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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. As long he doesn't start riding around in a tank, he should be OK.
  2. True. Some are anyway. Like the one who started this thread.
  3. It had already been posted. I'll bet McCain knows there are 50 states. A slip of the tongue was all it was. Try harder. BTW, Reagan never said what you said he said. You Dems are so predictable. Fight, fight, fight. The truth be damned.
  4. Didn't that happen a couple of times way back when America was brand new? Different system then.
  5. I believe the quote was "Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do." Why would anyone still be spoofing this when it's been know for a while that plants, trees, and forests, emit 10% to 30% of the methane gas, a greenhouse gas, that's in the atmosphere? The point he was making was that these gases have always been around, and the Earth has been fine. Yes Ronnie Raygun was right - when asked over 25 years ago what caused global warming - trees. And "the world" can't blame W anymore, what are they going to do?????? C’mon guys…just forget about your fight for a few days and enjoy this nice weather we’re having. And cut down that tree in your front yard before it kills you.
  6. Where is it going to be this year? I heard it has moved to a different venue.
  7. I've often wondered about native american. I WAS born here. And besides, I had a great uncle who was a Cleveland Indian.
  8. I thought it was his grandmother. But I get your point.
  9. Hillary a heart beat away from the presidency? I can't see it. I don't think she helps him pick up any states either.
  10. Did we quit when the Germans bombed Peral Harbor?
  11. Saw it launch this time from about 20 miles away. Closest I've ever been.
  12. And the view is nice, but not much atmosphere.
  13. You're a bigger fool than I thought. I don't believe even Kelly was saying one side has a monoploy on dumbness, or eliteness.
  14. So, you are saying, only dumb people vote? Well, I'll never vote again then. I don't want to be no dummy. Ha. That el learn em. Use me, will they!
  15. Who do you think you are foolin? Ex-con, neo-con. Con? Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This con4 Audio Help /kɒn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kon] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, verb, conned, con·ning, noun Informal. –adjective 1. involving abuse of confidence: a con trick. –verb (used with object) 2. to swindle; trick: That crook conned me out of all my savings. 3. to persuade by deception, cajolery, etc. –noun 4. a confidence game or swindle. 5. a lie, exaggeration, or glib self-serving talk: He had a dozen different cons for getting out of paying traffic tickets. Yeah, like that's not what your side is trying to convey.
  16. "Perfume the pig," I kinda like that. But I don't see how a press sec could have changed the fate of four thousand soilders. That's a bit of a reach. But shoot, we've seen this before. How about Dick Morris's assessment of the Clintons? He was tight with them at one time. Politics is just ugly. It's even ugly when we talk about in here. It's probably about the money. The book will probably make a lot of money. Maybe he needs it, or something. Though I do believe he had some problems with what ever happened. I think Colin Powell did too. Hey, how about this spin: Bush only hired people with such high principles and standards, that when the upholding of those standards was not met, they became disenfranchised. Can you say the same thing about Clinton? Maybe I could spin my way into politics. UHHH.... no.
  17. I know. With the reds, the blues, and the greens, it reminded me of a sixtys episode of star trek.
  18. Phoenix on the moon!!!!! How do we get Miami to go there?
  19. At least they weren't throwing coke cans at the passers by.
  20. What do the Catholics have to do with any of this?
  21. You don't shoot all the dogs because you think some of them might have fleas.
  22. Every time I go downtown, I run into black people asking for change.
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