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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Neither did I. Just a question. Is 52 percent a MANDATE?
  2. Clinton had 43 percent of the popular. Was that a mandate?
  3. Well, we could just call him "H."
  4. Ah... as analyzed by PPP's own non-partisan Tokyo Rose.
  5. Weak analogy. Clinton was never successfully portrayed as being against the Internet.
  6. This one still gets me. Fact: President Bush is the first president to provide federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. And he put no restrictions on private funding, which is happening.
  7. So true. Sheet music used to save us a bit Sometimes go sneak a look at the music store without making a purchase.
  8. I saw someone do that at Karaoke, cracked me up. When my daughter was real young, "Pretty Woman" came on the radio and she sang along out loud. When the part came along, Pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet, she sang, "pretty woman, kinda like me."
  9. I don't know. What ever happened to that spikey haired first wife? Does he have a smokin hot one now, or is he still with that one? Either way, he's very likely still in.
  10. Yeah but apparently only in the last two minutes of the first half, and the last five minutes of the second half, according to the rules.
  11. I always thought the clock stops when you go out of bounds. I can't tell you many times I've seen a player get tackled right at the sidelines and the clock keeps running. Does it have to do with contact? In other words, if the defender bumps you out, does that mean the clock keeps moving?
  12. Perry was one of my grandfather's favorite players. He lived in Cleveland.
  13. I sort of wonder if George Bush will ever be given any credit for the excellence in all standards in place in the NYC area in this post 911 world for this wonderful rescue, but near tragedy. It's still good he's leaving because this way we won't see a war on Canadian geese.
  14. The way I heard it, it as Nolan Ryan. Nolan Ryan is the only man to play for all four teams from the 1961-1962 expansion: the Mets, Angels, Astros (Colt .45s), and Rangers (Washington Senators). Expansion teams in baseball are generally any team formed after 1950.
  15. Times will be slow for a while. When things slow down at work, there is an art to looking as busy as normal when you yourself know that you are not. I have observed secretaries move a pile of papers from one side of the desk to the other, one piece at a time, analyzing every item. Then move it all back again, one piece at a time. I once heard a military friend say that in the military all you have to do is carry a clipboard around, and nobody questions what you are doing.. I worked at a daily newspaper once, and my boss's boss joked that,, if brass sees you reading a newspaper, they assume you are goofing off (hello, this is a newspaper). But if you are staring at a computer, they assume you are working. Go figure. When I worked at one of the Disney marinas in my relative youth, certain times of year slowed down for us. Disney would not automatically lay you off, but instead would find other things for you to do. Wash boats, reassign you for a few days to housekeeping, or transportation, or landscaping, farm you out so to speak. There is always stuff that needs doing. But I remember one day in early September when we were a little overstaffed but kept looking busy, but at the same time somehow wanting to keep our brains busy also, when the trivia questions began. Here are couple that I remember from that day that I think are still pretty good: Mind you this was the 80's, so we were talking stuff that was already old then. A) If you drive due south out of the city of Detroit, what is the first foreign country you will be in? B) What was the largest city south of the Mason Dixon line during the Civil War? C) What was Richard Dawson's character's name in Hogan's Heroes? answers at the end. Then there was this one question. What was the name of Andy Griffith's girfriend on the Andy Griffith Show? No one could think of it. You couldn't google anything back then. Nobody had cell phones. Many of us had radios, but there was really no simple way to cheat and call a friend.... It was Joe's turn to go into the lifeguard boat. The driver brought the boat along side the end of the dock and we made the switch. Joe took command and slowly motored the boat back onto the lake to take his place as the first responder to any problems. Suddenly, we heard the roar of a motor, looked up to see the guard boat heading toward us at full throtle, disreagarding caution Joe plowed through the no wake zone. All of our lifeguard instinks went on high alert. An accident most likely, a bad one or he would be attending it himself and using the radio to call us, not coming back here for more help. Joe swung the boat within about 30 feet of the dock, cupped his hand to his mouth and said..."HELEN CRUMP." Then he drove triumphantly back out onto the the lake. Answers: A) Canada, B) Baltimore, C) Newkirk. One more....what hall of fame pitcher played for four different expansion teams and no other?
  16. S - Give it a rest folks. When Nixon was done, the second time that is, it was over. You didn't have him to kick around any more. But you still did, and you still do. When Carter went away, I was relieved. But he didn't stay away. When George senior was done, for the most part, he was done. And I was OK with that. When Johnson left, it was over. And Johnson was happy it was over. When Clinton was gone, he refused to be gone, and he still does. But what are you going to do? Trust me on this one, "W" will quietly ride off into the sunset, just like Eisenhower did, and those two guys from Blazing Saddles. I'm supposed to go fishing with our newest X sometime in the spring. I doubt it will happen. Yeah right, like the SS would ever let somebody like me near him. But that promise was not made by him; it was made by a mutual fishing buddy friend. Anyway, I ain't any where near Texas at the moment, and I don't really want to be. If the call comes, I will be tempted. Bush really a pretty good guy who had great intentions, and gets zero credit for any of the good that has come from his presidency. Many of you opinionated retards that post here just misunderstander him. I'll be glad when all ignorance is gone. It's still fascinating to me to observe the hatred you have toward people who have little relevance anymore.
  17. Depends where you live. From Wikipedia: Contrary to popular belief, since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, few states specifically prohibit minors' and young adults' consumption of alcohol in private settings. As of January 1, 2007, 14 states and the District of Columbia ban underage consumption outright, 19 states do not specifically ban underage consumption, and an additional 27 states have family member and/or location exceptions to their underage consumption laws. It is an argument in this country whether the age should be 18 or 21 since 18 is the age of majority in most states. Federal law explicitly provides for religious, medical, employment and private club possession exceptions; as of 2005, 31 states have family member and/or location exceptions to their underage possession laws. [13]
  18. So very true. I wouldn't leave it to cop to know the law though.
  19. Pretty much my thoughts. And Unemployment insurance benefits are only temporary, and are there for people who cannot work through no fault of their own. There are some other places for her to seek assistance if she is the victim of a crime.
  20. No, I have realized that this plan won't work. You are just going to have to be smart enough to know the difference. Good luck with that.
  21. Well George "H" Bush was head of the CIA at one point.
  22. Because some here cannot tell when I am being serious from when I am being sarcastic or silly, from this point forward I will put a capital "S" at the beginning to designate serious. And when I am being sarcastic, I will put an "S", for sarcastic. And when I am being silly....
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