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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. You're the one taking late night strolls through neighborhoods with hookers in them. The watch commander told you the reason the officer got out to speak with you is because he thought you were loitering for prostitution. To me that tells me you are in an area that is known for prostitution. That should also be a sign that you might want to take an alternative route home.


    It wasn't late. There were no prostitutes. I was walking in my neighborhood, in my country. We are not under Marshall law. Go suck an egg. Shut the fuk up. You are speaking out of school. I will not be intimidated by jack boot thugs a block from my house. What if I had been walking with my girl as sometimes happens. We might have had some real problems then. The actions I have already taken are probably sufficient at this point. But you have contributed nothing, except sloppy thinking. I've have taken different routes home. The first time was on a major road. The second time on a back road. It didn't matter. I will not be told where I cannot walk by punks like you. The Commander agrees with me jackass. Can't wait to see you on youtube.

  2. Please elaborate.


    Did the officer stop you because you were black, because you are hot, because you are gay? No, it was because you were a suspicious person in an area known for prostitution. God help you if you ever get robbed on one of your drunken stumbles back to your house. You'll be crying that the police did nothing to stop this from happening. Chances are once the police get to know you the less they will stop you. You are new to the area and the officer who works that beat is still getting to know you.


    They would not tell me why they stopped me, which was part of my frustration. I had to go over their heads to find that out. But thanks for your two cents.

  3. So you were publicly intoxicated, which I'm sure your city has an ordinance against.




    It's late at night and you are walking through an area that is known for prostitutes and drugs. I can't figure out why the police got out of their car and spoke to you.



    You are way off base.

  4. I would consider dropping it. If they do it again, write a politician so that some young staffer wanting to make a name for him or herself gets on your side, but be ready for the media attention. Otherwise, I betting they got the message.


    On Capitol Hill, I got harrassed a couple of times for carrying my camera by the young 'uns. I showed my ID and they still treated me disrespectfully. I knew their supervisors and said something to their bosses. Next thing I knew the guys were both moved to posts inside with more senior policemen. I didn't mind being stopped, but being harrassed was a bit much, especially because it was my job to take photos of the Capitol. So despite the cover their backside response, I guarantee your message got sent. If it happens again, send a copy of the original letter to your state rep or congressman or mayor and and get their badge numbers and maybe carry a little camera with you. The time stamp on it will enable you to further document the incident.


    That being said, I doubt you will be stopped again... and if you see the officers, make nice with them, chat it up, ask how their wife and kids are doing.... yada yada yada.


    Probably the best recommendation yet. The Commander did say that if it happens again, tell them I had talked with their Commander, and he said to ask if they are taping this conversation They are supposed to be. Then no matter what they answer, ask them if I am being detained on suspicion of illegal activity. When they say no, tell them have a good night.


    Thanks to all on the input.

  5. Start taking a cab, and be thankful that you have cops that are making sure the area is safe from johns and druggies.


    You don't understand. I like to walk. There are sidewalks all the way. This a nice area. If I called a cab one of my friends would jump up and offer a ride, which would defeat the purpose. I like to walk. It's safe here. I suspect this must be a starter city for new cops, before they move on to a city where there is real crime.

  6. I'd drop it. Just move on.


    That's what I was thinking. New Smyrna Beach Florida. It was a mostly black neighborhood, but I've never had any trouble there. Everyone here is great. All the cops were white, and young. I grew up watching Columbo, They've been watching Cops, but are still not grown up.

  7. I was stopped twice by local cops while walking home from last month, just a few blocks from my house. It's about a 20 minute walk back to my neighborhood from where a few of us like to meet for dinner or drinks. Sometimes I catch a ride, but never drink and drive. I've never had any trouble from anyone around here except the police. Neither time was I given any explanation as to why I was detained or what they were looking for. Just an attitude as these twenty something year-olds with guns searched every cranny, my wallet and asked insulting stupid questions. After the second time I wrote a letter, one I had to rewrite several times to get the anger out of it. I got a response from the Commander who said he would look into it. When he got back to me, he explained that I had been cooperative, but because it was 3 AM it was the officers' opinion that I was looking for companionship (prostitutes). I said geesh..I just left my girlfriend at the bar and if I had wanted.......WHAT? HIS REPORT SAYS 3 AM???? Bull. 10 or 10:30, maybe. And the first time was 8 or 8:30.


