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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. No. It's an issue, apparently. But it was still a set up "gotcha," by a media member who wants to make this administration look bad no matter what. Last I knew, Rummy is not the guy who appropriates the funds, or decides where the resources are used or how.
  2. Breaking story on Drudge. Reporter planted questions with soilder
  3. Why did he allow gasoline prices to rise BEFORE the election, and fall NOW? Well, we know he's a greedy oil man, but that could have cost him the election. And why did he not produce Osama before the election when it could have helped him? What's he waiting for?
  4. Alabama is where the toothbrush was invented. If it had been invented anywhere else, it would have been called a teethbrush.
  5. Did you know Billy Graham is a life long Democrat?
  6. She expressed seven clear points of what NOT to do. You're still not going to get it, though.
  7. She's telling your side how to get her vote, and you continue to illustrate her point. Insults. I for one am glad you will never get it. BTW-the bush hatred people outspent the swifties 50-1.
  8. The same marine had been shot in the face the day before, though just grazed.
  9. Possibly to run against Hillary for a senate seat in New York. Ohh, I just got all tingly.
  10. Yep. One of his points was that both Dems and Repubs are shoring up power where ever they have it by redistricting. The end result being 96 percent of incumbents win their elections.
  11. I thought you liked the idea of a third party. Did you see Nader's concession speach? He made some interesting points.
  12. Maybe he'll finally take a bath.
  13. There are muslims here. Over 200,000 in Detroit alone. And they say nothing. Horse hockey.
  14. Except for the minor detail that Christianity abhored those events. Islam and it's leadership does not care.
  15. It was only a matter of time.
  16. I think my mom's last words something like, "Hey don't point that thing, it's loaded."
  17. You mean all racists aren't southern white males?
  18. Islam (Cat Stevens) is in England, and Osama is dead.
  19. They've got these new spray-on tans now, but the work pretty good from what I've heard. If he's orange, maybe he used that stuff that's been around for years- Q.T. (Quick Tan). That stuff always makes you kind of orange. But it doesn't drip off. Actually, I heard the Bush people wanted the room temperature during the debate set at 70 degrees, but the Kerry people wanted it set lower because Kerry apparently sweats a lot.
  20. Kerry did seem to have more composure. First dabate, a Kerry win. And he probably beat the poit spread.
  21. You wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit you in the ass. You say Bush used the word sensitive before Kerry, as if he had used it in the same clumsy way, bringing absolutely no context or credibility to your argument. You pounce on MichFan for lumping you in with the libs when he never directly did so. Why would you become so defensive? You've accused me of saying things I did not say. You have swallowed liberal positions hook, line and sinker. And have learned how to regurgatate them. But you're not partisan.
  22. We don't send our soilders to die.
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