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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. If you put the death penalty on, say double parking, maybe you'd have less of it, but It's not the appropriate punishment, IMHO. My point was twelve years seemed too much, is all. The Watergate burglars got less time.
  2. I generally like her schtick. But she has an adams able. Hmm.
  3. At least Brian Cook will always be able to talk about the game where he and Kobe combined for 83 points.
  4. They blow up so quickly.....
  5. I know, I know. But Justice is tricky. I'm thinking FIVE years. Unlike many, I guess, I knew it was a fraud from the start. I didn't stop eating their chili. (though maybe picked through it a bit more slowly for a while). Remember, no employee of Wendys was missing a single digit, anywhere in the company. Long term, I doubt Wendys suffered much from the bad press. Now. Don't get me started on the press and how they blew the thing up, way up. What is their punishment?
  6. Seems a bit harsh to me. Decades of incarceration? Not sure that fits the crime. Convicted murderers sometimes get less time. Looks to be they are being made an example of. Don't mess with Wendys.
  7. If someone hates eveybody, but commits a crime against someone of a different race, does that make him a racist? I mean, you suck someones dick one time, and everyone calls you a queer.
  8. I feel the same way about Springsteen.
  9. If he does, he'll tie Sugar Ray Leonard's record.
  10. Didn't NO give up a bunch to get Ricky Williams? Can't remember. But I believe it eventually lead to Ditka getting a job in broadcasting. That said, we once got a pretty good back out of USC.
  11. Yeah right. And maybe the Bills will have won a superbowl by then too. At least that's my wishful thinking.
  12. The Bible tells us little about the life of Jesus in his formative years. I've sometimes tried to interpret this to mean we should hear little from our male children between the ages of 12 and 30. No sale at my house. Anyway, a pastor once told me that there are writings about Jesus that are not in the Bible, about miracles performed, and doves. Some anchient editorial staff decided the stories were not credible enough to be included.
  13. Children? Mount Carmel? Wacko? Hmm... this all sounds familiar.
  14. I have some difficulty with the argument that we must tax smokers more, because they drive the cost of healthcare up. Smokers die younger, thereby freeing the system from taking care of them in old age. It's just a money grab, that has been sold to the public. It's not the only one. Like charging more to insure a RED car, because suposedly, statistically, they get into more accidents. Whatever! BTW, I don't smoke, if that matters.
  15. Those interviewed by the fellow with the pompous english accent were not all young people, by the way. And the map was falsely labled. I would not have fallen for what was basically a set up to portray Americans as stupid. I'm sure any who showed any intelligence would not have made the video. Michael Moore wanabe anyone?
  16. Maybe the world was running short of terrorists. We needed this guy back out there.
  17. Definetly going in the right direction.
  18. The fish record may be safe. SD plays manning as tough as anyone. Make no mistake, this Colts team is good. Almost better to lose now and just worry about winning at home in the playoffs.
  19. maybe they were just trying to stay warm
  20. Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose.... Not for even a millisecond, did I imagine I would ever live to actually see the demise of so many freedoms here in the land of the free and home of the brave. It is with horror and a heavy heart that I tell you that this threat comes from within; from the very ones we thought were our protectors; the very men and women held in esteem and regard; learned men and women; men and women we, the American public voted into office.
  21. What was T.O's beef with him anyway?
  22. "I just want to be held!"
  23. Why at this point in the season do you release someone? Is it to make room for someone else? When is the latest a team can make a roster move? Signed just curious.
  24. There are more Polacks in Buffalo than in Warsaw.
  25. Didn't we get Donahue from Pittsburgh, back when they were struggling?
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