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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. It would be pretty scary to think someone would actually listen to her on this one (assuming she hadn't said "just kidding" or whatever).  An interesting (at least to me) aside in all this is, she said this in a "lecture" at a "traditionally black college" apparently located near Little Rock.  If she doesn't say something this mind-numbingly stupid, I still haven't ever heard of Philander Smith College nor did I know people anywhere (much less at a southern predominantly black institute of higher learning) actually PAY HER to "lecture".


    I chalk this up to a well calculated publicity stunt.  Not only is her name in the public eye, but now if a bruhaha erupts, she uses it to forward her already annoying agenda (which as near as I can figure is primarily self-promotion).



    I generally like her schtick. But she has an adams able. Hmm.

  2. This pair has a long history of pulling such stuff.  Wendy's claimed the bad publicity cost them many, many millions. That's less time for employees, less money for their suppliers and their employees, less money for stockholders and those retirees who have some money in Wendy's stock and so forth.


    These crumbs hurt a lot of people.


    Among fast food outfits, Wendy's long has set the standard for cleanliness and having cheerful, competent employees. They put that into question.


    This filthy duo deserves what their hateful action has visited upon them.



    I know, I know. But Justice is tricky. I'm thinking FIVE years. Unlike many, I guess, I knew it was a fraud from the start. I didn't stop eating their chili. (though maybe picked through it a bit more slowly for a while). Remember, no employee of Wendys was missing a single digit, anywhere in the company. Long term, I doubt Wendys suffered much from the bad press. Now. Don't get me started on the press and how they blew the thing up, way up. What is their punishment?

  3. Does anyone still watch Letterman?


    It's very painful to see video clips of him in his heyday and then compare it to his current version. :D


    Sadly, the few times that I have seen his recent show, he looks so damned bored.



    I feel the same way about Springsteen.

  4. I don't think there is any way it happens, but just throwing it out there:






    Would Houston take that?  Both 3rds?

    I wouldn't give up so many picks...not for a RB, just curious.



    Didn't NO give up a bunch to get Ricky Williams? Can't remember. But I believe it eventually lead to Ditka getting a job in broadcasting. That said, we once got a pretty good back out of USC.

  5. People sacrificed the doves in the Temple. Strangely, my basis for this is Anne Rice's new book "Christ the Lord." In it, the boy Jesus sacrifices a dove at the Temple in Jerusalem.


    As an aside, only the 12th in this thread, the book was pretty good. Rice wrote this book from the first person... that person being Jesus. Pretty bold. But she's eschewed her wierdness (her old mixes of the occult, homosexuality, and erotica) and writes a truly compassionate story of a possible boyhood of Jesus. I expected barbs and heresy. There was none that I found.



    The Bible tells us little about the life of Jesus in his formative years. I've sometimes tried to interpret this to mean we should hear little from our male children between the ages of 12 and 30. No sale at my house. Anyway, a pastor once told me that there are writings about Jesus that are not in the Bible, about miracles performed, and doves. Some anchient editorial staff decided the stories were not credible enough to be included.

  6. It was 42, get your facts straight.  Secondly, the story, is about Elisha who while being taunted about being bald was in fact being kept from spreading the word to the people of Bethal, which was a center of sin at the time.  Hence God removed the "road block" and Elisha went on to teach on Mount Carmel. 


    But go ahead and change the facts to suit your need again.



    Children? Mount Carmel? Wacko? Hmm... this all sounds familiar.

  7. what i'm trying to say is, the costs of the health expenses to smokers during the age of 50 when smoking really begins to take its effects is paid by the taxpayer.


    This is evident here in Canada as a result of free health care.  When a smoker has a smoking related illness, the taxpayer has to pay the bill for the medical expenses.


    In the US, i'm not too familiar with the health plans but i'm guessing it's similar to insurance coverage.  Therefore, the more insured members that smoke who get sick and need to go to the hospital, the higher the other insured members have to pay of premiums.


    Therefore it is a big cost to society.  The Canadian government uses high taxes to cover these costs by taxing the smoker in tremendous amounts.  I personally am a non-smoker (although I do smoke marijuanna) and I can't go anywhere without being surrounded by second hand smoke.  It doesn't bother me that much but I can understand some people's point of view.



    I have some difficulty with the argument that we must tax smokers more, because they drive the cost of healthcare up. Smokers die younger, thereby freeing the system from taking care of them in old age. It's just a money grab, that has been sold to the public. It's not the only one. Like charging more to insure a RED car, because suposedly, statistically, they get into more accidents. Whatever! BTW, I don't smoke, if that matters.

  8. Those interviewed by the fellow with the pompous english accent were not all young people, by the way. And the map was falsely labled. I would not have fallen for what was basically a set up to portray Americans as stupid. I'm sure any who showed any intelligence would not have made the video. Michael Moore wanabe anyone?

  9. With Houston's win, the Bills are still mathimatically alive for the #1 pick over all.  Does anyone know how the Bills' strength-of-schedule stacks up against all the teams with 4 wins and less?  That is the tiebreaker.


    The Bills have not given up the fight to lose all their games!  Brings a tear to my eye just thinking it





    Definetly going in the right direction.

  10. Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose....


    Not for even a millisecond, did I imagine I would ever live to actually see the demise of so many freedoms here in the land of the free and home of the brave. It is with horror and a heavy heart that I tell you that this threat comes from within; from the very ones we thought were our protectors; the very men and women held in esteem and regard; learned men and women; men and women we, the American public voted into office.

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