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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. That's what I think. Why does Obama keep having to play the victim? I thought he did fine.
  2. Meaning, you see what you want to see.
  3. I really liked the format. Same interviewer, same chair, same audience, same questions. As much as we got to see what their answers were, we got to see their contrasting styles. I'd like to see the format again, with a different target group, maybe labor unions, or seniors, or Bills fans (...so as president, would you allow foriegn countries to buy and move an NFL football team?). Anyhoo, good job by both candidates.
  4. Didn't there used to be a sex olympics? National Lampoon maybe?
  5. That would be big. Surprising. But big. Huge big. I am not completely buying it. But I was wrong about Farvre coming out of retirement.
  6. Sweet. Tell us about it later.
  7. All of the above. But since the first string won't play much, I want to see how Hardy plays. And all the other new guys.
  8. Excellent. Of course it's also number one in a ton of other catagories IMHO. Including health conscienceness. Go figure. Keeping Austin Weird.
  9. I think we take one from the Patriots. Not so easy for them to cheat any more. We picked up some DEs to put pressure on Brady the way the Giants did in the SB.
  10. Will be watching at a bar in Daytona Beach.
  11. I got to ask. How many tasers does she now have...in her collection?
  12. http://s355.photobucket.com/albums/r466/CBIP_2008/javelin/? Caption this.
  13. I've laughed harder in the last ten minutes than since I can remember reading this trek banter. Thank you both. Made my day.
  14. Stiffer penalties???? I think murder is gonna get you in as much trouble as you can get in.
  15. And now: Greyhound spokeswoman Abby Wambaugh said 37 passengers were aboard, many watching the on-board movie "Zorro" when the violence erupted. Zorro? Well, it would appear that hollywood bears some responsibility for this.
  16. There now saying the psycho also disemboweled his victim.
  17. And I've been riding around on barely my rims because I thought I was saving on air.
  18. Josh Brolin, who plays Bush, was arrested during a bar fight while shooting the movie in Shreveport. Trying to really get into the role I guess.
  19. Oh. Good. As long as you admit that is what you are doing. But I don't seem to remember right wingers claiming left wingers made that guy at Virginia Teech kill those kids. I don't remember that.
  20. I'm starting to read things from people that know him saying he has been a very dark troubled guy. We've seen stuff like this before, disenfranchised people. At Columbine, at Viginia Tech, and several years ago at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, when 47-year-old Larry Ashbrook, who authorities described as chronically unemployed and very troubled, burst in the door and opened fire, killing seven before killing himself. He reportedly shouted anti-religious, anti-Baptist curses as he fired. Ther's hatred, sure. But you took this opportunity to make political hay. Shame on you.
  21. Folks! This isn't about religion or politics. It's a tragedy. A mentally sick man, who wanted to die, and take people with him. People he could somehow blame for the world's ills, and his own failures. It's terrible that certain liberals would take a tragedy and try to make it an opportunity to blame their political opponents. Liberal opportunism is what this thread is really about. Meanwhile, millions of Sean Hannity listeners got up this moring, went about their day, and didn't shoot up a single church.
  22. I wonder if Democrats ever ever get indicted? What do you think?
  23. I recommend Whole Foods in Austin Texas. Really, it's worth the trip.
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