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Everything posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. I always thought soccer was more of a communist game. Where are all the soccer moms when you need them?
  2. Yeah right. AS IF, an actor could ever become president.
  3. This is more like a lifeguard being told to drown the people who can't swim.
  4. Well, I won't comment further on at this time. I refuse to pay to see it. What I remember most about the elder Bush was him giving into the democrats who were practically begging him to allow a tax increase, and then villifying him in his re-election attempt for going back on his statement, "Read my lips, no new taxes." They still make fun of him about that.
  5. Hello...it's a movie, it's fictional.
  6. The people that run rehab places would object. And some cops, lawyers, jailers, etc would lose work.
  7. Just put it all under the influence.. er.. control, of the dept. of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and weed
  8. Ron Paul's ideas are so straight forward and filled with such common sense, he is perceived to be a radical. The system we have now will never let him have a chance. Today, you must misrepresent yourself to get elected.
  9. Ron Paul, hands down. Didn't know he was still a republican.
  10. Proves she has spent some time in catholic churches though, that calisthenics thing,
  11. Probably safe bet Jindal doesn't make Mathew's leg feel all tingly.
  12. I'm watching this tonight, and elsewhere women are flashing their breasts for trinkets. Geesh.
  14. Maybe government workers will have to get second jobs. I'd like to get a third job, as a goverment worker.
  15. Only 12 bills vetoed in eight years, the fewest of any modern president, and four of them overridden. Yep, everything is his fault alright.
  16. Did the Republicans really control government for the last eight years? I thought the Republicans had control of the house for only the first six of those eight years, the senate for four. But over and over again, I hear phrases about Republican control for the "last eight years." And how is it so many in the media and the democrats get away with pointing all the blame for the economic meltdown at Bush? Before the democrats took control of congress in 2006, unemployment was at 4.5 percent and consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high. What changed? I was just chatting with a guy who told me that he had to sell his boat last summer.... BECAUSE OF BUSH. BUSH DID NOT MAKE HIM SELL HIS BOAT!!! Good grief.
  17. Just saw it. Jim doesn't seem too political one way or the other, just a one issue guy, with regard to the disease that killed his son.
  18. It was only a matter of time before this one would blame Bush for Obama. Too predictable. Can someone please explain to me how tax cuts add to the cost of a spending package. It keeps being presented that Democrats made some concessions to have tax cuts as part of the bazillion dollar bill. Huh?
  19. Press was saying so he could sign it on Presidents Day. Symbolism over substance maybe.
  20. Bush hatred was unparalleled, and continues. They even made a movie where he gets assassinated. Talk about fantacide. A guy at lunch yesterday said that now that he'll be making speaking engagements, now is the time to get him. He ment it.
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