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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. You're a racist and a Nazi and little penised and a dog humper and a chicken violator and a big wazoo and cootie carrier and a cabbage smeller and your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries and you like to massage donkeys in unspeakable places and you dream about an elephants trunk running across your taint and you wish Rosie O'Donnell would acknowledge your love letters and you have hemorrhoids on your tongue and you are hoping that George W. would acknowledge your love letters and wish Dick Cheney had molested you as a child and you have a cat named Shameful and lick salt licks in the forest and you have a vibrator that you use in your throat and you have a saddle to ride your Great Dane and you wish Anna Nicole Smith would acknowledge your love letters and your sister eats small rodents raw and a sad little gnat is your idol and you have a fruitcup every night after 10pm and your chicken hates you for it and you wish you were way better than fast food you wish you were Wendy and have glandular problem that affects your cerebellum and you use paper towels to squash the smell of your farts and you like chick flicks and a large cat crapped in your bed and you wish he'd do it again and you tried to deep fry a frozen turkey and you wish the Peter Pan guy would acknowledge your love letters and you get cramps every time Mr. T is on TV and you like Sex in the City re-runs and Judy Garland is your idol and you wish Liza Minelli would acknowledge your love letters and you've put a gerbil in unspeakable places more than once and you have Mr. Hat doll you always wear on your hand and you post your email address on the NAMBLA website and your ferret refuses to acknowledge your existence and you have no idea what antiestablishmentarianism is and you wish you did and you thought about getting a bunny but your mother wouldn't let you because she's a hamster and you bought your father some perfume but he won't use it because it clashes with elderberries and a monochrome laser is your best friend and you wish Bob Hope was dead and you watch football only because you fantasize about the referees and you think beer hats aren't a disgrace to humanity and cattle fart in your direction every time you pass a farm and you can't even read all of this stuff without taking five twenty minute breaks. tongue.gif Oh wait.....that was you.
  2. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense, make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.” — Jesus Christ, Matthew 23: 14-15
  3. It's Christmas and I was feeling merry. So I had to come in here for a leftist hatred fix and reality check. Thanks guys, and you too dude.
  4. From Wikipedia A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to investors out of the money paid by subsequent investors rather than from profit. The term "Ponzi scheme" is used primarily in the United States, while other English-speaking countries do not distinguish colloquially between this scheme and other pyramid schemes.[1] Well....would that make social security a Ponzi scheme?
  5. As good as, if not better than any other. You still can't rule out that Florida heat in June coming into play. Kids die in cars every year that way when someone forgets they're there. Especially a sleeping or drugged child. That doesn't really make it a whole lot different. Unfortunatly, there is only one person that knows. And she ain't right.
  6. Canadian car chase
  7. Merry Christmas This rendition of White Christmas was recorded by Clyde McPhatter and the Drifters in 1953. It was #2 on the charts in 1954. Animation is by Joshua Held in 2002. White Christmas was written by Irving Berlin for the Movie "Holiday Inn" and recorded by Bing Crosby in 1942, and received the Academy Award in that year. Crosby recorded it again in 1947, and that recording has become the standard. It was also featured in the 1954 movie White Christmas with Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera-Ellen. White Christmas is the biggest selling Christmas song of all time. Link
  8. What, Linda Loveless is a 94 year old man? I'm done with television. I don't want to know this sh--.
  9. It's a boob tube, or an idiot box, no matter how you look at it. I still believe some of the personalities on the news channels could do better at adhering to the canons of journalism. It's fine to have opinion shows; it's bothersome to me is all, when they pretend to be news. I say this from the perspective of someone having worked in radio, newspaper, television, and cable, for most of my career, and having been one of those powers that be at times.
  10. Cable news was a good idea that's hasn't worked up to expectations. I've been idle for a month and am watching way too much TV. I spent some time in the industry many years ago, cable and broadcast. Some of the best friends I ever maid.
  11. Alaska State Troopers? Could this be more payback?
  12. I hope so. Just now on Live CNN. The commentator did say if Dracula shows up on a ballot, it should be awarded to Coleman.
  13. They have just awarded a write in vote for "Frankenstein"... to Al Franken. Well. I can see that. Why do recounts come out different from the original count?
  14. He threw both his shoes. He apparently had no exit strategy.
  15. These shows stink. So this is supposed to be the answer to the the huge disservice that has been given to us by traditional network news? I don't think so. It seems to me, these commentators are so polarized to one side or the other, and will take a popular perception, one side or the other, ie: (Casey Anthony is guilty, guilty guilty...), the point of view, left or right, MSNBC and CNN to the left, Fox to the right, and they will run with it for ratings only. Not for truth. Our media mix needs to be full, in my opinion. But we should all try harder and care more to understand the facts, and not change them. Don't people remember the 70's, Jimmy Carter's true legacy, not his hammering on houses or claiming to having been the first black president, instead of Clinton. Worst economy since the great depression my ass. At the moment I have the time to weed through most of this stuff. But The average bloke does not. We should be afraid, very afraid, about the info being shoved down our throats. And Nancy Grace is the worst. She was so right about those Duke lacrosse players after all.
  16. I think I just found 200 votes in my trunk.
  17. Why did she go there anyway? Can't she see upstate New York from her townhouse?
  18. We know the economy is in the tank. Here's an idea! We can learn a lot from history. President Dwight Eisenhower created the Interstate Highway System here in America. How he did it was unique. You see, long before World War II, he took part in a military exercise to drive military vehicles across the United States. He learned first hand the appalling state of American highways. In many places, they were barely improved trails. The situation stuck in his mind, and during World War II, he got to see first hand the fine highways of Europe, and Germany's autobahn. This stuck in his mind also. So when he became President, me made it a priority to improve American highways and create a well functioning system like that of Germany. The question was, how to fund such a massive undertaking? With the armistice of the Korean War he had an idea: what would happen if the military was massively cut back and the money saved used to build an interstate highway system? But how to get it past Congress and the Senate without it looking like a massive public works project reminiscent of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal projects? Well, why not declare the Interstate Highway System a necessary part of national defense? Selling it this way worked too. Funding for the massive project of building an interstate highway system across all of America floated through Congress. Eisenhower signed the bill authorizing construction in 1956. It wasn't completed until 1990. The final actual cost came out just over $130 billion. But look what America got for that money: a fine interstate highway system stretching from coast to coast and to every corner of the the lower 48. I'm betting Ike would be disturbed at the state of American highways and infrastructure today. We've neglected his legacy. We've seen the result of this in numerous bridge and overpass failures. The situation, according to highway engineers, is only going to get worse. I'm usually more of a free market thinking kind of guy, and this is definitely more of a Keynesian approach. But I believe our highways and railroads are critical to the health of our country. And I think Obama is already on this. But it's my idea. We will be winding down in Iraq, not leaving mind you. We are still in Korea, after all. But I see this happening.
  19. Yeah right, set him loose, so he can throw shoes everywhere.
  20. Thanks for all you have given to the rest of us. RIP Adam.
  21. If the Bills move, there is no way I'd ever be a fan again. Then, someone said, San Antonio. And I though, maybe. But only if they stay RED WHITE and BLUE. But if they lose the Bills name, forget it. Browns don't become Ravens, if you know what I mean.
  22. Forget about that. Just call them a racist. It gets really easy after that.
  23. Won't even try to top that. But you are still a racist
  24. really? Well I suspect you're just a racist.
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