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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Two of my favorites: Either tied to an ant hill with honey smeared on them, or drawn and quartered. Of course, that's not how I'd want to go.
  2. Like CNN/MSNBC doesn't? You're kidding right?
  3. Wasn't there an equally inaccurate and stupid and forgotten film about the Reagan presidency, or maybe it was a TV documentary? You know, that only the pathetic fools who believed it, and then tended to regurgitate the stuff in it over the years, some posting the BS to forums like this one, trying to hammer home the lies as best they could, unendingly, to everyone and anyone who might listen? No agenda here? I won't see this movie. I will say this over and over again. You can't say something over and over again and make it TRUE! Oh wait...what the hell am I doing then? All right then. Maybe, this is the only time I will ever say that.
  4. I heard part of the speach. It really wasn't Kennedy-ish. It was more Reagan-ish. It was about knocking down walls. The media didn't even pick up on that. Oh but they are not biased. Mean while back at the ranch, McCain is rising in the polls.
  5. The famous "I am a Berliner" speach. Wouldn't be sweet if Obama should tried that one in Frankfurt Germany.
  6. Montana was great, my favorite all time QB. Mr cool. A leader. Some players would later describe what it was like in the huddle. They said it was like listening to God explain what was about to happen. But he also had a great team around him, on both sides of the ball.
  7. I agree; he's already on the national stage. It's not like Namath never threw a pick. But the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of him becoming a Bill. Because I think we're getting close to being a contender. And he could provide the leadership and proven talent to get us to the next level, this season or next. He's better than Bledsoe was, just as strong an arm, more mobile, and can play in the cold. I think the Bills could make more of a case to him that he must earn the starting job, more than Green Bay can, where he is God. I think we can afford him, especially with a contract with performance incentives. And he's got a good relationship with Jim Kelly, which could help his decision. I'm surprised he changed his mind about retiring though. He might just want one more season and retire again. He must believe he can still play a bit longer, and still go out on top. Certainly, how he played last year would give credance to that. Didn't Sugar Ray Lenard retire from boxing like five times? I still have strong doubts that this will ever happen.
  8. Gulsh durn it. There's something wrong here. How come I didn't get to see you naked?
  9. Some on the left still, to this day, try to denigrate Ronald Reagan. Life goes on. Good grief. What a bunch of losers.
  10. I read more into the Bush/Chaney one. It portrays Chaney as the man of the house, the one actually in charge. Bush with the feather duster is his b-i-t-ch. And Chaney is a low life slob. I think some people who post here actually believe that, or want others to.
  11. I wonder if the people that have a problem with that cover had a problem with these. http://s355.photobucket.com/albums/r466/CB...v_tab_my_albums
  12. It's just satire. Kinda fun, that some Libs care what unenlightenened red neck types might think. Those stupid right wingers. Here's a New Yorker cover I've always liked. There is usually some element of truth to hard hitting satire. http://www.graphicsoptimization.com/blog/w...-03-29cover.png
  13. My Aunt once dated Don Shula when they were in College in Ohio. Or so the story goes.
  14. Obama's kids are young because Obama is still basically young himself. I think a lot of people, especially middle of the roader conservative types like me, still want to know who this guy is, who his people are, his family, his kids. If he doesn't show them, what will we think he's hiding or whatever? No cause for alarm yet. The media is always going to want it's access. I think the rule should always be hands off the kids. And I don't think Chelsea turned out all that ugly...even if Janet Reno really was her dad. I'm most likely still voting for McCain.
  15. I'm no racist. I'll eat anything. Well not beets usually. I wonder what culture they come from? Well, not really. Good grief, I hope I don't hate the Irish.
  16. Saying something over and over again, does not make it true. Bush won the election...twice. Like it or not.
  17. Ben Gay - Cleveland Browns
  18. Oh, so these Apes won't be allowed to be on TV or in movies. Some rights. Their unions are not going to like this.
  19. Is he a republican? Excuse my ignorance of his politics. I know how important he is in the financial world.
  20. He made us think and question. Thanks for the recap. Good stuff.
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