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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Yeah...but he actually was never impeached. He resigned first, in humiliation. Can you imagine Clinton or Bush ever feeling humiliation enough to step down?
  2. It's a shame people don't know, or remember, or want to acknowledge Nixon's accomplishments. He effectively ended American involvement in Vietnam, opened relations with China, initiated detente with the Ruskies, abolished the gold standard, to protect the dollar, was a peace maker in the Middle East, and helped keep the peace between India and Pakistan. He took economic steps to curb inflation, implemented anti-crime measures, successfully accelerated desegregation, and reformed welfare. Started EPA, OSHA, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Reorganized the Post Office, implemented the first significant federal affirmative action program. Started the Space shuttle program...... Other presidents have caused more damage than Nixon. Unless you're referring to the fact that tons of Woodward and Bernstein inspired young people rushed to journalism schools, to later turn the once respectable profession into what it is today?
  3. The tape does give some insight into his thought processes, how he bounces ideas around. "All in the Family" was cutting edge and controversial television at the time. I had forgotten how many names there used to be for gays.
  4. I think it's her Cume audience, not her average quarter hour rating, that make her a nightmare. I will investigate.
  5. Does anyone else here see the irony of Nancy Grace railing on the idea of Casey Anthony having to sell anything she owns, including pictures of her dead daughter, Kaley, to help fund her defense? I mean, Nancy grace has been making hay off this story for many months. If she isn't exploiting, who is? Pompous Ass. Hypocrite!! It speaks to the rest of our world more than anything. Duke Lacrosse Team members, weigh in.
  6. Yes I agree with you; you are right. Market forces are of great relevance. Wisdom is still a necessary ingredient into where and how the money should be spent. I don't know what's going to fix western NY. On the bright side, it's now pretty easy to get around.
  7. Roads and bridges and transportation infrastructure is a good long term investment for the overall heath of business. All businesses that move goods and services will need this, and they won't build them themselves. I've said it before, let government do the work the free market system will not take care of, and let government do what it does best, build roads and fight wars. And carry the mail.
  8. Without knowing for sure what's in the current plan, I'm guessing the tax cuts include cuts that will also help small businesses, not just giant widget makers. Big business is great, but small businesses have been the backbone of this country for a while, even after the success of the Walmarts. Small business owners employ more than half of us. And they are fearsome entrepreneurs. Tax cuts worked when Kennedy employed them, when Reagan employed them, and even when George W employed them. But to make it work, we still need hope...
  9. "I love this country. I love the freedoms we use to have." - George Carlin In the end, less freedom for citizens, and more jobs for Bureaucrats.
  10. I don't know. Ended the Vietnam War, opened the door to China. That's about all though. Price fixing as an economic policy was not effective. Oh, was president when man landed on the moon.
  11. Well at least they named a helicopter after him...and a machine gun.
  12. Not really surprised. I am a little surprised that the honeymoon is ending so soon. But I know the media. They will find a way to blame Obama's mistakes on Bush.
  13. Nothing much else to say. Thanks Bruce!!!! Not crazy about your political views. Love you anyway.
  14. I think Castro coined the term when he took over Cuba.
  15. Exactly. Not defending them. If nothing else, it's abysmal PR.
  16. Uhmm, anyway, so, you believe they faked the site crash? Why? A publicity stunt? How does this help them win an election? I mean, I have no idea. It just doesn't seem like a plan that would do them any good. How is it you know their plan? Did they tell you?
  17. The site seems to work fine now. Isn’t it possible that this is something they did to shut things down or redirect traffic while they dealt with the problem? And why would they not want as many people as possible to be able to get to their site? Playing the victim is not normally how republicans play. Just doesn't make sense.
  18. I'm 52. It's not a crap neighborhood. What else could your imagination and speculation be wrong about. It does no good to make stuff up and then comment. To a degree, it appears that this an affluent retirement community that can afford a robust police force to handle what little crime it actually has. The five cops was the second time, about 10:20. Did I say police report? The officer on the phone said documentation. Now is that something they put together after I complained? I don't know. This has never happened to me anywhere at any time in my life. So, I'm sure it's me. Like I said before, I am done discussing this here. I am handling it. I will make it stop. My outrage is only heightened by ignorant defense of police misconduct. And if your are going to continue make stuff up for the sake of arguing some unrelated issue, you will no longer get a response from me. The question that I originally had was basically should I make an issue of the time. I've decided not to. It's curious that you know that that cab ride from my point A to point B would have cost exactly $5. Where are you located?
  19. I don't have time for this. I got what I needed. I'm done. I have to go to work. Go argue semantics with someone else.
  20. Again, thanks to those of you that gave sincere thoughtful insight and advice. It was helpful. PPP didn't disappoint. A smattering of useful information mixed with acid and clown responses. But just enough good stuff to make it worth it. Kinda like sticking your hand in a toilet to get a quarter.
  21. Every individual one at a time. Some deserve respect. Some absolutely do not. Some have yet to earn it. Some never will. Who was really the one treated with extraordinary disrespect those evenings? It was absurd for them to think I was looking for sex on the street while walking home at a brisk pace. Everyone deserves a basic level of respect until proven otherwise. When you are given authority and abuse it, and cover it up, you lose respect and excuses don't make up the difference overnight.
  22. Backpack? Dude, I was at dinner, not camping. Clothes? They frisked me and searched my wallet. What's that about? Are there not illegal search and seizure laws? I said OK sure, I've got nothing to hide. It was weird, irritating and humiliating, especially the second time. Different cops I think. Not sure; there were two the first timem four of five the second time. It was still cold in early January. Probably wearing jeans and one of my polo shirts and my black leather coat (Seventh Avenue). There are quite a few churches in this town. I believe there is one under construction several blocks down from where I was stopped the first time. Both times I asked what's up. I tried to be friendly. I was treated like dirt. And they lied on their reports about the time. Explain that. That's really my big question at this point. I was satisfied with what the Commander said except for that. Why change the time? I can't believe this is professional police work. Maybe I should bounce this off some of my cousins or uncles who have worked in law enforcement. These cops were all very young. It takes me twenty to twenty five minutes to walk from "the grill" to my front door at a steady pace. I was not arrested, just harassed and talked to with attitude and disrespect. Part of the area is our black part of town. I get the feeling they do what they want and get away with it.
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