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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Trading 2 1sts and a 3rd is tantamount to insanity. It's easy to give up top picks when it's not draft day. But ask Phil Savage how he feels about the draft last year when the Brownies had to wait until the 4th to pick.


    Brings to mind the Herschel Walker trade, that made Dallas a dominant team for almost a decade, or the Ricky Williams trade by Da Coach. Bet he wishes he had that one back.

  2. Like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJeK4xAJD10

    (as in why can't we rally around good things instead of bad ones?)


    Anyways this whole convo reminds me of the "real American" attacks from Palin and co. during the election.



    No, not at all like that. I wasn't around on December 8th, 1941, but people who were, say it was more like that. I don't remember 9/12 being about an obnoxious celebration of regime change, at least not here in the United States of America.

  3. I don't know if it's a matter of being insecure. It's likely more a matter of somehow getting an elevated sense of superiority. It's like the people who make predictions during the football season, and when their prediction comes true, they come running back yelling "See! I told you so!"


    But it's not like Christians think turning themselves into a suicide bomb will grant them a dozen virgins. And quite frankly, so what if Christians are wrong? If they somehow found comfort at ANY level from ANY ethereal being, so what? Who the hell cares? Well, except the person who feels the need to be excessively critical of people who think or believe differently than they do, but I can tell you this much: the person who laughs at the believer better hope to holy hell they're right. Running around laughing at people for believing in a higher power isn't one of those things you probably want to get wrong.


    Only a dozen virgins? Damn, we are sending way too many of those MF's to their final glory. The used to get 72 each upon arrival. Must be running low.

  4. Bingo!


    Laugable how the anti-socialized med fans are making this an argument. Actually, she was in the best country possible if she was common folk. If it was a common person, probably most would have them taken to the hospital right then and there. Afterall, they wouldn't be worried about the bill... Right? IMO, the fact that she was a rich celeb was the reason she didn't want to hang with the hoi polloi getting the same medical treatment. Probably there are other reasons too... I would guess her illogical reaction had to revolve around her being a celeb... And of course couple that with being embarrassed... Sad... <_<


    I know exactly what you mean. I went to this emergency room once that just wouldn't do, full of Mexicans and the like. I know my daughter's broken arm hurt a lot, but we drove around till we found a better one.

  5. I was skiing with a physician years ago in Vermont. A woman in front of us wiped out and you could hear the sound as her head hit the ground. Her husband was some ways ahead of her and didn't realize she'd fallen. As we stopped to check on her the physician said "please don't say I am a doctor - because I don't specialize in head injuries and I am afraid of getting sued". At the time I was an EMT so I was able to render aid but...she declined help too in spite of my recommendation that we get the ski patrol. I am certain to this day she at least had a concussion, but she was able to ski down on her own power with her husband so there wasn't much I could do about it other than mention it to the ski patrol when I got to the bottom and have them try to persuade the woman to be treated.


    Sad commentary that an internist witnessed the incident and didn't dare help... although I knew that emergency medicine was not this person's forte and I was better equipped to provide the assist.


    It's easy to cast blame in hindsight ... fact is head injuries are not often visible and if the patient refuses aid there is not much you can do unless he/she is OBVIOUSLY injured. Richardson could have fallen on the ice on the sidewalk outside the best head injury clinic in the world, and if she waived treatment, she still would have died. This has nothing to do with the country ... except maybe in the US where everyone sues for everything, medics might have been more forceful about seeing her out of the fear of being sued.


    Saw this cowboy get destroyed by this bull at a rodeo once. But he popped right up, and brushed himself off. Told everybody he was fine. He went back to his hotel room and slept for days. Nobody could find him. Obviously, some kind of concussion, and could have been dangerous. What can you do?

  6. I think if she would have had the skiing accident in NYC, or Toronto, her chances would have been much better. :blink: Had it happened in some two-bit ski town, in the USA, would she have received better care?


