It’s fun watching the pundit world spin today’s news about Governor Rod Blagojevich's arrest and charges of influence pedaling and other corruption. In summary:
Lou Dobbs - Focused on contradictions about whether or not Obama or any of his aids had any discussion about Obama’s replacement. This could be just the tip of the iceberg.
Larry King - Threw Governor Blagojevich under the bus.
Chris Mathews - Brought up Nixon, and threw George Bush under the bus. Obama knew nothing.
Rachael Madcow - Used the word “alleged” a half dozen times, threw Governor Blagojevich under the bus, brought up the previous Governor from Illinois, a republican, who is now in jail, tried her best to demonstrate a wide separation between the bad Governor and the wonderful President-elect Obama, and then jumped to a chucklefest of stories mocking George Bush.
Nancy Grace - Hounded the Casey Anthony case to death again. Showed jail house video of mom Casey. Ended with a show with a touching pull at the heartstrings with a memorial to a dead soldier in Iraq.
Bill O’Reilly - This story is just beginning. Cartoon porn should be outlawed.
Kieth Obbermann - George Bush is a jerk and Bill O’Reilly is a liar.
Greta Van Susteren - Interviewed some expert about what was likely to happen next, generally concluding a special election.
Sean Hannity/Alan Colmes - Threw Governor Blagojevich under the bus. Had Carl Rove on. This story is just beginning, but Obama is probably off the hook.