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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. No, you are racist, and a Nazi. Period. End of conversation.
  2. Oh don't like being called a racist? Can't defend it no way? Can't excuse yourself for having an opinion that some people might not like. Lick my boots. Racist!!!!!!!!
  3. Obviously, he was a racist.
  4. And you are an intellectually lazy stupid person, just noting from your posts, not that there is anything wrong with that.
  5. Pigeonholing people is about all you're good at.
  6. No one was injured in the fire, which was set Friday night while a handful of people, including two children, were inside, according to James Steele, the Central Mat-Su fire chief. He said the blaze was being investigated as an arson. As a republican who followed the campaign closely...please switch sides.
  7. Link Unlike the “N” word, which is so politically incorrect that one can’t even spell it out without invoking imprecations of racism, the word “racist” is commonly used by those who see themselves as infallibly politically correct....... I know how it feels to be branded with the scarlet “R” for daring to speak about race without genuflecting before the altar of political correctness. But I’m not intimidated by magic words. However, I know many people who are hesitant to express legitimate opinions about subjects such as affirmative action or welfare because they don’t want to be put in the position of having to defend themselves against the inevitable intimations of racism. How are we ever going to “heal the racial divide” if we can’t talk openly and honestly about any issues that happen to touch on race? Liberals like to spout “Speak truth to power,” but they won’t abide people who speak truth to political......
  8. CNN just had a 20 second voice story on it. I stand corrected.
  9. You hate her because she is a Republican, with points of view that are different from yours. I'm not saying you should open your mind. If you did, what's left of your brain would probably fall right out.
  10. Been watching CNN headline news all morning. Nothing. But, I'm willing to stand corrected.
  11. Good point. And I'm not saying Palin's church burning should be either. But don't you sense there is hatred towards her? I do. And towards me too for saying anything about it right here in TBD PPP.
  12. And who else? The Washington Post is one of the best journalism publications out there.
  13. Yeah I'm just a stupid bigot racist..... that knows this story is going nowhere.
  14. Screw you. Call me names if you want. You are still a fool. My gripe is with, and has always been, with media coverage. Trust me, this story has no legs. No one is going to care about an Alaska church that gets torched. Especially one connected to Sara Palin. I guarantee it.
  15. Racist? Dude, you don't know me. I drive slow.
  16. Amazing. Unbelievable. Unacceptable. But it's not the south, she's not black, and no one died. Probably the last we'll hear about it.
  17. Everyone likes a drunk girl.
  18. Wow... Washington DC has zero corruption.
  19. And by the way...they're real, and they're spectacular.
  20. Good with facts, little regard for truth, the winner of a search for the American Idol of the political left, to combat the success of right wing radio. Definitely a pitcher, not a catcher. Slightly less annoying than Nancy Grace.
  21. Well, if you already have a cat, sounds like a no brainer...
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