on most issues will never allow him to win a republican primary. He doesn't care. He spoke the trruth tonight. And you call him a whore.
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