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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. He's an actor. It's fake.


    I used to work about a mile from the studios where they did a lot of the Walker, Texass Ranger filming and in fact they shot a number of scenes right outside my office window...I watched the stunt double do a lot of kicking, punching and getting tossed in the Mandalay canal....



    Yeah right. AS IF, an actor could ever become president.

  2. That's like saying can a marine be forced to go into battle if it's against his beliefs to shoot someone. Well no, but so also he can't have the job of being a marine.


    Can a garbage man be forced to pick up garbage if its against his beliefs to touch garbage. No, but then he can't be a garbage man.


    This is more like a lifeguard being told to drown the people who can't swim.

  3. Didn't I say I questioned the accuracy of some of the scenes? :unsure:


    I was getting on the way they had him going off on his father when he lost to Clinton. If that happened, he was a POS. As it is, he paled in comparison to his father.


    Well, I won't comment further on at this time. I refuse to pay to see it. What I remember most about the elder Bush was him giving into the democrats who were practically begging him to allow a tax increase, and then villifying him in his re-election attempt for going back on his statement, "Read my lips, no new taxes." They still make fun of him about that.

  4. I love the way the first thing out of people's mouth with this is legalize it and TAX it!! Why not just look at legalizing it and all the money that would be saved by not having to try, feed, house, "rehabilitate" pot smokers. That savings alone would not require it to taxed as alcohol and tobacco are.


    The people that run rehab places would object. And some cops, lawyers, jailers, etc would lose work.

  5. Wacka, me and Big Cat (shocker) are all on the same page. From what Ive read and seen on some news shows, those pot "clinics" in CA are a huge sham and their "patients" are anything but. Its essentaill a HUGE loophole in the law to allow ANYONE to get their weed. Even the names of some of these dispensiaries, like "The Farmacy", illusrate this.


    Any anyone who thinks that if its legalized, the "cost" of enforcement of the eventual regulatory laws governing its use wont be absolutely huge is nuts. I dare it say it will be as large if not larger than the cost of law enforcement for keeping it totally illegal.


    Remember, there is an entire governemnt beaurocracy devoted to the regulation of two legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol. So at the least, take the cost of running that dept and add 1/3 to it. And thats just on the federal level.


    Just put it all under the influence.. er.. control, of the dept. of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and weed

  6. I heard him talk before one of the committee interviews with Bernanke and he was talking about capital vs credit. He was saying that issuing credit is not the same as raising capital which is what I've been saying all along. So we are to fix a credit issue by issuing more credit. That's like feeding a junkie morphine to get him off heroin.


    Ron Paul's ideas are so straight forward and filled with such common sense, he is perceived to be a radical. The system we have now will never let him have a chance. Today, you must misrepresent yourself to get elected.

  7. Too bad Bush and the Repubs didn't believe your opinion about throwing money around.


    Why did the Democrats win so many seats? Because most that switched were moderate Repubs in moderate districts that had similar views on many issues as Dems, but blindly supported Bush's policies when it came time to vote. They put party ahead of good policy. So voters rejected them for supporting Bush's failed policies, and are unlikely to switch back again. Fool me once, shame on you...


    The remaining Repubs are in more conservative districts, and unless and until the Repubs change their positions on trickle down economics and social restrictions on individual rights, they will continue to become a regionalized party. Maybe Hip-Hop Steele will help change their positions, but I doubt it.



  8. Sometimes I think these things get out of control. There is an old axiom that if you give enough monkeys enough typewriters one of them will eventually type out Romeo and Juliet. I don't think it was really aimed at congress or Obama any more than Trent Edwards pass in that Redskins game was aimed at Josh Reed.


    Anyway, the reason Sharpton is pissed is because he did not get the analogy. Until me, no one in this thread even got it. The cartoonist is trying to say the bill was so stupid that you wouldn't need a lot of monkeys or typewriters, only one.


    Anyway, that is dumb for many reasons:


    1. While Romeo and Juliet is generally considered a work of art, random is random. It would be just as hard to type out the stimulus bill or the winning lottery numbers or losing lottery numbers as it would Romeo and Juliet which was a dumb story anyway.


    2. That monkey was something like 200 pounds which is way above average which defeats the whole randonimity theory.


    3. Typewriters aren't even used any more. People use computers now and even if a monkey could type on a typewriter, he might not be able to use a computer. First he would have to turn it on and then figure out which icon was the word processor. How in the hell is a monkey supposed to do that? Plus, most monkey cages do not even have power outlets.


    Bottom line:


    Not funny because writer is dumb.

    Interpreted as racist because Sharpton is dumb.

    Monkeys aren't totally dumb but they are unlilkely to flourish in a post typewriter world.


    Are you the deep thoughts guy from SNL?

  9. Ya it was six. Why, is that a short amount of time?


    Not to mention Bush really put that veto pen to work the last two years.


    Only 12 bills vetoed in eight years, the fewest of any modern president, and four of them overridden. Yep, everything is his fault alright.

  10. Did the Republicans really control government for the last eight years? I thought the Republicans had control of the house for only the first six of those eight years, the senate for four. But over and over again, I hear phrases about Republican control for the "last eight years." And how is it so many in the media and the democrats get away with pointing all the blame for the economic meltdown at Bush? Before the democrats took control of congress in 2006, unemployment was at 4.5 percent and consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high. What changed?


    I was just chatting with a guy who told me that he had to sell his boat last summer.... BECAUSE OF BUSH.



  11. Classic. The new president and congress don't work together effectively because of the previous president's lack of leadership. You're a hoot. ;)


    It was only a matter of time before this one would blame Bush for Obama. Too predictable.


    Can someone please explain to me how tax cuts add to the cost of a spending package. It keeps being presented that Democrats made some concessions to have tax cuts as part of the bazillion dollar bill. Huh?

  12. The President goes on National TV saying if the stimulus isn't passed right away we will have an irreversible catastrophe.


    Congress rushes through passing almost a trillion dollars in stimulus money in record time.


    The vote HAS to occur on Friday, when it is physically impossible for anybody to have even reviewed the most expensive bill in history, going back on a promise to have 48 hours to review it.


    Bill is passed by congress and is sitting on the President's desk.


    President goes on vacation for 3 days, went out to dinner at an expensive restaurant in Chicago last night while the bill is sitting on the desk.


    My questions are:


    1) If it was so urgent, why is he going on vacation and not signing into law asap?

    2) If he's not going to sign it, why not let Congress actually review it?

    3) I don't care what party you are in, the above is disturbing.


    Press was saying so he could sign it on Presidents Day. Symbolism over substance maybe.

  13. It is ain't.


    AD? C'mon now. I don't recall this towards Bush. At least not as often or as blatant. That is completely ignoring the racial overtones.


    Personal commentary on the post? You are a worthless putz. I thought Molsen was a bitter hypocrite, but I would take him over you anyday.


    Bush hatred was unparalleled, and continues. They even made a movie where he gets assassinated. Talk about fantacide. A guy at lunch yesterday said that now that he'll be making speaking engagements, now is the time to get him. He ment it.

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