    I'm guessing if it were Vail or Aspen, her chances might have been improved, simply due their high profile, is probably better than a two-bit ski town.


    But, this hardly seems like a situation to use to judge either nation's health care.



    OK Fine

  7. Well, at first she was taken to a local clinic, not a hospital:






    AND, she refused treatment after the paramedics came to her hotel, in response to the first 911 call.


    That's all I'm saying. Before a hospital got to see her, four hours, or so, had passed.


    So the clinic and paramedics are exonerated of making any miscalculations about the situation at hand? Sounds good to me. I won't pretend I know.


    Here's my take. Could she have died if this were Aspen or Vail? Very possibly. Very possibly not. Could mistakes have been part of the mix, here (USA) or there? Don't know. Why the delays? I have no idea. I expect the answers will come out. Doesn't sound like anybody is trying to hide anything. If the whole point of the thread is about which country has the better health care, one incident doesn't answer that.

  8. "Our system isn't set up for traumas and doesn't match what's available in other Canadian cities, let alone in the States," Tarek Razek, director of trauma services for the McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, which represents six of the city’s hospitals, told the Associated Press.


    This isn't about Canada. I'm sure first responders did their best. Still a shame. People die all the time.


    A few years back, a friend of mine, a 50 year old college professor, had a massive heart attack on the basketball court at the college where we had a noon time pick up game. Amazingly, the college had just gotten new equipment to shock someone back to life in an emergency, and just as amazingly, one of the staff had just completed training on how to use it. And he was there. Jim lives today, with no apparent brain damage (at least no worse). We later heard, less than one percent of people that had what he had even live. That's not just good care, that's excellent luck.

  9. I could see my 4th grade teacher doing this. She would make you eat half of everything on your tray, even if you didn't like it. On baked beans day, I'd beg everyone around me to take mine, so I wouldn't have to eat them.


    Being Irish and all, my parents always made us drink everything. "Finish that, there are children in Africa that are sober."

  10. I heard the shuttle launch, the other evening. At first I didn't know what it was. I was resting and heard what I thought might be a car playing loud music with the window down. Then I thought, fireworks. I got up and looked outside, and became alarmed. I could see a jagged smokey and fiery trail in the sky and could hear explosions. I though "Oh no, not again." I was in Orlando that morning when Challenger blew up, and remember seeing the jagged trail. And I was in Texas that morning the Columbia fell apart above us. I had nothing to do with either of these disasters, as far as you know. So what if Nixon was in Dallas when Kennedy was shot. So what! Anyhow, I was relieved to find out after running to the TV, that everything was OK. My brother came home a little bit later and said "Did ya see the shuttle go off? Red White and Blue." Yeah. I guess I had never been this close, with the sun having set, with the rockets producing such a spectacular show in the sky high above, where the sun was still shining against the clouds and all.

  11. DC Tom will be upset when he finds out you've hacked his account, RKfast.


    As for the OP, you've been to Bills games, right? It's relative chaos. Now imagine relative chaos in an already chaotic place. I got to coach water polo alongside the former US National coach one summer and he had footage of the Serbia v Croatia game from 2002 (HUGE water polo country). He was there scouting for an upcoming match up and just barely escaped alive, literally. The post-game riot was so bad an entire one side of the outdoor stadium collapsed. DURING the game, one of the refs (in water polo the referees walk up and down the side of the pool) was knocked out, fell into the pool, and nearly drowned after a battery hurled by a spectator blasted him in the head.


    HBO Real Sports did an expose on the "drinking problem" at NFL games (featured RWS), but it's a problem that hardly seems relevant, in the scheme of things.


    The last time I played water polo, I nearly drank myself to death as well. Not to be confused with Marco Polo, which I'm much better at, or that silly game the Brit's play with mallets and horses. Hmmmm. Now, water polo with horses, mallets, and blind folds, that would be something. ;)

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