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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Not really, just the very end. Was flipping around. Looked interesting.
  2. It’s fun watching the pundit world spin today’s news about Governor Rod Blagojevich's arrest and charges of influence pedaling and other corruption. In summary: Lou Dobbs - Focused on contradictions about whether or not Obama or any of his aids had any discussion about Obama’s replacement. This could be just the tip of the iceberg. Larry King - Threw Governor Blagojevich under the bus. Chris Mathews - Brought up Nixon, and threw George Bush under the bus. Obama knew nothing. Rachael Madcow - Used the word “alleged” a half dozen times, threw Governor Blagojevich under the bus, brought up the previous Governor from Illinois, a republican, who is now in jail, tried her best to demonstrate a wide separation between the bad Governor and the wonderful President-elect Obama, and then jumped to a chucklefest of stories mocking George Bush. Nancy Grace - Hounded the Casey Anthony case to death again. Showed jail house video of mom Casey. Ended with a show with a touching pull at the heartstrings with a memorial to a dead soldier in Iraq. Bill O’Reilly - This story is just beginning. Cartoon porn should be outlawed. Kieth Obbermann - George Bush is a jerk and Bill O’Reilly is a liar. Greta Van Susteren - Interviewed some expert about what was likely to happen next, generally concluding a special election. Sean Hannity/Alan Colmes - Threw Governor Blagojevich under the bus. Had Carl Rove on. This story is just beginning, but Obama is probably off the hook.
  3. And how exactly, could they have blown the whistle on a Senate seat for sale, before the results of the election were known? Good point though that the press ignored the corrupt machine Obama came out of. This is all Ditka's fault.
  4. Before the election, there was no seat for sale. But we still know far less about Obama and his political assosiations than we should know IMHO. In four years, I guess we can vote him out if we want to.
  5. Yeah, and they tore Sara Palin apart before they even knew who she was.
  6. I thought all Senate seats were for sale!
  7. Conservatives don't want us there. Where do you come up with this crap? But I'd be surprised if we don't have a presence there for several more years. Probably out in time for the next re-election.
  8. Yep. We got through Disco, somehow.
  9. Well, at least Toronto won't want the Bills now.
  10. He's trying to cover his a$$. He's already working on his legacy, and or his re-election. He's not worried about world markets, and he's not saying anything that's not already been said. He is a smart politician. The truth is, this is not the worst economy since the Great Depression. It's the worst economy since the Jimmy Carter years, stagflation, higher than now unemployment, interest rates above 20 percent. Shame on the media....again.
  11. If you ever read one of my blogs, you would probably conclude that I am a middle of the roader. I am a conservative on most issues, and liberal on nearly as many other issues. For instance, I'm not crazy about abortion, but I'm pretty much in favor of gun control. I'm a major first amendment guy, but I despise what our current Fourth Estate is doing with its/their power. I believe in the second amendment, but I also like quish. It's just that on this forum, the lefties that post are far more obnoxiously blind. So from that comes my typical response. Now I must go. I have to find my dictionary so I can look up the word umbrage.
  12. Yes, when all else fails...I remember it well too, and remember thinking, how can this be? And yes, without Schobel we have no pass rush.
  13. Very Interesting! Take this test when you have some time to think. It'll do you some good! You don't have to share your test results. It's for your benefit only! Break out your "Thinking Cap"! I got an 84.85 % without trying to look anything up. test
  14. Ah, you forget about the Raiders.
  15. Not a chance. Trent has shown good stuff at times. Try to remember he is only in his second year. Steve Young sat for years behind Montana before he even got chance. God, this reminds me of the days when Shaw would go back to pass, and the fans in the stands would start chanting for Lamonica. He was already in Oakland by then. Oh, and BTW, whether you like Edwards or Lossman, QB's don't get a lot of chances to tackle the other team when they are running up and down the field scoring points. Yeah, the Bills scored 54, but please, where was the defense? Probably why no mention today on ESPN. It was all about all the high scoring games this weekend, but no mention of the Bills/ Cheifs game.
  16. Intellectual cartwheels more likely. But with that combo, somebody would end up saying, "Jane, you ignorant slut."
  17. I'm not writing them off either, yet. But 9-7 won't get us to the playoffs this year if we can't win a game against any team in the division. We must win four out of the last five, or put a fork in it.
  18. When a dog humps your leg...does that mean he's gay? Well, I mean a guy dog.
  19. Just as long as he throws to guys on his team. I'll be happy.
  20. I was wondering, once you figure or decide you're gay, how do you know if you're pitcher or a catcher?
  21. But he said he will not veto it. Classic Bush critic.
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