    So to justify what these punks did, they lied about the time. My question us, do I file an official complaint which would make them go back and look at the tapes to see what time it really was? Or do I drop it Do I clear this up, and any question as to what I was doing in my own neighborhood and what time it was, and get some jerk a reprimand, or except the Commander's explanation that everything is cool. I've only lived here six months, on and off. It's a very nice fairly quiet and peaceful seaside town. I like everything else about it. The barflies here are awesome. Companionship. Good grief. If I want companionship, I already know the price. One shot of jaegar and a beer.

  8. That doesn't mean the effects aren't still felt. Unfortunately, our ancestors did a horrible job assisting the assimilation of blacks into their culture. Is it fair that we should be called upon to introduce some equity today? Maybe not, but I say it's the right thing.


    Your ancestors maybe. Mine didn't get here until the late 1800's and early 1900's. And they were little more than slaves. Basically slaves to the English before that. When they arrived in America, they could only get the get the very worst jobs when they could get any work at all. So today I should lose out on a job to someone less capable or qualified because of something your people did hundreds of years ago? Please.

  9. No, it's not your fault. But it's not their fault either. From a historical perspective, American blacks are largely impoverished urban dwellers because of the lousy situation they were in post-slavery...the viscious cycle of poverty leaves them there today. Due to that, yes, I believe the scales ought to be tipped a little in their favor.


    By the way, why do the majority of conservatives on this board seem to despise college students, and young people in general?


    Maybe at one time. But when does it end? It's discrimination, my friend, pure and simple. When does it end. Nobody around today was around during post slavery

  10. You think nine grand is going to really allow people to keep their homes and cars?


    Where the !@#$ do you live? Tibet?


    No, that's what he said. I just hadn't thought of it in those terms. As several people here have said, it's probably just a six month delay of the inevitable. But, I wonder how it would have went over if we were told the government is going to give the financial institutions $2300 for every man, woman and child that lives here.

  11. Really?


    Go to certain parts of DC sometimes. If fact large portions of DC are very much like this.


    Go to certain parts of LA sometime. There are certain areas where if you aren't Latino they very much descriminate against you, and I was there in the early 80's.


    Go to Japan sometime. They have signs on restaurants and bars that say no to anyone if they aren't Japanese.


    All kind of descrimination happens in this country and around the world every day. You either lead a very sheltered life, or choosing to ignore it. If the later great, if the earlier, then I'll tell you some places to go in DC and let's see what kind of service, if any you'd get. You will certainly notice the quality and friendlyness of service you'd get at these joints.


    Or Hawaii, or Miami..of course I would never pretend to speak for all white males everywhere, but I'm not white anyway. I'm Irish. And part Cleveland Indian.

  12. While fishing the other day, I got chatting with fellow, and the conversation turned to politics. Despite his Bush Derangement Syndrome, he did present a rather simple idea that I hadn't really thought of. What if the original 700 billion dollar bailout had been given to every man, women, and child in this country, instead of to the financial people. He said that would be 10 thousand dollars for everyone. I later checked the math, and it's more like $2300. But still, for a family of four, that would be over $9,000. People could be keeping their homes and cars and the economy would still be going strong. It's an interesting idea. More of a trickle up approach than a trickle down approach. Too late now.

  13. http://www.journal-register.com/local/loca..._026013523.html


    This pork-barrel stuff is always so fun to read. Some excerpts:


    "First up on the caucus’ to-do list: Making the pitch for development of high-speed rail from Buffalo to Albany. Meetings with key federal and state power brokers, to plant the seeds of possibility, already are under way."


    'There is geothermal energy across the northern (part of the) state that we can tap into for high-speed rail. If we can tap into that green power, we’ll have a leg up in Congress. No other state can. ... Then, later, we hope to expand (service) to Montreal and Toronto. That takes in a large part of the population of North America."


    "The value is you can do your business in Albany and be back home at night."


    That should also ease that bumper to bumper traffic on the Interstate.

  14. They have this really cool google thing. Let me tell you how it works. Like, if you need to know anything, like, say, oh, I dunno, how tall Michelle Obama is? You just go to the place and type in "Michelle Obama tall" and guess what? Out of nowhere they show you how to find it in, like, one second.


    She's 5'11".


    She must have been wearing heals today. She towered. Not there is anything wrong with that. I like tall women. And short women.

  15. I'm not real tall, but have athletic skills, played a little college BB. I married a kinda tall girl and hoped my kids would excel at sports, especially basketball. My daughter looks like she might to be playing major college SOFTBALL next year. Oh well. My son wants to be a big fat Houston cop. He's 6'3".......But there....is...still... another....Just kiddin. I love them all.

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