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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Well, I never said or inferred that. I was attempting to give an example of a time the US did not JUSTIFY getting involved in a conflict. Iraq was justified, if for no other reason, because they violated the conditions of the truce that they agreed to after they was expelled from Kuwait. At that time, we ceased hostilities against Iraq, but always knew we might have to go back.
  2. And that's higher than the elections in off years when a presidential election isn't involved.
  3. Talk about not knowing your readership, let alone your adverting base. That editor/newspaper owner is going to lose a lot of money in advertising revenue, at least in the short term. Of course, he did get some national exposure.
  4. Where have I been. You're a neo-wed. Congratulations.
  5. And I don't really care what you think is justified or not justified in your own mind. Atrocities go on all over the world all the time, in every decade. Ever hear of Pol Pot? The Carter administartion did not rush to the Cambodians defense. It probably wasn't justifiable at that time. Still three million people were executed our starved. Humanitarian reasons are not the only reasons to JUSTIFY the US using its military. I'm not saying that what we tried to do for the Bosnians wasn't noble. So glad we were able to save the Croats and Bosnians from mass murder, only to watch them regoup and murder Serbs a little while later. You are so transparently partisan, it's pathetic.
  6. There were US forses involved. So bombs dropped with a "D" on them are O.K. But bombs dropped with a "R" on them are not. Please! Just curious, when will it be OK to invade Iran and North Korea. Oh I know. When we have a democrat in charge, one that will run a more sensitive war.
  7. My guess is you are asking about Iraq, not the larger overall situation. Iraq is justified because when Gulf War I ended, there were conditions. Iraq was required to comply with conditions of a TRUCE. Not only did they not comply, they waved their genitals in our general direction, daily. 9-11 changed our nation's focus on a lot of things, including Iraq. Even without the immediate FINDING of WMD, it's justified. That Idiot Sadam drew us into two wars. We don't send our loved ones to die. But they do. They strap bombs to their daughters to go die killing inocent people, they do not know. When we mobilize our people to win a conflict that has been thrust upon us, it is not to die. It is to win. It is to make life better on this planet for them, and us, and even you.
  8. Don't off yourself anytime soon BiB. I definitely appreciate your point of view. I thought I remembered learning Japan waged war on us because the diplomacy of the time dictated we not sell or allow Japan to have any oil. So, that is a boycott in trade of sorts. Hard to run an empire even in the 30's if you can't move ships or run machinery. So they knew they would have to take it (from Indonesia). The American fleet was the only thing that might be stand in the way. And because it was conveniently parked in one place, they went for it. Islam and the Middle east is a whole bunch of different animals. What trade have we denighed them, that they wern't easily able to get elsewhere, with all the wealth that they have secured oil? Oil for food! HA
  9. It's not any better or less perfect an analogy than the Viet Nam one. So, what reason does history now tell us that Japan attacked us back in 1941?
  10. If we were going to be hit, would you want to know or not? What would you do if you found out today we only had two days left to live? I'd marry Brittany Spears. In 48 hours it would all be over anyway.
  11. He apparently also supported the death decree on Salam Rushdie, the author of Satanic Verses. So he is favor of the death of anyone who speaks against Islam. I'd be keeping my eye on him too. I don't think he ever again needs to set foot in the United States of America.
  12. France once alligned themselves with us against England, for similar reasons.
  13. So you agree then. Most likely no major action until after the election.
  14. Holy stevestojan. Moore is now doing comedy.
  15. But we did have a decisive military victory. What we're up against now is different than the amazingly efficient and successful land war of last year. I suppose the reason Israel keeps getting popped is because of decades of lack of planning.
  16. Just a thought. We know we need to get real serious in certain places like Falugia. But we're not doing it. Letting things be turned into a "stand off." Come on! I suspect that a bloody large scale decisive military action would cost American lives, and would politically play right into the hands of the Kerry people, when we are very close to what will likely be a close election. I hate the way politics may be affecting the way we are executing this situation. If on Nov. 3rd, we start to get some kahunas, I guess that's what it will have ment.
  17. Does anyone remember which network ran the story years ago about some vehicle that would explode on impact if in an accident? They then rigged the vehicle with explosives so they could film a simulation. I believe it was one of 60 minutes inspired tabloid shows, but don't remember which one.
  18. Grenades don't kill people, contractors do.
  19. It starts with their ingrained bias. In many cases, they imagine a story, based on inconclusive facts, and their ingrained preconceptions of what they might mean. Then they find ways to fill in the gaps, to support their story. In this case, they fabricated the "facts." This isn't bias. This is fraud. They would not have done this to John Kerry.
  20. Exactly. But even sooner. When you realize they are abducting you, fight them to the death, then and there. It will require being mentally prepared.
  21. Interesting that there's no mention of Al Jazera running it, just a web site. Wonder if that signals another baby step towards the reformation of this barbaric region and it's leadership. In a word, progress, maybe. But, as long as we show lack of resolve, we will have more of this. These guys did their best to keep a low profile, in a dangerous land, full of real bigots. They now deserve justice.
  22. Why, they'll all just start making their own documentaries and heading off to France.
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