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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. What is sickening is that you have reacted this way toward her. For the sake of argument omit how you feel about the war.


    Here is a Mother who lost a son. You don't think that experience would cause a mother to have powerful feelings and *gasp* act upon those feelings? Maybe to the point of placing herself at teh center of a firestorm and sacrificing her liberty?


    So, after losing a son you say she is "enjoying this" and is a media whore simply because she is smiling? Come on.



    Reacting? No just exposing the fact that she's backed by a poltically motivated organization that will continue to tug on the heartstrings of fools.

  2. Comparing attempted genocide to ttrying to save people from a natural disaster is ludicrous- and shows a complete lack of knowledge of world history. People like this show that we need to invest more in the educational system, and that parents that let their children play video games all day are FAILURES.



    NO was largely run by liberals, not conservatives. Government fails, and then people look to government to solve the problem. :doh:

  3. Can somebody give me an argument as to why oil companies shouldn't be allowed the charge what the market will bare?  Why are they different from other businesses?



    I'll try. Barriers to entry in the industry. Not just any one can start up an oil company and become dominent by offering a better product or a lower price. Oil companies are not monopolies exactly. Because they positioned themselves way back when, I think they operate more like oligarchies, like a part of government that's controled by only a few. I guess the politics of the situation cause concern for price gouging. Still no one complains when the soft drink companies make obscene profits.

  4. Little hint for everyone: when I refer to "Bush" or "Clinton", I'm almost universally referring to their administrations, not them personally.  Ergo, I was not referring to any personal relationships (not that you could have known that...I'm not criticizing, just clarifying). 


    The press claims to represent the people as the "Fourth Estate"; previous administrations have accepted their own definition of their role in the process.


    The current administration, however, has told the press "We don't think you represent the people" (which I happen to agree with, btw.  The media nowadays represents their own interests, not ours).  They established early on a completely different relationship with the press than previous administrations have had.  Thus, I will continue to contend that the Bush administration has a fundamentally different relationship with the press than Clinton or any previous, that makes the press more apt to attack/smear/report on in an unfavorable light/malign/whatever-you-want-to-call-it his family than they would have Amy Carter or Chelsea Clinton.



    Point taken

  5. Major Real Estate Transaction in Louisiana..

    President Bush Sells Louisiana Back to the French



    The White House announced today that President Bush has successfully sold the state of Louisiana back to the French at more than double its original selling price of $11,250,000. "This is a bold step forward for America," said Bush. "And America will be stronger and better as a result. I stand here today in unity with French Prime Minister Jack Chiraq, who was so kind to accept my offer of Louisiana in exchange for 25 million dollars cash."


    The state, ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild. "Jack understands full well that this one's a 'fixer upper,'" said Bush. "He and the French people are quite prepared to pump out all that water, and make Louisiana a decent place to live again. And they've got a lot of work to do. But Jack's assured me, if it's not right, they're going to fix it."


    The move has been met with incredulity from the beleaguered residents of Louisiana. "Shuba-pie!" said New Orleans resident Willis Babineaux. "Frafer-perly yum, kom drabby sham!" However, President Bush's decision has been widely lauded by Republicans. "This is an unexpected but brilliant move by the President," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. "Instead of spending billions and billions and billions of dollars rebuilding the state of Louisiana, we've just made 25 million dollars in pure profit." "This is indeed a smart move," commented Fox News analyst Brit Hume. "Not only have we stopped the flooding in our own budget, we've made money on the deal. Plus, when the god-awful French are done fixing it up, we can easily invade and take it back again."

  6. I think Terry Bradshaw was 1-13 his first year. Steve Young sat the bench for years behind Montana. Stauback sat for a couple of years before getting his chance, and that was after serving four years in the Navy. My point is, there have just not been many young inexperienced QB's that have had success right out of the gate. Arguably, Marino was one. If JP does develope into something good, will this defense still be around? It's an aging bunch.

  7. Projected Path


    Is there a merciful God?


    Now it looks like it is taking aim at Texas.  Galveston, Houston area in the middle.


    Finishing off what Katrina Couldn't?


    As it heads across the fetch of a very warm Gulf of Mexico, what cruel joke can might it play?


    :)  :lol:  :lol:



    There are many refineries on the Texas coast. If it hits there, watch the price of gas continue back up to new record highs. There is nothing funny about it. :lol:

  8. Because, like I said, the relationship Clinton had with the media is completely different than Bush's relationship with the media...mostly by choice.  Double standard?  Sure...but it's as much the administration's making as it is the media's.



    Got to dissagree. The biased double standard of the press transends any personal relationship. I think some in the press grew to like Reagan personally, even though they couldn't stand him politically. They cut him no slack. Meanwhile Clinton could have murdered people and gotten away with it.

  9. I'd like to apologize to Drew Bledsoe...


    Bledsoe: 143.4 rating, 18/24 for 226 yards and 3 TDs.

    Losman: 89.9  rating, 17/28 for 170 yards and 1 TD.


    Guy gets run out of town because "he" sucks...and now that he's got good pass protection, he's outplaying his golden-boy replacement.  Looks like TD cut the wrong QB...  :doh:



    Overall, probably a good arangement for both teams. I think Bledsoe will have a good year with the team he now has around him, but will still take more than the average number of sacks. He has an interesting group of receivers now, including Peerless Price, who didn't suit up yesterday--still learning the Dallas offence I guess. Losman looked very good for his first game and did some things Bledsoe couldn't do here. I also like our back ups in Buffalo now. Of, course, it was just week one.

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