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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Always assumed more of it to be happening than most would ever know. Just figured it was politics.
  2. Talk about a non-event. The media won't let it die.
  3. Great points. I believe I read the Vikings are paying him 13 mil for a three year contract. Huge fan of Pat, but don't think he would have been worth it. Not too shabby for an origianally undrafted free agent. Wonder how close the Bill's came to keeping him.
  4. If at first you don't succeed, try try again....
  5. I heard about when I was getting on the school bus after being released from school. The bus driver told us.
  6. But just one game out of first.
  7. Yep. Bad form though it be, it's still the Bills job to stop them from scoring, not the Raiders job to stop themselves.
  8. Six wins might could win this division.
  9. From a google search: At the inquest Judge James Boyle raised doubts about Kennedy's testimony. He pointed out that as Kennedy had a good knowledge of Chappaquiddick Island he could not understand how he managed to drive down Dyke Road by mistake. For example, on the day of the accident, Kennedy had twice had driven on Dyke Road to go to the beach for a swim. To get to Dyke Road involved a 90-degree turn off a metalled road onto the rough, bumpy dirt-track. An investigation at the scene of the accident by Raymond R. McHenry, suggested that Kennedy approached the bridge at an estimated 34 miles (55 kilometres) per hour. At around 5 metres (17 feet) from the bridge, Kennedy braked violently. This locked the front wheels. According to McHenry: "The car skidded 5 metres (17 feet) along the road, 8 metres (25 feet) up the humpback bridge, jumped a 14 centimetre barrier, somersaulted through the air for about 10 metres (35 feet) into the water and landed upside-down." Investigators found it difficult to understand why he was crossing Dyke Bridge when he said he was attempting to reach Edgartown which was in the opposite direction. They also could not understand why he was driving so fast on this unlit, uneven, road. They also could not work out how Kennedy escaped from the car. When it was recovered from the water all the doors were locked. Three of the windows were either open or smashed in. If Kennedy, a large-framed 6 foot 2 inches tall man could manage to get out of the car, why was it impossible for Mary JO Kopechne, a slender 5 foot 2 inches tall, not do the same? Local experts could not understand why Kennedy (and later, Markham and Gargan) could not rescue Kopechne from the car. It also surprised investigators that Kennedy did not seek help from Pierre Malm, who only lived 135 metres from the bridge. At the inquest Kennedy was unable to answer this question. There were also doubts about the way Kopechne died. Dr. Donald Mills of Edgartown, wrote on the death certificate: "death by drowning". However, Gene Frieh, the undertaker, told reporters that death "was due to suffocation rather than drowning". John Farrar, the diver who removed Kopechne from the car, claimed she was "too buoyant to be full of water". It is assumed that she died from drowning, although her parents filed a petition preventing an autopsy. Other questions were asked about Kennedy's decision to swim back to Edgartown. The 150 metre channel had strong currents and only the strongest of swimmers would have been able to make the journey safely. Also no one saw Kennedy arrive back at the Shiretown Inn in wet clothes. Ross Richards, who had a conversation with Kennedy the following morning at the hotel described him as casual and at ease. Kennedy did not inform the police of the accident while he was at the hotel. Instead at 9am he joined Gargan and Markham on the ferry back to Chappaquiddick. Steve Ewing, the ferry operator, reported Kennedy in a jovial mood. It was only when Kennedy reached the island that he phoned the authorities about the accident that had taken place the previous night. Dr. Robert Watt, Kennedy's family doctor, explained his patient's strange behaviour by claiming he was in a state of shock and confusion and "possible concussion."
  10. They also know that sometimes kids say the darnest things.
  11. What ever happened to roughing a guy up in the squad car, on the way to the station? Oh wait, they have cameras in there now too.
  12. War may not seem natural, but it's been around forever. Thought I heard once, in a broad sense, that more people die at the hands of others than from catastrophic events. Not sure.
  13. Link There is a free downloadable executable file. I've had some fun with this.
  14. The Bills have a great chance. This is not a great Saints team, and they don't even have a real home. They also have a bunch of injuries. It will be up to the Bills defence though, to play better, and give us a chance.
  15. We blew it off at the time, just figured it was late, and he was drunk. Those Naked Gun movies were funny.
  16. Have any of you ever met or encountered OJ? I did, once, outside the 747 club in Buffalo. I thought then, he is a thug, and a complete !@#$.
  17. So, you do believe abortion is killing then? If so, that would really increase the crime rate somewhere.
  18. Not certain at this point that is his thinking. But most people understand that black's at 13 percent of the population are a disproportionate number of our convicted criminals. I think I remember hearing once that one in eight young black males was incarcerated. His statement, an over generalization for sure, but maybe taken out of context. Still you can't string those words together like that and not expect heat.
  19. And then B word because he and his oil buddies are getting rich off the high price of oil, and then B word because he is encouraging conservation. Wonder how many domestic airline flights there are each day in the US alone, maybe a thousand?
  20. A friend of mine says where we blew it was we should have dropped water in to them early on...spiked with meth. That way, he contends, those people would have had the place cleaned up in no time..and they wouldn't have been hungry.
  21. Just to play a little devil's advocate, It's not supposed to be a permanent thing. It's been a unique situation, and Houston Mayor Bill White says the extended length of the emergency has stretched the capabilities of some groups to the breaking point. These groups performed what they could when the government organizations were blundering and failing. Why not reimbuse them now so they can continue to exist and perform in the future?
  22. I was wondering why there hasn't been much commentary about Losman playing at Tulane, which is in New Orleans. Or have I just missed it?
  23. I always liked the version: teach a man to fish, and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
  24. Oh man, where is that cop's hand?
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