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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Bad things. Very bad things. Socialism is not the best way to go.
  2. There is still, the Bradley factor.
  3. Fine. As long as they burn down their own neighborhoods.
  4. I'm planning on it. Ended up staying in Miami longer than expected--business and pleasure. So since I'm still here, I think I'll catch the game. Still need a ticket though. Fair weather Miami fans don't stay too loyal when the team is losing, so maybe the scalpers will be stacking them deep and selling them cheep.
  5. I'm planning to, but still need a ticket. Might be easy to find a bargin since the finns aint doing so hot.
  6. Now if we could only turn all that manure into a fuel, we could get rid of our dependency on foreign oil . . . This story just confirms once again that the Nobel is a political prize. A November 13, 2003 article in The Economist reads: "A glance through his [Krugman's] past columns reveals a growing tendency to attribute all the world's ills to George Bush...Even his economics is sometimes stretched...Overall, the effect is to give lay readers the illusion that Mr Krugman's perfectly respectable personal political beliefs can somehow be derived empirically from economic theory." I did like his work in “The Odd Couple.”
  7. Are you kidding? Blzrul dishes it out as good as anybody. I know I've seen her refer to "stupid white men" in a post of hers before. Of course, she also called Palin, a women, "Caribou barbie." Probably just hates everybody who doesn't side with her point of view.
  8. Did you say it so loud that the ref could here ya? Hope not. I've seen a lot more stuff like that not called
  9. So, you were for McCain, before you were against him!?
  10. Probably what did them in, was when they put on those pink dresses and tried to disrupt the RNC during McCain's speech.
  11. Well, if I was in charge, you all would be OK. I would be benevolent, and magnanomous.
  12. Our government and our system is not serving "we the people" so good these days. I'm ready for a revolution. First we kill the lawyers...then the journalists.
  13. My take is that, all is fair in love and war. And this isn't love.
  14. Not so naive to believe a rumor, unquestionably, and with all the aledged people involved, different ones depending on which leftist blog you read. And many of those folks now working for McCain. How does that happen? It's got me curious though. Maybe I can look into it. I've got relatives in SC that might have a first hand opinion. I do understand how rumors can get legs, like Obama being a Muslim. McCain may have been trying to play the victim, hoping for a backlash. Or it may have happened. Interesting Read
  15. I've looked into this a bit. The supposed smear campaign was investigated extensively by the L.A. Times and others, and they found no evidence any such calls had ever been made. Bush denied that his campaign had anything to do with the alleged calls and even ordered his campaign to release the script of the calls being made in South Carolina. Lots of allegations though. Somehow I'm not surprised.
  16. She would need somebody to be GUILTY. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Who can we blame?
  17. I googled a reference to the 2000 SC Primary. Pretty sorry, if true. Wonder why McCain doesn't hate Bush.
  18. Wingnut? More name calling. I try to avoid that myself. No one will ever respect you, if you can't show respect in the first place. Most people are not completely left or right, you know. I don't remember any of that. But if your point is that McCain adopted a child from Bangladesh that's not white, so what? I imagine it's hard to get a white one from there. Or is your point, Bush bad?
  19. Moron? Stupid? Repig hypocrite? Wow, you sure know how to present an argument.
  20. Yep. On the tarmac today, just off the airplane. Stay away from the children.
  21. Some are, some aren't. I have a theory. Wanted to hear some of yours first.
  22. You know, when Obama first hit the national stage as the keynote speaker at the DNC, I thought he was brilliant. This Palin person hasn't even been on stage yet. Anyway, you didn't answer my question either.
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